Originally Posted by steamboatin
Looks like wells are going to become a popularity contest. If we catch about half the forum on tilt and get someone with a slightly twisted sense of humour to start my poll, I might get a well after all.
Assuming choice b wins, here’s how I envision the monthly well nomination/poll thread working:
• I or someone else will start a thread the first of every month, asking for nominations to host a well for that month.
• If anybody has a nomination for someone to host a well, please p.m. the person you’d like to see host the well in order to secure their agreement to host the well.
• Once you’ve secured someone’s agreement to host a monthly well, post your nomination in the monthly well nomination/poll thread.
• Someone will need to second your nomination, in the monthly well nomination/poll thread.
• At that point a moderator will double check with the person nominated and seconded to make sure he/she wants to be in the poll and agrees to host the well for that month.
• The second week of the month, starting the second week of March, 2010, a moderator will post a poll listing all those nominated and seconded for that month as candidates.
• The poll will run a few days. The candidate with the most votes will host the well for the remainder of that month (starting March 2010).
• The nominator or the person seconding the nomination should start the well with a brief introduction and a question or two.
• Only one person will host a well for any given month. Former well hosts are eligible to host a new well if they agree. The monthly well will be made a sticky for the first week of the month.
Or we can do it some other way if you like. (Truthfully I don’t care how we do it). If you think you have some better procedure to implement the poll choice, or an improvement in the procedure, please feel free to post your idea in this thread.
"Ask me about this" threads were always allowed, were never an issue (Trelskig hosted one last December), and will continue to not be an issue. But if a thread looks like a "well" to me... assuming choice b wins, as co-moderator, I'll abide by the majority decision.
I don't expect a last minute surge, but we'll wait until Tuesday night before the poll is over.
If anyone has a better way to implement the will of the forum than my plan as stated above, feel free to speak up. We can change the procedure at any point if someone comes up with a better plan or a pragmatic modification. (But I think the way I outlined it above will probably work for us).
as co-moderator
Last edited by Buzz; 02-23-2010 at 01:50 AM.