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Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update.

03-28-2008 , 06:14 AM
Anyone has a fix?
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 07:26 AM
bumpity fix me plz
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 07:55 AM
I think the problem is with FreePHG, I don't see my tables in the live folder anymore.
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 08:04 AM
The control id for the edit box which has the bet size text has changed I think.
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by Seikeau
I think the problem is with FreePHG, I don't see my tables in the live folder anymore.
Just tested it on an open SNG and on play money and it's saving them for me? The scroll-wheel stuff in PartySNGHelper is broke, so maybe it's broke for BetPot too?

Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 08:19 AM
I don't use sng helper or the stock betpot script, I made my own betsizing-with-wheel script ages ago, and this was the issue for me, and maybe it helps you too: replace all occurrences of Edit3 with Edit2.
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 08:20 AM
OK, so what I've just figured out for the PartySNGHelper script:

1) You need to replace all references of "Edit3" with "Edit2" (to be able to read/set the bet amounts).

2) You need to replace all references of "Static6" with "Static5", and then all references of "Static7" with "Static6" (to get the BB amount for tournaments).

I'm not sure if anything else might be broken in BetPot, but these two changes should get it closer to working.

Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 08:39 AM
Thanks a lot! it fixed the scrollweelthing! I'm still not getting the script to bet the potsize tho.
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by Seikeau
Thanks a lot! it fixed the scrollweelthing! I'm still not getting the script to bet the potsize tho.
Can anybody confirm/test if FPHG is actually saving the ".live" files. It seems to be working OK for me and if it is broken I only have the next 2/3 hours to fix it or else it'll be Monday before I get time.

Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 08:58 AM
OK, this might be the answer: Try replacing all references of "Static11" with "Static10".

Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 09:11 AM
freephg is recording the live files for me.. seems that the betpot script is broken rather than freephg
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 09:45 AM
replace all such references where, in the betpot script ahk file?
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Praetor
replace all such references where, in the betpot script ahk file?
Yep, just open in Notepad/Wordpad and search and replace for these:

"Edit3" -> "Edit2"

"Static6" -> "Static5"

"Static7" -> "Static6"

"Static11" -> "Static10"

Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Praetor
replace all such references where, in the betpot script ahk file?
Yeah, in the PotSizeParty and the (if winexist partytables) sections of the Pot and AlterAmount functions.

Or just wholesale find/replace, but I can't be sure that wont breeak other sites....

Anyhow, I'll put up a fixed version in a few hours - just woke up and have to sort some stuff out before I get the poker going however.
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by jukofyork
Yep, just open in Notepad/Wordpad and search and replace for these:

"Edit3" -> "Edit2"

"Static6" -> "Static5"

"Static7" -> "Static6"

"Static11" -> "Static10"

Everything is working fine with this bexcept the full pot when I press the mouse wheel any fix for this?
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by hemstock
Everything is working fine with this bexcept the full pot when I press the mouse wheel any fix for this?
I'm afraid I don't know how to fix that - just took a quick look at the code and couldn't see anything obvious to try. Your best bet is to wait for _dave_ to take a look as it might be more obvious to him what's going wrong.

Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by hemstock
Everything is working fine with this bexcept the full pot when I press the mouse wheel any fix for this?
Are you sure that you've found occurrences of Edit3?

And might I also suggest that Static11 be changed to "This Hand" (without quotes) as this makes the script immune to the annoying tournament pop-ups.
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 11:07 AM
Yes I've replaced everything.
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 01:28 PM
juk and dave,

you guys rule. That's all
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 03:04 PM
Any eta for us Dave?
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by PatInTheHat
Any eta for us Dave?
Dude, it takes you less than a minute to do a 'replace all' by following juk's instructions.
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 04:15 PM
I am aware but i'd rather just download Dave's update as I play on multiple sites and he warned that it may mess them up.
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 04:25 PM
it doesnt mess them up for stars/ft anyway
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by PatInTheHat
I am aware but i'd rather just download Dave's update as I play on multiple sites and he warned that it may mess them up.
Yeah I said that because I wasn't at my programming computer so I couldn't check how many other sites use "Edit3" etc... as some may well do.

From a quick check it looks like it will only mess up Cryptologic, since they use Edit3 for their bet-box it seems.

I'll get an update out tonight, but there's a few other bits and bobs I want to check while I'm at it (like eurolinx mini-tables, and a report that scroll stops after a few clicks after today's crypto update) - so it won't be very soon.
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
03-28-2008 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by SoundMan
And might I also suggest that Static11 be changed to "This Hand" (without quotes) as this makes the script immune to the annoying tournament pop-ups.
This sounds like a fine idea
Bet Pot script not working after latest Paty update. Quote
