I don't know any tool that makes this, and I would be very interested in it.
I'll explain what I'd like.
You add two predefined fields, Raise and Call, each is a percentage of the combos that are raised and called for each hand. Then you calculate Fold=100%-Raise-Call. And you also calculate Play=Raise+Call.
You also put a field combos (6 for pairs, 4 for suited cards, 12 for unsuited cards).
Then you calculate several things for each hand:
* Raise Number = Raise * Combos
* Call Number = Call * Combos
* Fold Number = Fold * Combos
* Play Number = Play * Combos
* Raise Relative % = Raise Number / (Sum of Raise Numbers)
* Call Relative % = Call Number / (Sum of Call Numbers)
* Fold Relative % = Fold Number / (Fold of Call Numbers)
* Play Relative % = Play Number / (Play of Call Numbers)
* Raise Absolute % = Raise Number / 1326
* Call Absolute % = Call Number / 1326
* Fold Absolute % = Fold Number / 1326
* Play Absolute % = Play Number / 1326
Then you can click on any hand, and get all this data.
And you also have for the chart the total % of hands that are raised, called, folded and played.
Also, you put for each type of action the weighted distribution of hands.
This is an example:
Hand Combos Raise Call Fold RaiseNumber CallNumber FoldNumber PlayNumber RaiseRelative% CallRelative% FoldRelative% PlayRelative% RaiseAbsolute% CallAbsolute% FoldAbsolute% PlayRelative%
AA 6 80% 20% 0% 4,8 1,2 0 6 47,06% 66,67% #DIV/0! 50,00% 0,36% 0,09% 0,00% 0,45%
KK 6 90% 10% 0% 5,4 0,6 0 6 52,94% 33,33% #DIV/0! 50,00% 0,41% 0,05% 0,00% 0,45%
Total 12 10,2 1,8 0 12 100,00% 100,00% #DIV/0! 100,00% 0,77% 0,14% 0,00% 0,90%
Plus, in the pop up window that you get when you want to use this hand, you add a button that when it is pressed calculates a random number, and gives you the action that corresponds to the % of actions for this particular hand with the weighted percentage of actions.
PM me so we can speak about this.
TIA & Regards ...