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Supernova Elite Supernova Elite

07-25-2008 , 07:38 PM
What would it take a PLO8 player to become a Supernova Elite?

Is anybody even close to that status?
Supernova Elite Quote
07-25-2008 , 07:47 PM
I'm guessing you would have to mix in other games for sure.
Supernova Elite Quote
07-25-2008 , 07:47 PM
I think it would be impossible to get to Elite at PLO8 alone. Borys is probably the one to ask, although I think a lot of his points are from sngs and hold em. I don't play limit O8, but I would think they'd have a much better shot.
Supernova Elite Quote
07-25-2008 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Dorsal Fin
What would it take a PLO8 player to become a Supernova Elite?

Is anybody even close to that status?
I got up to 500,000vpps last year, (halfway there) in 2007, and was putting in approx 50 hours/wk. I'm taking it easy this year though.

Majority of my hands last year were probably in $2/$4 - $3/$6 PLO8.

Might be possible in PLO8 if $5/$10 and $10/$20 ran often enough. I am positive someone who multitabled $75/$150 LO8 fulltime could pull it off pretty easy.
Supernova Elite Quote
07-26-2008 , 02:45 AM
it depends on the stakes, number of tables played simultaneously, and number of hours played. oh, and whether it's FR or 6-max, cash or SNG, etc.

if you played every PLO8 cash game from .25/.50 and up, while mixing in some fairly high-stakes SNGs, for 40-50 hours a week, you could probably do it. in fact, i might try it next year if i lose my ***** mind or something.
Supernova Elite Quote
07-26-2008 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by nhtool

if you played every PLO8 cash game from .25/.50 and up
easily enough games at $1/$2+ pl/nl and $5/$10+ fl

i have 2 decent sized monitors, 22"ws + 24" and have tried to to play around 13 or 14 simultaneous O8 ring games in the past. i also have a logitech optical gaming mouse which really moves the cursor fast, this helps.with the PokerStars "fast" tables, this is completely unsustainable IMO, and ridiculously -ev. I can usually maintain 9 tables now if they are full ring, and i consider myself fairly adept at multitabling. i can and do timeout occasionally, but only if i'm faced with tough decisions on multiple tables.

i know there are NLHE players who claim they can sustainably 24-table for long periods of time. i assume they are generally shortstacking pushbots who either push in or fold preflop. i find there to be a lot of post-flop spots in big bet O8 where you really need to weigh the options and the situation. with full stacks, i don't think that's easy.

the only player i've seen regularly play more tables than me is mustafa and i don't even know how he pulls it off. trust me, i'd like to increase my multitable ratio, to gain more from the VIP systems but i don't think it's going to happen.
Supernova Elite Quote
07-26-2008 , 03:36 AM
It's impossible at playing anything lower than 3/6 PLO8...I usually play between 12-20 tables at once between 2 sites and I play between $100-400 and I'm right at 150,000 points playing part-time and this is with the 2x promotion that jackked my points up bigtime...

Your best bet would be to MT 10/20 FLO8, but I'm sure you'll need to mix in a Borys' like amount of SNGs to have a shot...

I wish him luck in breaking even between now and the end of the year because making it will be a nice $90K payday when it's all over, but I have a feeling that he's gonna have to step on it come December to make it...
Supernova Elite Quote
07-26-2008 , 12:52 PM
i generally take a light session of about 10 tables from 1/2-3/6 but during the 2x vpp week i played 20 tables for a while. I had about 12 ring games and was loading every 38 and 60 9man O8 sng. I played this for a couple of hours and if for some reason i wanted to do this 50 hours a week... I think it would be possible. However, i think suicide would come before elite status so I won't be trying that anytime soon.
Supernova Elite Quote
07-26-2008 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by davebreal
Might be possible in PLO8 if $5/$10 and $10/$20 ran often enough. I am positive someone who multitabled $75/$150 LO8 fulltime could pull it off pretty easy.
It's doable but not easy. It's hard to get enough action going on these games and the stress trying to keep them going will definitely get to you from all the hit n runners.

That said, I remember doing 130k base fpps in a month split between playing those games and another person multi-tabling mid-stakes holdem.
Supernova Elite Quote
07-26-2008 , 03:37 PM
FWIW i have 270k vpps this year and have taken essentially four months off already.

i can sustain around 20 tables at a time, usually mixing NLHE and PLO8 cash. if i played full time all year it would be fairly possible to get elite. but i have a gf and other responsibilities, so that's not really an option right now.
Supernova Elite Quote
07-26-2008 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by davebreal
I got up to 500,000vpps last year, (halfway there) in 2007, and was putting in approx 50 hours/wk. I'm taking it easy this year though.

Majority of my hands last year were probably in $2/$4 - $3/$6 PLO8.

Might be possible in PLO8 if $5/$10 and $10/$20 ran often enough. I am positive someone who multitabled $75/$150 LO8 fulltime could pull it off pretty easy.
I have never taken the time to understand the FPP/VPP system, but I think it's fair to say it's the best system in the industry.

What I do remember is trying to play LO8 and sitting in multiple $15/$30 games and my points flew up, in comparison to the times i've played PLO8.
Why is it that the Limit O8 games get you that many more points?
Supernova Elite Quote
07-26-2008 , 04:37 PM
it seems the higher-limit games ($10/20 and up) get 2 VPPs for virtually every hand that sees the flop, whereas plo8 needs some action to get to the 2 VPP point. limit holdem is the same way as compared to NLHE.

the difference is that it's easier to play more tables of NL/PL than fixed limit because there's less clicking per hand involved in the big-bet games. that's why most of the SNE candidates are NLHE players.

so in actuality it's probably easier to get to SNE playing PLO8 than LO8, esp if you also play NLO8.
Supernova Elite Quote
07-26-2008 , 11:53 PM
I may try it next year playing almost exclusively PLO/NLO with the exception of some MTTs. I play $1/2-$10/20(if it runs, and I'd play $25/50 if Stars had it), mostly full ring but 6 max if I can't get enough tables. However if the games are shorthanded then I only play if fish are there. I can do 12 tables comfortably, but I prefer 10 as its much more relaxing.

Most likely I'll play as much as I can in January 2009 and then re-evaluate if I can make it or not.
Supernova Elite Quote
07-27-2008 , 01:25 PM
I think I could get it playing PLo8 SNG's $60 and up. Its not that hard to play 6-10 at one time. But I've lost the zeal to press the buttons for 50+ hours a week.
Supernova Elite Quote
07-27-2008 , 04:30 PM
If my calcs are correct you would have to do 91+ every day 365 days a week at the $60 level...

Do the $114s adn $225s run enough? The $114s seem to run a decent amount, but the $225s seem like they barely run...
Supernova Elite Quote
07-27-2008 , 06:52 PM
Thx to Omaha8s and everyone who cheers for me in this race.

The hard part is no one can play 365 days a week. If you discount holidays, days when you dont feel like playing and some random events which might force you to take a break there are probably 250 days left which means you need like 4-4.5K VPP daily when you do play. If dave didnt make it from playing PLO8 then probably no one can do it from playing only PLO8, you need to add the limit games which are a real VPP goldmine with over 100 points per tablehour.

Lets say one would play at once 10 tables for 6 hours a day.

6 tables of 10/20+ LO8 for 600-700 VPP/hour
4 tables of bigger PLO8 or 114$+ SNG for 200-300 VPP/ hour

Obviously the games break and you need some time to resit find tables etc.. but such daily schedule would give you around 4-5K VPP and a decent chance to make SNE if you manage to squeeze 250 days yearly.



Around 60-70% of my points comes from various omaha games and the rest from 60$+ SNG (mostly holdem but others dont run enough)
Supernova Elite Quote
07-28-2008 , 03:07 AM
Working on a spreadsheet here, I came across a post that would enable us to figure out an exact number of vpp/hand.

Originally Posted by 1p0kerboy
Using Pokertracker,
1) Open the ring game window and select the "Preferences" tab.
2) Filter so you only have a single given limit (and full or 6 max)
3) In the box marked "Since a Date" enter 01/01/08 (this is important!)
4) Now that your data is filtered, select the "Game Notes" tab
5) In the upper right corner it says "Only show hands with at least [ ] rake." Enter 2.00 if you play 6 max and 3 if you play full, then click filter and get all. Remember the number of games displayed.
6) If you play limit 1/2 or lower or NL 1/2 blinds or lower, enter .40 into the filter and redo it, otherwise enter 1.00. Again click filter and get all.
7) Add the number of games displayed to the number you got before and divide by the total number of games.

When posting results, please post your game/limit/VPP's per hand/sample size (number of games). Don't forget to indicate whether you're referring to limit or nolimit and 6max or full ring.
He did omit one step which would come into play at the nosebleeds where you have a chance at a 3rd vpp.

4.5) Filter for hands where rake > 5. Remember this number for 7)

Btw, these are the numbers I got out of my database, I would be grateful if someone would look up PL/NL100+ and limit 1/2+.

FR PL/NLO8 25 - 19784 hands - .1985 vpp/hand
FR PL/NLO8 50 - 7002 hands - .3108 vpp/hand
6m PL/NLO8 25 - 7637 hands - .1882 vpp/hand

Last edited by cwagon; 07-28-2008 at 03:19 AM. Reason: added 6max
Supernova Elite Quote
