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Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread

03-07-2010 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by Carot
no one has the chip mod that makes the chips look like coins?
Set your profile options to show 100 posts per page and scroll through the 6 pages of this thread; sure you'll easily find what you're searching for^^.

Last edited by Baobhan-Sith; 03-07-2010 at 09:19 AM. Reason: ok now its 7 pages^^
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-09-2010 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by DeathBecomesYou

can you share this one please?
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-11-2010 , 09:51 PM

Place the individual files in absolute poker\data\gameimage\resize

Originally Posted by Baobhan-Sith
ProsperousOne, what exactly is the prob?
Originally Posted by ProsperousOne
I tried this, but I'm only getting outlines

I'm using UB. Any suggestions?


The images work as long as I leave them yellow. But I tried to edit the cards to Bright Green (Lime), and apparently the sw done'n't allow that color, and replaces it with black, so only the grey outlines of the cards appear. Any way to get a lime green (bright green) card back?


Edit: Ah, found this from earlier in the thread:

Originally Posted by blackf1re
I used Paint Shop Pro. Image > Decrease Color Depth > 256 Colors (8 bit). The programme automatically chooses the nearest colors so the image doesn't look scrappy. Any reasonably good graphics editor should have a similar feature.
I'm using mspaint and windows 7 paint. Guess that doesnt support 8 bit colors .

Last edited by ProsperousOne; 03-11-2010 at 09:56 PM.
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by wilneedheart
FIRST, copy the Absolute Poker > data folder to a safe location.

1. You need to use the "classic" table, & make a table a particular size so that none of it overlaps any of the avatars.

2. The background needs to be perfectly consistent and even.

This is my current. If you want to use it just download, change the jpg extension to dat, right click on AP icon and select "open file location" and put it in the data folder

3. Go to Absolute Poker > data > gameimage > pk folder and

a) put into it the following images after downloading them,

b) opening them up in a photo editor program,

c) changing the mode (RGB, Grayscale, Indexed Color, Bitmap) to Indexed Color, &

d) saving & renaming them:

rename as new_namebox_normal.bmp

rename as new_namebox_cmd.bmp

rename as new_namebox_active.bmp AND new_namebox_inactive.bmp as it serves for two files.

rename as new_imgbox_cmd.bmp AND new_imgbox_cmd.png

rename as new_bt_sit_effect_default.bmp AND new_bt_sit_effect_default.png

rename as bt_r.bmp

rename as bt_lobby.bmp

rename as bt_option.bmp
I love this layout and am trying to set it up for myself. But can someone explain to me what free photo editing software and how you go about switching those pictures to "Indexed Color". I seemed to be lost at this point.

Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:33 AM
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-12-2010 , 01:12 AM
AH! I just got the layout to work. I love this set up. It looks so clean and simple. TY TY TY TY
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-12-2010 , 01:15 AM
my pleasure
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-12-2010 , 05:46 PM
thanks for the tips baobhan, how do you replace the cards, do they also need to be edited or do i just replace the original?
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-12-2010 , 06:35 PM
YW. Just replace 'em if you find nice ones (I didn't). You can install 2 decks, one for 2color and another one for 4color. Modding cards sucks imo b/c of 8bit colors - I gave it up (twice).

BTW if you make a nice one please share it here.
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-13-2010 , 07:57 AM
i can't find the racetrack view since the new update. Anyone know how to fix this?
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-15-2010 , 02:07 PM
hello guys,

anyone has a nice chipmod for ultimatebet? first checked tiltbuster but they didnt have anything so im wondering if you guys have some nice stuff

thanks in advance.
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-20-2010 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by LaylaLikesViolence

anyone have this cardmod?
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-20-2010 , 02:49 PM
+1 for the retouched card mod please! =)
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-20-2010 , 03:13 PM
Anybody know if there is a way to get rid of the rabbit cam in the replayer?

I installed a mod and i believe it came with rabbit camming in the replayer and i want to get rid of it.
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-20-2010 , 07:21 PM
When you press "check" on Absolute, the sound of the "check" makes two clicks. It makes it sound like 2 people checked. Is there a mod that fixes this? Surely I'm not the only one annoyed by this.
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-20-2010 , 08:24 PM
Dilznoofus published a set of silvery buttons with shady, black, and reddish fonts - Bet, Call, Raise etc. The Set is incomplete, i'm missing the raise-to- and hypothetically the post-straddle- and don't-post-straddle-buttons. Is there a complete button set? Or has someone an "empty" button and the used font to make those buttons?
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-21-2010 , 01:23 AM
The card mod is easy to pick: right-klick on the image, save and rename it to the file you want to replace. Make sure the new file has the same resolution and file type as the original file. The card files are located in data/gameimage/resize folder.

Rabbit cam can be switched off in the options menu.

I've made some new sound files, partly similar to the FTP ones. I didn't mod 'em all, some I left original. I also made a "short" (less aggressive) version of the original attention/alert sounds. Just replace your existing sound folder:
sound.rar archive
There is no way to fix any "double sound" issues afaik. Also, if two+ players act within very short time, you will only hear the sound of the last action (mostly appears when players use the action preselect buttons).

MrQNo, please quote/post the buttons you're talking about, I'll see if I can help you.
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-21-2010 , 01:57 AM
well i was hoping for the other sizes.
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-21-2010 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by Baobhan-Sith

Rabbit cam can be switched off in the options menu.

Yes, I turned it off but I see it in the REPLAY window anyways with some silly rabbit holding the card. (Sorry, I don't know if this is normal, I actually have NOT played there yet other than play money to test software.)
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-21-2010 , 05:25 PM
Can anyone tell me how to increase the default font size on a player's stack size as well as increase the font size on the "Raise to" button"? I just can't see them when I am multitabling.

Also, anyone know any tableninja stuff for AP/UB?

Lastly, many thank to everyone who has put up mods. They help an incredible amount. THANK YOU! YOU GUYS ROCK!
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by smo0gler
anyone have this cardmod?
can someone please make the other sizes for this mod? i will ship moneyz for it.
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-22-2010 , 04:54 AM
K guys, I gave it a try to resize the one available res but it's not really nice; at least not at all sizes. FYI the other deck shown here was made by pokercurious as a freebie for PokerStars, I've been ballsy enough to try to convert it to CEREUS... without great success. The dl link includes all res of both decks. Get 'em and give it a try if it works for the res you need. (Looks pretty bad here in the preview; be sure it is not that bad in game^^) rar-archive including both decks
(make sure to backup your existing decks before unpacking the archive to resize folder)

pokercurious' awesome free PS deck posted in PS mod thread

AFAIK it is not possible to change the button fonts; the text (like "call", "raise to" etc) is part of the button images and can be changed, but not the amounts. Same for potsize/betsize amounts on the table; please anyone correct me if I'm wrong and you have located the xml/ini/dat file where to take the changes.

AP/UB Hotkeys by madlion

I also watched for the rabbit cam in the replayer - I can't get rid of it as well. As you can see it is possible to black the rabbits out (located in resize folder) with i.e. to make it invisible, but the rabbit cam unfortunately still keeps working (despite it being unchecked in the options menu):

Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-22-2010 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by Baobhan-Sith
K guys, I gave it a try to resize the one available res but it's not really nice; at least not at all sizes. FYI the other deck shown here was made by pokercurious as a freebie for PokerStars, I've been ballsy enough to try to convert it to CEREUS... without great success. The dl link includes all res of both decks. Get 'em and give it a try if it works for the res you need. (Looks pretty bad here in the preview; be sure it is not that bad in game^^) rar-archive including both decks
(make sure to backup your existing decks before unpacking the archive to resize folder)

pokercurious' awesome free PS deck posted in PS mod thread

AFAIK it is not possible to change the button fonts; the text (like "call", "raise to" etc) is part of the button images and can be changed, but not the amounts. Same for potsize/betsize amounts on the table; please anyone correct me if I'm wrong and you have located the xml/ini/dat file where to take the changes.

AP/UB Hotkeys by madlion

I also watched for the rabbit cam in the replayer - I can't get rid of it as well. As you can see it is possible to black the rabbits out (located in resize folder) with i.e. to make it invisible, but the rabbit cam unfortunately still keeps working (despite it being unchecked in the options menu):

thats what im talking about !! nice work.
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-23-2010 , 11:55 AM
Thanks Baobhan for your efforts, it was too blurry. =(

After playing around with all the card mods, I think the original Absolute 4 color deck is best for me.

The only problem I have are the letters "AP" on all of the Aces! Could you Baobhan or anyone else be kind enough to post the 5 different sizes of the original AP 4 color deck w/o the "AP" on the Aces?
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
03-23-2010 , 09:07 PM
That's what I'm talkin bout - CEREUS card modding sucks. Also, +1 AP standard deck is the best available - especially without letters^^:

rar-archive, 4color only, all res
Absolute Poker AP Update Mods Thread Quote
