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How do I tranfer my HEM db to PT2? How do I tranfer my HEM db to PT2?

02-20-2009 , 06:12 AM
I want to do this so I can analyze my play with pokerEV, which I had grown accustomed to and miss. I love tracking Slansky bucks.

I already contacted PT support. They say they have no idea. Strange because HEM offers instruction/ support on how to transfer a PT database into HEM.

I've tried some things, but not getting very far. I run XP, have PostgreSQL 8.3. Importing hand histories on PT2 would just take too long. Any way to just transfer the entire database at once?
How do I tranfer my HEM db to PT2? Quote
02-20-2009 , 06:21 AM
You cant do anything but import the hands with PT2
How do I tranfer my HEM db to PT2? Quote
02-20-2009 , 06:35 AM
That is unfortunate. When importing hands into PT2, I can only import so many at a time correct, 300 files at a time or something like that? I can't import all of my hand histories at once, from one folder and wait for it can I?
How do I tranfer my HEM db to PT2? Quote
02-20-2009 , 08:46 AM
No idea - btw, I dont know what PokerEV is capable of and HM not....
How do I tranfer my HEM db to PT2? Quote
02-20-2009 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by negtv capability
.. I can't import all of my hand histories at once, from one folder and wait for it can I?
Nope, not AFAIK. Never mind the fact that you will be creating another (possibly large) duplicate database on your hard drive.
How do I tranfer my HEM db to PT2? Quote
02-20-2009 , 12:45 PM
use the generic auto import btn and point it to the folder w/the hh. the db will be smaller than it was in hem.

it's going to be painful if you have thousands or tens of thousands of files unless you can just leave your computer running and the import minimized, you might want to set pt2 to low priority before starting (I'm not really a windows user so don't know how much that would help).

the fastest way to import stacks of hh is to do ~60M worth of files at a time which pt will do in ~50 minutes - the more files it has to do in one chunk then it starts to grind down non-linearly (i.e. 60M == 50m, 90M == 2 hours, etc.) maybe you can find a script somewhere to feed it 60M chhunks over and over
How do I tranfer my HEM db to PT2? Quote
02-20-2009 , 01:12 PM

I forget about the generic auto import. I just re-imported my PTO DB yesterday,... wish I would have remembered this.
How do I tranfer my HEM db to PT2? Quote
02-20-2009 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by ubeticall
No idea - btw, I dont know what PokerEV is capable of and HM not....
sklansky bucks
How do I tranfer my HEM db to PT2? Quote
02-20-2009 , 09:23 PM
Well, you have the EV adjusted stat, isnt that enough?
How do I tranfer my HEM db to PT2? Quote
02-21-2009 , 03:08 AM
This only accounts for all-in EV, at least on my version of HM. PokerEV tracks Sklansky bucks anytime a hand goes to showdown. So it shows my showdown winnings vs sklansky bucks, which tells me more imo.
How do I tranfer my HEM db to PT2? Quote
