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How do I make PT3 HUD stats invisible and only appear when I click or hover mouse on opponents? How do I make PT3 HUD stats invisible and only appear when I click or hover mouse on opponents?

02-24-2011 , 04:17 PM
I tried going to the configure HUD options thing to switch it to "pop up only" since I figured this would probably be the setting that would make it do this, but instead all it does now is just not show any HUD stats at my tables at all, ever, even if I click on their avatar etc it's all just gone now.

What I want it to do is make it look as if there are no HUD stats, but, when I hover my house over and opponent, or click on him then make it show that person's HUD stats on my table when I hover/click on his avatar, and then as soon as I take my cursor off him then the stat go back to being invisible.

I know there must be a way to do this, because I've seen poker vids where people have their HUDs set up like this.

How do I make it do this?

Oh, I should probably mention, I am playing on Rush tables, not regular tables, not sure if this matters, but just in case it does, I figured I should mention it.

Anyway yea, so how do I make it hide everyone's HUD stats at my tables except for one I put my cursor on their avatars and only display their stats when i put my cursor on their avatar? Help!

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