Full Tilt Hand History - not popping up second window
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 193
I've had this problem before but was always able to fix it.. until now. I'm hoping someone else knows this issue and can save me.
The hand history pops up fine (the replayer)
When I click the white text in the upper left that used to spawn the "old" style hand history window, with the full hand history text, it doesn't spawn.
I've tried reinstalling java (without fully deleting), and I completely removed the flash player using their uninstall utility and reinstalled again.
Does anyone have any suggestions/fixes?
Oh -- I also reinstalled fulltilt over the existing installation, and updated again through the software. Did not solve the issue.
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 2,279
full tilt no longer uses the flash replayer
relevant but not a lot of help for you, sorry
are you using any mods?
Last edited by Bar Nuthin; 02-07-2010 at 07:20 PM.