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[B][/B]Ongame AHK script (numpad 1 = fold numpad 2= check)[B][/B] [B][/B]Ongame AHK script (numpad 1 = fold numpad 2= check)[B][/B]

07-10-2009 , 09:28 AM

I am using ahk scripts for a while on pokerstars. But because this site is herrassing me over an over again with bad beats. I gonne play on ongame because i have much better result.

I need the same script like i have at pokerstars? for playing WITHOUT mouse. I only want to use the keyboard.

* bet = numpad1
* call = numpad2
* raise1blind = numpad3
* raisepot = numpad + (keeps raising with 50%)
* decreasepot = numpad - with 50%
* Never sit out option
* Bet betoption possible.

Who has this kind of script? or can easy make one?

Please PM me. or post a reply.

Thank you!
[B][/B]Ongame AHK script (numpad 1 = fold numpad 2= check)[B][/B] Quote
07-14-2009 , 09:27 AM
[B][/B]Ongame AHK script (numpad 1 = fold numpad 2= check)[B][/B] Quote
07-14-2009 , 11:09 AM
Ongame has built-in shortcuts.
F1, F2 and F3. Try them.
[B][/B]Ongame AHK script (numpad 1 = fold numpad 2= check)[B][/B] Quote
07-15-2009 , 09:07 AM
F1 F2 and F3 dont work well.

I really need an AHK scripts.

I can not believe its not there.

So if you got one, please PM me.

AHK scripts are so much better for youre hand (mouse is fukking up my handmuscles)

[B][/B]Ongame AHK script (numpad 1 = fold numpad 2= check)[B][/B] Quote
