Originally Posted by fdsty
Your argument for folding here is that you are are flipping vs the top part of his range not counting sets. I agree if he showed aces and dimes after betting I wouldnt be happily shoving my money in but I think narrowing his range down that much is a big mistake.
Kind of. We're flipping against any aces and any flush draw, or a flush draw and a straight draw. And there's always a chance we're crushed, but I like and stick with OP's read. If villain is as bad as OP thinks at this game, I fold, let him think he accomplished something with his aggro play, and wait for a better spot.
I don't like flatting because I think it's weak. What will you do on the turn? It's harder for you to improve than for villain.
If villain is a decent, I usually push because I do think there's a small edge in it. Plus you have more fold equity against someone who can play. The poster above is right that I'm only considering part of villain's range.