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***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** ***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update***

11-23-2010 , 07:18 AM

good, bad, crap, gtfo??
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 08:57 AM
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by wilneedheart
good, bad, crap, gtfo??
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 01:46 PM
good, but gtfo anyway
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 05:03 PM
Hi, people) This is my layout. I made most part of it by myself, cards mine too.

there are some new features:
1) button that can completely remove chat whenever you want
2) new panel with checkboxes
3) and many many others

PS: sorry for my English, its not my natural language)))

Last edited by argox; 11-23-2010 at 05:09 PM.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by vvolf69
you have to edit the layout layout.xml

line 3
<table_layout version="1.0"  w="794" h="547" minw="472" minh="325" id="Classic" >
change to
<table_layout version="1.0"  w="974" h="547" minw="472" minh="325" id="Classic" >
also add 90px to each absolute x-achsys value (except the ones which are set to zero). this will switch the table view to an aspect ratio of 16:9.
This was very helpful, thank you!
Any idea what I need to edit in the layout.xml file to move the upper right buttons into the corner?

***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 05:37 PM
Thanks for the widescreen info, will be nice for my netbook to fit one table on the screen.

Btw, does anyone know how to move the timebank timer to the middle of the table or something? I could use the space where it is by default for HEM.

edit: nvm found it. <timebank x="358" y="80" puts it right in the middle between the top two players. (9max table)

Last edited by Octmeister; 11-23-2010 at 06:06 PM.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by argox
Hi, people) This is my layout. I made most part of it by myself, cards mine too.

there are some new features:
1) button that can completely remove chat whenever you want
2) new panel with checkboxes
3) and many many others

PS: sorry for my English, its not my natural language)))
aaaaaaaaaaah Mr.Argox of the thief site found his way to us. before you tease it would be cool if would say thank you to the guys who made the stuff you have on your site first.

[x] vote for ban
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by vvolf69
aaaaaaaaaaah Mr.Argox of the thief site found his way to us. before you tease it would be cool if would say thank you to the guys who made the stuff you have on your site first.

[x] vote for ban
What???Who are you calling me a thief?? i spend a few weeks in illustrator making it. I'm not saying that its all mine, but cards is 100% mine and i spend 3 days making.
Maybe its you who need ban for this unreal rudeness???
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by vvolf69
aaaaaaaaaaah Mr.Argox of the thief site found his way to us. before you tease it would be cool if would say thank you to the guys who made the stuff you have on your site first.

[x] vote for ban
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by mdudov
Whats wrong with you guys??? are you crazy?? what i was sellin that layout?? this forum is for showing

OK, give me a link where i can find this layout??? and MY cards??? its really sounds crazy
you can find my cards here if you dont believe me

its increadible. i dont know what to say, I have never seen such gross people on forums. From what cave are you people??

Last edited by argox; 11-23-2010 at 06:33 PM.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by Pokertini
Any idea what I need to edit in the layout.xml file to move the upper right buttons into the corner?
After a bit more poking around, I found the line to edit.
<panel visible="true" available="true" x="713" id="renderer.view.tr_options" />

Added 90px to make it:
<panel visible="true" available="true" x="803" id="renderer.view.tr_options" />

Thanks again.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by argox
What???Who are you calling me a thief?? i spend a few weeks in illustrator making it. I'm not saying that its all mine, but cards is 100% mine and i spend 3 days making.
Maybe its you who need ban for this unreal rudeness???
you get the same warm welcome as any other of you guys...

i´m not interested in your mods. you could make the best and most beautiful mods in the world, you could make the only available mods in the world and i wouldn´t be interested.

i call you a thief because you are a bunch of thiefs and nothing else. may we should ask teddy_kgb what he thinks about you guys for cloning his decks? or should we ask bar and quicksilver what they think about you guys for sharing their mods? what do you think i feel when i see you guys cloning my stuff? do you guys have asked the designers here on 2+2 who contributed to this community before you took their work and branded it with your logos like you have done with wil´s latest decks for example and tried to make money out of it?

unreal rudeness? you guys should pray that i´m not going to become real rude..

nuff said
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by vvolf69
you get the same warm welcome as any other of you guys...

i´m not interested in your mods. you could make the best and most beautiful mods in the world, you could make the only available mods in the world and i wouldn´t be interested.

i call you a thief because you are a bunch of thiefs and nothing else. may we should ask teddy_kgb what he thinks about you guys for cloning his decks? or should we ask bar and quicksilver what they think about you guys for sharing their mods? what do you think i feel when i see you guys cloning my stuff? do you guys have asked the designers here on 2+2 who contributed to this community before you took their work and branded it with your logos like you have done with wil´s latest decks for example and tried to make money out of it?

unreal rudeness? you guys should pray that i´m not going to become real rude..

nuff said
oohh... i see... a genius complex... you think no one cant work in illustrator except you? i dont know who are you, but in place of your parents I would be very ashamed. I never took part from anyone mods and trade with it. And for my layout i made cards from 0. i made buttons, panels and others. Not mine in this only background and pods. And why i must be interested in your mods?? Its your forum? i dont thin so, 'genius'
And you can ban me, because i would never use this forum, where so many haughty, rude people who insult people for nothing.
And that people who need ban i think IMHO
PS: and i think cards on the tilbaster is whole freebie. especially for 10$ for it. People dont't know that this meanness a normal illustrator user can make in 3-4 hours

Last edited by argox; 11-23-2010 at 06:56 PM.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by argox
oohh... i see... a genius complex... you think no one cant work in illustrator except you? i dont know who are you, but in place of your parents I would be very ashamed. I never took part from anyone mods and trade with it. And for my layout i made cards from 0. i made buttons, panels and others. Not mine in this only background and pods. And why i must be interested in your mods?? Its your forum? i dont thin so, 'genius'
And you can ban me, because i would never use this forum, where so many haughty, rude people who insult people for nothing.
And that people who need ban i think IMHO
so you made something on your own for one time and now you want me to forget about the 100 times before you guys stole the work of others.

one time a thief always a thief.

and no it´s not my forum and i don´t think i´m the boss or a genius, but contrary to you i´m honest.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 07:10 PM
when playing i use copy and paste via the cntrl + v way to paste a note on players at which level i have played them "NL100".

after one copy and paste it stops working and types a space instead.

i use TN, HEM, and some tiltbuster mods. it was like this before the mods and only happens on FTP.

i have a feeling this isnt the right thread but was hoping you guys could offer some insight anyways?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by vvolf69
so you made something on your own for one time and now you want me to forget about the 100 times before you guys stole the work of others.

one time a thief always a thief.

and no it´s not my forum and i don´t think i´m the boss or a genius, but contrary to you i´m honest.
What right do you have to call me a thief?? Do you have evidences for it??? If you think you are best mod maker then you really wrong, i saw layouts much better, especially for pros

And I'm ASKING moderators to make a warning to this man, if he doesn't cease to insult me!
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by argox
What right do you have to call me a thief?? Do you have evidences for it??? If you think you are best mod maker then you really wrong, i saw layouts much better, especially for pros

And I'm ASKING moderators to make a warning to this man, if he doesn't cease to insult me!
do you request yourself a ban when i start to post the evidence? do you have gone a few pages back in this thread? you are not the first of the russian thief site who makes his appearence in this thread...

the following pics are from your site...

isn´t this the work of wil? so he is now a designer on your site?

this is not my hyper simple with a stolen shutterstock graphic on it and aren´t those ept chips?

this is isn´t teddies deck, right?

you are THIEFS
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by ffr
hey vvwolf, great mods and thanks again.

To anyone,

I'm trying to open some jpeg or png files with Inkscpae and save them as svg files so I can use these images instead of some current svg files being used in my FT folder. Everything looks to work and the files are saved as .svg files, but they never show when I open FullTilt. I make sure FT is closed, then overwrite the previous svg file in my FT folder, but when I restart FT that svg file is completely blank.

For example if I edit the Timer.svg, then open a table to try it out, I won't have a timer at all. When the timer should be active, I'll just have a completely blank space where the timer should be.

There appears to be 3 different svg file types you can save as in Inkscape;
1.) "Inkscape SVG (*svg)"
2.) "Plain SVG (*.svg)"
3.) "Optimized SVG (*.svg)"

I've tried saving the file in all 3 different file types, but none are working for me.

How am I suppose to save svg files in Inkscape so they will work in my FT folder.
Originally Posted by Bar Nuthin
in inkscape menu - Effects>Images>Embed All Images - then save
Awesome. Got it to save as svg and work when I put it in my FT folder. But I can't seem to save the svg with transaprency. I have a white background on the svg images I save and use in my FT folder.

How do I save these svg images in Inkscape with transaprency so I won't have that white background in the images?

Thanks for the help so far!
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by ffr

How do I save these svg images in Inkscape with transaprency so I won't have that white background in the images?

Thanks for the help so far!
hard to say without knowing what the png images looked like to begin with.

Post one of the png images or link to the svg image (we promise not to let argox steal them)

could also be an inkscape setting that I am not familiar with - i've never had any issues with transparencies
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by ffr
Awesome. Got it to save as svg and work when I put it in my FT folder. But I can't seem to save the svg with transaprency. I have a white background on the svg images I save and use in my FT folder.

How do I save these svg images in Inkscape with transaprency so I won't have that white background in the images?

Thanks for the help so far!
lol sorry. misread your post. thought it woud have been a problem with the export to png. mostlikely there is a white layer behind the object which you don´t see on the white background of the page. try to select all objects by pulling a frame around them and you will see it. else bars suggestion is fine.

Last edited by vvolf69; 11-23-2010 at 07:59 PM.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by vvolf69
you are THIEFS
I didnt saw where links where you saw my cards?? I dont know how they did there mods but i did it bu MYSELF from 0. And you are real idiot if you insult me because they did it and "you are all thiefs"
I didnt insult you, but i see now that you and "designers" like you from this forum is only a bunch of arrogant bullies. You think that adobe illustrator and coreldraw is a very difficult prog, and only you, "geniuses" can work with it.
But its not a C++ or Assembler, and each man with brain can use it.
And therefore we - from Russia and other european countries will always win your money, because you think that americans is best in poker and without reading a single book when played 5-10 years in it playing at huge minus

PS: and that screens that you showed is mods for free (and if you can read there written that these cards aren't made by designers from that site and will be deleted at the request of copyright owner if such exist) (except cards on 3rd screen). And how do you know ho did it first?

And I'm still waiting for link to MY cards.. prove it, if you insulting me like a ***

Last edited by argox; 11-23-2010 at 08:23 PM.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 08:23 PM
vvolf, Bars + many others have built up an incredible reputation on this site. Their very impressive work and willingness to help others MORE than speaks for themselves.

argox has 6 posts.

nuff said.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by vvolf69
aaaaaaaaaaah Mr.Argox of the thief site found his way to us. before you tease it would be cool if would say thank you to the guys who made the stuff you have on your site first.

[x] vote for ban
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
11-23-2010 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by dickkemp
when playing i use copy and paste via the cntrl + v way to paste a note on players at which level i have played them "NL100".

after one copy and paste it stops working and types a space instead.

i use TN, HEM, and some tiltbuster mods. it was like this before the mods and only happens on FTP.

i have a feeling this isnt the right thread but was hoping you guys could offer some insight anyways?

check this out
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
