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ModYatahay ModYatahay

01-07-2013 , 08:02 AM

ModYatahay is a simple app that prevents Yatahay network from updating to allow modification of the software's appearance.

For now, you must run the program before starting Yatahay or your changes to the graphics will be lost. I will add a run at startup option soon.
ModYatahay Quote
01-08-2013 , 04:11 AM
Some example mods:

I'm hoping some other people will make some mods. If anyone is interested, I can post what I have so far.
ModYatahay Quote
02-06-2013 , 05:11 AM
Will this work with the Winning Poker Network(America's Card Room, True Poker, Black Chip Poker) software? It looks like the same software in your screenshots. I think they just changed the name of the network. If so, you have done a great service to Americans my good sir.
ModYatahay Quote
02-07-2013 , 04:57 AM
Winning is yatahay network. It will work with all those skins. I was thinking of expanding this program, but there was no interest. There would be a directory for modified images. It would then copy over the modified images and launch the poker client while searching for the update popup and cancelling it.
ModYatahay Quote
