Originally Posted by 4_ducks
Why is this standard? We're getting it in here on a draw for our money back, at best, maybe even getting quartered.
I don't agree. The hands we are going to fair the worst against are sets. A set of 9s or 7s here would be gross considering this is a 3-bet pot. If he has Aw99, Aw77, or Aw44 then we are in deep trouble (31-69 if "w" doesn't = 2) and nh him I suppose. More realistically he has:
two pair (47-53 villian)
two pair with non-A2 low draw (45-55 villian)
a low draw with two hearts (50-50)
a low and straight draw (53-47 OP)
top pair and A2 low (55-44 OP)
With all the money already in the pot I'd say we have the pot odds to call it off and feel okay/good about it.
Originally Posted by 4_ducks
I don't bet the flop so hard OOP and I definitely save my money when he puts me all in.
I'm just not going to fold fearing A299, A277, A244, A297, A294, and A274. Folding AA2* because some PL5 villian pushes all in after your c-bet is way too weak. I think OP has to call it off here.