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Looking for "copy pokerstars screen name to clipboard with Ctrl + left click" ahk script Looking for "copy pokerstars screen name to clipboard with Ctrl + left click" ahk script

02-02-2011 , 01:31 AM
I saved over my ahk script that copys pokerstars screen name to clip board when you press ctrl left mouse button on the user name at table.. Can some one post the ahk or direct me to the thread Ive searched and looked around and cant find it.
Looking for "copy pokerstars screen name to clipboard with Ctrl + left click" ahk script Quote
02-02-2011 , 09:07 AM
I changed your thread title as it wasn't very clear what you were asking for. I can't help with the script but hopefully somebody will see this and know what it was.

Looking for "copy pokerstars screen name to clipboard with Ctrl + left click" ahk script Quote
02-02-2011 , 02:04 PM
Does this work for you?

	sleeppause = 100
	closeplayernotes = 1

	ifwinexist, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
		hpokerstars := winexist()
		original_titlematchmode := a_titlematchmode
		original_setbatchlines := a_batchlines
		setbatchlines, -1
		settitlematchmode, slow
		mousegetpos, , , mousewin
		if (winexist("ahk_class PokerStarsTableHelperFrameClass") and mousewin = hpokerstars)
			mouseclick, , , , 2
			sleep % sleeppause
			mousegetpos, mousex, mousey
			if closeplayernotes
				controlgetpos, controlx, controly, controlw, controlh, PokerStarsTableHelperButtonClass5
				blockinput, on
				mousemove, controlx + controlw // 2, controly + controlh // 2, 0
				controlclick, PokerStarsTableHelperButtonClass5
				mousemove, mousex, mousey, 0
				blockinput, off
			winget, controllist, controllist
			returntype = 
			loop, parse, controllist, `n
				controlget, hwnd, hwnd, , % a_loopfield
				if instr(a_loopfield, "PokerStarsChatClass") and dllcall("IsWindowVisible", int, hwnd)
						returntype = 1
				else if instr(a_loopfield, "PokerStarsNoteSelectorClass") and dllcall("IsWindowVisible", int, hwnd)
						returntype = 2
				else if instr(a_loopfield, "PokerStarsInfoClass") and dllcall("IsWindowVisible", int, hwnd)
					if (a_loopfield = "PokerStarsInfoClass1")
						returntype = 3
						returntype = 4
				if returntype
					mouseclick, , , , 2
					wingetpos, winx, winy, winw, winh
					controlgetpos, edit1x, edit1y, edit1w, edit1h, Edit1
					varsetcapacity(point, 64, 0)
					dllcall("ClientToScreen", int, winexist(), int, &point)
					postmessage, 0x201, 0x1, (edit1x + winx - numget(point)) + (edit1w / 4) * (returntype - 1 / 2) | ((edit1y + winy - numget(point, 4))- edit1h // 2 << 16) ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN
					postmessage, 0x202, , edit1x + (edit1w / 4) * (returntype - 1 / 2) // 1 | (edit1y - edit1h // 2 << 16) ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN
					sleep % sleeppause
		; Cleanup
		settitlematchmode, % original_titlematchmode
		setbatchlines, % original_batchlines

	wingettext, text
	clipboard := substr(text, 1, instr(text, "`r") - 1)
Looking for &quot;copy pokerstars screen name to clipboard with Ctrl + left click&quot; ahk script Quote
04-12-2011 , 09:02 AM
epic been lookin for something like this for a long while and works great thanks alot!
Looking for &quot;copy pokerstars screen name to clipboard with Ctrl + left click&quot; ahk script Quote
04-12-2011 , 09:35 AM
Sry but im complete noob in AHK scripts.
I just compiled it and i get this error:

Do i have to use other scripts, too?
Looking for &quot;copy pokerstars screen name to clipboard with Ctrl + left click&quot; ahk script Quote
04-12-2011 , 10:45 AM
did you maybe delete this >

wingettext, text
clipboard := substr(text, 1, instr(text, "`r") - 1)

on the bottom of your script?
Looking for &quot;copy pokerstars screen name to clipboard with Ctrl + left click&quot; ahk script Quote
10-30-2015 , 05:08 PM
amazing ! works great !!

Thank u so much
Looking for &quot;copy pokerstars screen name to clipboard with Ctrl + left click&quot; ahk script Quote
