Gnuf/Prima software issues?
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 685
Curious if anyone else is having issues with Gnuf's software. I freeze up a fair amount, the tables becoming unresponsive. I've emailed their support and they've replied that it isn't being reported by others. I'd be surprised if it's a problem with my computer, nothing else has issues. I'll run Gnuf with no other programs going on my computer.
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 685
Just going to bump this again. After spending a lot of time with Gnuf support and my ISP, redownloading the software, I still can not resolve the issue. The software will turn white and freeze up on me. It usually only does it early on in the session (which is very weird). I can't figure out any patterns and I don't have issues with any other programs/internet connections. Strange. Any insights?
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 73
I have the same problem but I thought it was my computer. But now when I read this I realize that all other programs worls fine. Strange.
A couple of days ago when I CB in a 3b pot and I flopped TPTK and nutflushdraw... the table freeze up... and he had RR me... hmm...
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 1,283
perhaps some software is running on the background and eatup the resource?
spyware, anti-virus,...etc