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Slotboom's PLO book for PLO8? Slotboom's PLO book for PLO8?

11-13-2007 , 05:22 PM
I posted this here instead of in the books forum because I wanted the O8 posters' opinions specifically. If this is grossly inappropriate, mods, please move.

Does Slotboom's PLO book, for those who have read it, directly apply at all to one's PLO8 game?

If not, is one able to easily make adjustments from his examples and strategy in order to indirectly apply them to PLO8?

Any thoughts on other PLO books in this application?

Slotboom's PLO book for PLO8? Quote
11-13-2007 , 06:10 PM


Almost none.


Slotboom's PLO book for PLO8? Quote
11-15-2007 , 02:50 PM
IIRC(read it a while ago) a good portion of the book is spent discussing different styles of play(shortstack, shortstack after you've doubled up once, big stack). He discusses when and why to play each buy in level and the general strategy. I'd say that it could definitely be applicable to O8(and any form of PL/NL poker for that matter).

99,431 and counting
Slotboom's PLO book for PLO8? Quote
11-15-2007 , 06:14 PM
isnt slotbooms plo book mainly famous for its shortstack strategie? and doesnt shortstack strategy mainly depend on equity edges? and is o8 a game of preflop equity edges?
Slotboom's PLO book for PLO8? Quote
11-15-2007 , 06:35 PM
and is o8 a game of preflop equity edges?
absolutely not. O8 and PLO are way behind Hold Em and probably Stud variants too in importance of preflop equity.
Slotboom's PLO book for PLO8? Quote
11-15-2007 , 08:03 PM
When you put O8 there I assume you mean PLO8b. Limit O8b is still a game of serious preflop edges.


Slotboom's PLO book for PLO8? Quote
11-19-2007 , 08:04 PM
Slotboom's book is interesting for a number of reasons, the attitude to preparation, analysis of rake and blind structures, and looks into how changing stack size alters strategy.

There's nothing to tell you how to play O8 hands, so if you're only interested in your cards and the board, then the books wasted.

You also shouldn't in my view, blindly follow any strategy, even in PLO; the short-strack strategy he pursued is most effective in a particular type of game. Overall the books useful for NLHE cash players, never mind PLO8 players.

There's a lot to be gained from understanding it. You certainly aren't drilled to play some crazy rote method.
Slotboom's PLO book for PLO8? Quote
11-21-2007 , 03:56 AM
I read the book, and would guess that his strategy is more effective live, since it seems like on Omaha game online is like 7/10s short stackers to begin with.
Slotboom's PLO book for PLO8? Quote
