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Stealing Preflop? Stealing Preflop?

08-08-2022 , 05:36 PM
1/2 o/8 or better
I am the short stack with: $111
Passive table, lots of 6+ limpers to flop, but also more than several times 5+ callers to preflop raises as big as $20-30.

UTG with KcKdJcJs
Call $2, UTG+1(mostly has been playing for low all session) makes it $10, 6 callers back to me. I bet PSB($62) with intent on shoving all flops.

Way out of line?
Stealing Preflop? Quote
08-09-2022 , 02:32 PM
Seems fine to me though there are some flops where you just have to check fold, but not many
Stealing Preflop? Quote
08-28-2022 , 07:57 PM
If you have player/s chasing low draws all session, can you explain the thoughts behind shoving any flop, as 2 low cards will appear more often than not?
Stealing Preflop? Quote
08-31-2022 , 11:55 PM
Preflop squeezes aren't really a thing. People don't fold to 3 bets much.

IMO you had a good hand to flat the $10 in perfect position, try to flop a set or straight or get out. The "book" says you want to play these hands in position, so we got that going for us, and cheaply. $10 out of $110 is cheap enough, but only if you don't fear 3 bets from the blinds.

These types of hands are very flop dependent, and usually you get the whole pot if you connect unless you flop a set with two wheel cards out or with 2 flush and 2 low cards.

3betting is going to have a very low success rate, and way more often than not, you'll end up committing on terrible flops for you because you're pot committed.

It's better to play more conservatively and invest the rest of your stack when the flop connects with you.
Stealing Preflop? Quote
09-07-2022 , 08:48 AM
I think you want to pot this hand pre as it's a great hi hand but very marginal in o/8. Yes you're probably going 5 way to the flop but you'll probably only need 20% equity on the flop to GII successfully.
Stealing Preflop? Quote
09-07-2022 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by pokerfan655
I think you want to pot this hand pre as it's a great hi hand but very marginal in o/8. Yes you're probably going 5 way to the flop but you'll probably only need 20% equity on the flop to GII successfully.
He is stating to shove any flop, rather than realising equity before doing so.
Stealing Preflop? Quote
