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AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress)

01-17-2010 , 09:48 AM
**********Part 1/3:


I am not an expert programmer by any means and have been trying to teach myself how to write AHK scripts. There is still a lot to learn.
I have tried my best to make the code as easy to read as possible and have added explanatory comments to a lot of the lines.
Please understand that even if I may answer some questions regarding this script, I will not be providing support on a regular basis.
I just thought I had made something useful here and that maybe the people at 2+2 who are familiar with AHK scripting might want to contribute something.
Any improvements, optimizations, fixes etc. are appreciated.

Contains elements from:

- HEM Shortcuts by Hood

- Keyboard Redirect by _dave_


- Finds HEM and FTP notes windows, automatically moves them to desired location and resizes them to desired width and height.
- Notes tags: The script will determine the stakes you are playing (will be denoted as 100x the big blind), the game you are playing (denoted as NL or PLO) and the seat limit of the table (denoted as HU, 6m or FR) and automatically prefixes notes with an abbreviated tag. For instance, the result will be "400NL HU" for $2/$4 Heads Up No Limit Hold'em (without the "").
If you have played with a player at different stakes before, the script will separate the old notes from the new notes with a line containg "---" and then will place the new tag in the following line.
- In order to manually place a tag into the notes edit box, click in the notes edit field and then hover the mouse over the table where the player you want to take a note on sits at. Then press ALT+1.
I personally use this when I color code players in the FTP client to let me know which game and stakes I encountered them at.
- Notes timestamps: The script will put a timestamp in front of every new note. The format for this is, for instance, 10/01 for January 2010.
- Keyboad Redirect: When the HEM notes window is present, all keyboad input will be directed to the notes edit box.
This will keep you from being interrupted while writing a note when poker tables pop up.
- Works with: Hold'em Manager Replayer, Full Tilt, PartyPoker*, PokerStars*.


- No support for tournament games yet.
- Cannot automatically put tags and timestamps in Full Tilt notes window.
- Does not work with multiple notes windows.
- Currently only recognises No Limit Hold'em games. Everything else will be considered PLO.
- *Currently cannot detect whether games are 6 max or full ring on PokerStars and PartyPoker. For now, The FR tag will be used for them (this behaviour is easily changed).


- There might be a better way to go to the end of the text in the HEM edit box than to simulate pressing CTRL+End.
- I don't feel like using the subroutine MoveHEMNotesLoop in conjunction with SetTimer is the optimal way for looking for HEM notes windows. Have not found a better alternative yet.
- I also don't feel that the way DetermineNotesTag() is executed right now is perfect.
- I thought about adding a way to detect the poker site and add it to the notes tag so that exported notes from databases that contain hands from different poker sites can be organized easier.
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
01-17-2010 , 09:50 AM
**********Part 2/3:

QuickNotes by Respawn
Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient

2+2 thread: http://
Feel free to contribute additions and improvements to the code in the 2+2 thread.

Contains elements from:

-	HEM Shortcuts by Hood

-	Keyboard Redirect by _dave_

; --------------------------------------------------------
;Script configuration
#NoEnv ; Avoids checking empty variables to see if they are environment variables (recommended for all new scripts).
#SingleInstance force ; Determines whether a script is allowed to run again when it is already running.
#Include %A_ScriptDir%  ; Changes the working directory for subsequent #Includes and FileInstalls.
Critical, On ; Prevents the current thread from being interrupted by other threads.
SendMode, Input ; Makes Send synonymous with SendInput or SendPlay rather than the default (SendEvent). Also makes Click and MouseMove/Click/Drag use the specified method.
SetBatchLines, -1 ; Determines how fast a script will run (affects CPU utilization). Use SetBatchLines -1 to never sleep (i.e. have the script run at maximum speed).
SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; A window's title can contain the specified string anywhere inside it to be a match. 
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% ; Changes the script's current working directory. 

; Change these to pixel x/y and width/height for the notes windows


; Frequency to check for new windows to move them
SetTimer, MoveHEMNotesLoop, 10
SetTimer, MoveFTPNotesLoop, 250

; Identifiers for each window. 
GroupAdd, HEMNotes, , asdfas ; The hidden text "asdfas" identifies note windows. May break in the future.
GroupAdd, FTPNotes, Player Note

;Menu, Tray, Icon, QuickNotesGreen.ico
;Menu, Tray, Icon, QuickNotesPurple.ico

; --------------------------------------------------------
FileRead, NotesTagList, NotesTagList.txt
StringTrimRight, NotesTagList, NotesTagList, 1 ; removes the comma at the end of the list

WinGet, hemnotesid, ID, ahk_group HEMNotes
if (hemnotesid) {
	if (!movedhemnotes) {
		movedhemnotes := true
		FormatTime, NotesTimeStamp, ,yy/MM' ' ; e.g. 10/01 for January 2010
		WinMove ahk_id %hemnotesid%,, %HEMNOTES_X%, %HEMNOTES_Y%, %HEMNOTES_W%, %HEMNOTES_H%
		WinActivate, ahk_id %hemnotesid%
		SetControlDelay, -1
		SetKeyDelay, , 15
		ControlFocus, RichEdit20A1, ahk_id %hemnotesid%
		ControlGetText, HEMNotesText, RichEdit20A1, ahk_id %hemnotesid%
		if HEMNotesText contains %NotesTagList%
			IfInString, HEMNotesText, %NotesTag%
				ControlSend, RichEdit20A1, ^{End}, ahk_id %hemnotesid%
				Control, EditPaste, `n%NotesTimeStamp%, RichEdit20A1, ahk_id %hemnotesid%
				ControlSend, RichEdit20A1, ^{End}, ahk_id %hemnotesid%
				Control, EditPaste, `n---`n%NotesTag%`n%NotesTimeStamp%, RichEdit20A1, ahk_id %hemnotesid%
			Control, EditPaste, %NotesTag%`n%NotesTimeStamp%, RichEdit20A1, ahk_id %hemnotesid%
} else {
	movedhemnotes := false

WinGet, ftpnotesid, ID, ahk_group FTPNotes
if (ftpnotesid) {
    if (!movedftpnotes) {
        movedftpnotes := true
        WinMove ahk_id %ftpnotesid%,, %FTPNOTES_X%, %FTPNOTES_Y%, %FTPNOTES_W%, %FTPNOTES_H%
        WinActivate, ahk_id %ftpnotesid%
} else {
    movedftpnotes := false

DetermineNotesTag() {
	MouseGetPos, , , WindowUnderMouse
	WinGetTitle, Tablename, ahk_id %WindowUnderMouse%
	WinGetClass, HoverClass, ahk_id %WindowUnderMouse%
	IfInString, Tablename, overlay	; [Tablename]overlay = HUD on top of table under mouse
		StringTrimRight, Tablename, Tablename, 7 ; removes "overlay" (= 7 characters from the right)
	; HEM uses "(ante deep)", not "(ante, deep)" and "(heads up deep)", not "(heads up, deep) like Full Tilt does
	IfInString, Tablename, (
		ParenthesisPos := InStr(Tablename, "(")
		StringLeft, Tablename, Tablename, ParenthesisPos
	; For PartyPoker: isolate the number in the title
	RegExMatch(Tablename, "[0-9]{5,}", PartyNumber) ; requires the number to be at least 5 digits long, prevents a match with the first number in e.g. "$1/$2"
	if (PartyNumber)
		Tablename = %PartyNumber%
	WinGetTitle, Title, %Tablename%, , overlay, 2+2  ; disregards windows that contain "overlay" in their title, i.e. disregards HUD windows
	WinGetClass, WindowClass, %Title%, , overlay, 2+2 ; exclude windows containing the text "2+2" so that HEM hand history windows are disregarded
	; HEM removes underscores from table titles, causes problems with tables like "Air_Nav", "al_lupner", "bob_tiger", don't know what happens when titles contain other special characters
	; might want to use a matchlist containing several special characters and use something like "if Title contains %SpecialCharacter%", remember "-" is in all titles
	if (!Title) { ; if there is no matching Title
		if HoverClass = Afx:00400000:20:00010013:00000000:00000000 ; if hovering over HUD window
			if (Tablename) { ; this prevents the loop from starting when hovering the mouse over a HUD popup
				Loop, 5 { ; sometimes the loop starts when it's not supposed to. cause unknown. this prevents infinite loop iterations.
					StringLeft, ShortTablename, Tablename, %A_Index%
					TrayTip, Looking for underscore, Current loop iteration: %A_Index%`nLooking for underscore in: [%Title%], 10, 2 ; this is in here temporarily to help with finding the cause for unwanted starting of the loop
					WinGetTitle, Title, %ShortTablename%, , overlay
					IfInString, Title, _
						TrayTip, Looking for underscore, Current loop iteration: %A_Index%`nUnderscore found in: [%Title%], 10, 1 ; this is in here temporarily to help with finding the cause for unwanted starting of the loop
	DetermineStakes() ; Stakes?
	DetermineGame() ; NL or PLO?
	DetermineSeatLimit() ; HU, 6m or FR?
	NotesTag = %Stakes%%Game% %SeatLimit% ; e.g. "100NL FR"

DetermineStakes() {
	if Title = Holdem Manager Replayer ; HEM uses a format like this: $1/2
		WinGetText, Title, %Title%
		StringGetPos, TablePos, Title, Table, R
		StringLeft, BB, Title, %TablePos%
		SlashPos := InStr(BB, "/", 0, 0) + 1 ; searches from right to left
		StringMid, BB, BB, SlashPos
	else if (PartyNumber) ; PartyPoker uses a format like this: 0,50 $/1 $ ; else if WindowClass = #32770
		SlashPos := InStr(Title, "/", 0,0) + 1
		StringMid, BB, Title, SlashPos
	else ; Full Tilt and PokerStars use a format like this: $1/$2
		SlashPos := InStr(Title, "/") + 2
		StringMid, BB, Title, SlashPos
		IfInString, BB, Ante ; Ante table?
			StringGetPos, AntePos, BB, Ante
			StringLeft, BB, BB, %AntePos% ; only use text left of "Ante" in order to avoid problems with determining stakes correctly in games with antes such as "0.2"
	IfInString, BB, `,
		StringReplace, BB, BB, `,, . ; replaces "," with "." to support sites that use "," as decimal point
	IfInString, BB, 0.0 ; e.g. 0.05 = 5NL
		StringTrimLeft, BB, BB, 3 ; removes "0.0"
		StringLeft, BB, BB, 1 ; uses the first character starting from the left of what remains of the string "BB" after "0.0" has been removed, e.g. "5"
		Stakes = %BB%
	else IfInString, BB, 0.1 ; 0.1 = 10NL, cannot use "0." because HEM uses "0.1" and not "0.10" for $0.05/$0.10 games
		StringTrimLeft, BB, BB, 2 ; removes "0."
		StringLeft, BB, BB, 1
		Stakes = %BB%0
	else IfInString, BB, 0. ; e.g. 0.25 = 25NL
		StringTrimLeft, BB, BB, 2 ; removes "0."
		StringLeft, BB, BB, 2 ; uses the first two characters starting from the left of what remains of the string "BB" after "0." has been removed, e.g. "25"
		Stakes = %BB%
	else IfInString, BB, 00 ; e.g. 100 = 10kNL
		StringLeft, BB, BB, 1
		Stakes = %BB%0k
	else IfInString, BB, 0 ; e.g. 10 = 1kNL
		StringLeft, BB, BB, 1
		Stakes = %BB%k
	else IfNotInString, BB, 0 ; e.g. 1 = 100NL
		StringLeft, BB, BB, 1
		Stakes = %BB%00

DetermineGame() {
	if Title contains No Limit Hold'em,NL  Hold'em,NL    Table ; Full Tilt/PokerStars, PartyPoker, HEM
		Game = NL
	else Game = PLO ; have not tested PLO in HEM

DetermineSeatLimit() {
	IfInString, Title, heads up ; Full Tilt format
		SeatLimit = HU
	else IfInString, Title, 1 on 1 ; PokerStars format
		SeatLimit = HU
	else IfInString, Title, 6 max ; PartyPoker and PokerStars don't put "6 max" or similar in the window title. No way to differentiate between 6m and FR for now :(
		SeatLimit = 6m
	else SeatLimit = FR ; change this to 6m if you primarily play 6m on PartyPoker or PokerStars

AddToNotesTagList() {
	if NotesTagList not contains %NotesTag%
		NotesTagList = %NotesTag%,%NotesTagList%
		FileAppend, %NotesTag%`,, NotesTagList.txt ; "`," indicates a literal comma

; --------------------------------------------------------
Esc:: ; pressing Esc will hit the cancel button in the HEM notes window
SetControlDelay -1
ControlClick, Cancel, ahk_id %hemnotesid%

!1::SendInput %NotesTag%

Last edited by Respawn; 01-17-2010 at 09:55 AM.
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
01-17-2010 , 09:54 AM
********** Part 3/3
This is just a minimally modified version of Keyboard Redirect by _dave_.

; --------------------------------------------------------

StringTrimLeft, ks_key, A_ThisHotkey, 2


  ks_key_to_send = %ks_key%

  ; sending a special key?  if so, wrap in brackets
  ks_length := StrLen(ks_key)

  if (ks_length > 1)
    ks_key_to_send = {%ks_key%}

  IfWinExist, , asdfas
	IfWinNotActive, , asdfas
		WinActivate, , asdfas
  MouseGetPos, , , id
  id2 := WinExist("A")
  if (id != id2)
    WinActivate, ahk_id%id%
  Send, {blind}%ks_key_to_send%


For newbies: Make a new text file, copy and paste all the code I posted into it and save it with the file extension ".ahk". Requires AutoHotkey.
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
01-17-2010 , 02:21 PM
I found an error.

These lines:
	WinGetTitle, Title, %Tablename%, , overlay, 2+2  ; disregards windows that contain "overlay" in their title, i.e. disregards HUD windows
	WinGetClass, WindowClass, %Title%, , overlay, 2+2 ; exclude windows containing the text "2+2" so that HEM hand history windows are disregarded
will have to be replaced with:
	WinGetTitle, Title, %Tablename%, , overlay ; disregards windows that contain "overlay" in their title, i.e. disregards HUD windows
	WinGetClass, WindowClass, %Title%, , overlay
There are still problems when the HEM hand history window is open while trying to take a note.

I couldn't edit the original post anymore, sorry about that.
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
01-24-2010 , 06:53 AM
Has anybody had success communicating with the Full Tilt player notes window via AHK? do what my script does for HEM notes windows?
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
01-24-2010 , 09:01 AM
That's setting 's' into the players note, any help?

SetTitleMatchMode 2
Ctrl := "QWidget3"
id := WinExist("Player Note:")
ControlSend, %Ctrl%, s, ahk_id %id%
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
01-24-2010 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by HighSteaks
That's setting 's' into the players note, any help?

SetTitleMatchMode 2
Ctrl := "QWidget3"
id := WinExist("Player Note:")
ControlSend, %Ctrl%, s, ahk_id %id%
Hey, thanks for trying to help.
It doesn't seem work for me though
It finds the window but my guess is it doesn't recognize the control. How did you come up with "QWidget3"? Window Spy is utterly useless for me with most FTP windows

It would be great if I could "Control, EditPaste" into FTP's notes edit controls.
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
01-24-2010 , 09:28 AM
Look on the last couple of pages of the Bet Pot thread about adding the environment variable. Not sure why it won't work, perhaps the control names are dynamic because it works fine for me....
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
01-24-2010 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by HighSteaks
Look on the last couple of pages of the Bet Pot thread about adding the environment variable. Not sure why it won't work, perhaps the control names are dynamic because it works fine for me....
OK thanks, I'll take a look at that.
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
01-24-2010 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Max1mums
Creating an environment variable called QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS with value 1 might help (right click on My computer-properties-advanced-environment variables)
Did this. It works now. Thanks a lot!
Going back to work on the script...
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
01-24-2010 , 10:20 AM
:blackdot: for later use. Hoping you can get this worked out for FT, Respawn!
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
01-24-2010 , 12:10 PM
I've got what I think is a primitive solution working with Full Tilt right now.

I could not do ControlFocus with QWidget3, nor could I retrieve the text from the FTP notes edit control.

So I'm just sending keystrokes and use the clipboard to retrieve the text for now.

It will occasionally not determine the correct "NotesTag" and return something like ":00 PLO FR". This is because The function DetermineNotesTag() is being executed "on demand" for FTP notes windows right now.
In general, using it on demand like this should be best as far as CPU usage is concerned but it seems too slow or something for now.

Maybe one of you AHK wizards can take a look at the QuickNotes script and see if there is a way to make this work better in general (execution of DetermineNotesTag() function in order to have the correct NotesTag ready when a HEM or FTP notes window pops up).

But for you guys who don't mind an occasional error, just replace the "MoveFTPNotesLoop:" part with this:

WinGet, ftpnotesid, ID, ahk_group FTPNotes
if (ftpnotesid) {
    if (!movedftpnotes) {
        movedftpnotes := true
		FormatTime, NotesTimeStamp, ,yy/MM' ' ; e.g. 10/01 for January 2010
        WinMove ahk_id %ftpnotesid%,, %FTPNOTES_X%, %FTPNOTES_Y%, %FTPNOTES_W%, %FTPNOTES_H%
        WinActivate, ahk_id %ftpnotesid%
		oldclipboard := clipboard
		SendInput, {Tab}{Tab}
		Sleep, 50
		SendInput, ^+{End}
		Sleep, 50
		SendInput, ^c
		Sleep, 50
		SendInput, ^{End}
		FTPNotesText := clipboard
		clipboard := oldclipboard
		if FTPNotesText contains %NotesTagList%
			IfInString, FTPNotesText, %NotesTag%
				SendInput, `n%NotesTimeStamp%
				SendInput, `n---`n%NotesTag%`n%NotesTimeStamp%
			SendInput, %NotesTag%`n%NotesTimeStamp%
} else {
    movedftpnotes := false
(EDIT: Apparently the formatting was slightly changed when I posted this, no big deal though)
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
02-15-2010 , 04:53 AM
Nice work!

Just playing around with some bodog tables which have pretty basic table names like 'Bluebirds' so nothing there to grab limit/stakes any ideas? (I guess I could get it from a hand history file but that seems like a mission)

How would I modify to make it check for window titles to determine if 6m or FR

Bodog WinTitle Examples:

Bluebirds (max 6) all 6m titles are like this
Wardogs  FR is like this

So I have just changed

	else IfNotInString, BB, 0 ; e.g. 1 = 100NL
		StringLeft, BB, BB, 1
		Stakes = %BB%stakes
I also changed this (cause we are upside down in NZ )

		FormatTime, NotesTimeStamp, ,dd/MM/yyyy' '

else Game = NL ; have not tested PLO in HEM
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
02-15-2010 , 03:28 PM
Glad you like it.
Sounds like you would have to grab the stakes from hand history files for Bodog, like you said. I haven't looked into how this can be done yet.
Honestly it should not be too hard to code but it would take me a couple of days and I don't have the time at the moment.
Reading info from hand histories could help with distinguishing between 6max and full ring on PokerStars as well.
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
02-15-2010 , 05:55 PM
Sometimes when I close a table using a hotkey in Table Ninja a balloon pops up saying something about looking for underscore, current iteration 5, looking in: [].

Any way to turn off this pop up?

btw thanks for the script.
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
02-15-2010 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by Dread Wings
Sometimes when I close a table using a hotkey in Table Ninja a balloon pops up saying something about looking for underscore, current iteration 5, looking in: [].

Any way to turn off this pop up?

btw thanks for the script.
Find this line:
TrayTip, Looking for underscore, Current loop iteration: %A_Index%`nLooking for underscore in: [%Title%], 10, 2
and put a semicolon in front of it like this:
; TrayTip, Looking for underscore, Current loop iteration: %A_Index%`nLooking for underscore in: [%Title%], 10, 2
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
02-24-2010 , 02:56 AM
I just tested out the script while playing 5/10 deep 6max on full tilt. Every time I brought up the note window, this text was entered into the box:
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
02-24-2010 , 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by Antidote
I just tested out the script while playing 5/10 deep 6max on full tilt. Every time I brought up the note window, this text was entered into the box:
Could you try it with just one table and report back if there are still problems?
It should be working fine. (Not that you can't mass table with the script, just for the sake of finding the problem it'll be easier with one table..)

I have been having occasional problems with Stars that I haven't gotten to the bottom of yet, but Full Tilt seems fine.
It could be that Holdem Manager changed a little something with one of the latest updates.

If you could post a screenshot of the table name and Holdem Manager's Table Manager window, it would help me fix the problem.
Also, did the problem occur 100% of the time or just occasionally?

Basically, whenever it says something weird like that (e.g. 00PLO FR), it did not recognize the game or stakes at all.
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
08-14-2010 , 09:26 AM
Any chance of getting another site supported for stakes/game etc.

Here's a sample win title

Bradenton(23867625) - $0.10/$0.25 - NL Hold'em Logged in as username
ahk_class DxWndClass
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
09-09-2010 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by Respawn
- Finds HEM and FTP notes windows, automatically moves them to desired location and resizes them to desired width and height.

- No support for tournament games yet.

Ok I need only that feature in tournaments ... is available (maybe the other feature aren't supported in sngs, but since I need only to move the hm notes maybe I got some chances .... )
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
09-22-2010 , 07:52 AM
Awesome script. I just discovered this. Thanks very much, Respawn!

Does anybody which notes windows are supported by this version of Keyboard Redirect? I assume it's just HEM, FTP and Stars, right?
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
09-22-2010 , 07:21 PM
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
09-23-2010 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by madlion
Okay, thanks!
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
01-21-2011 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Respawn
No support for tournament games yet.
I'm playing husng... any chances to get this working?
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
01-21-2011 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by ServerBTest002
I'm playing husng... any chances to get this working?
Hey, I'm not working on this anymore, sorry.
You could try to modify it yourself to work with HUSNGs. It should be fairly easy. I had no prior knowledge of AHK before writing this, either.
I suggest you just read through the script and look up what the commands mean on
AHK: QuickNotes - Makes note taking with Hold'em Manager more efficient (work in progress) Quote
