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PLO8 Starting Hands EV Project PLO8 Starting Hands EV Project

05-12-2014 , 05:19 PM
I would like to analyze a large sample of small, medium, and micro stakes PLO/8 and PLO Hi hands to empirically determine the value of starting hands by position in terms of bb/100 (assuming average skill level) - but I need your help!

In order to accomplish this, I will need a very large # of hand histories. I will of course share the final chart results with anyone who helps contribute to the project by sending hand histories my way to:

[deleted link to poster's site]

I will not be posting the results of the project on 2+2 for the information freeloaders, but I suppose others can do what they may.

I know that this is not necessarily a 100% accurate way to assess starting hand value, and player skill can greatly impact the profitability of certain hands, but I still consider the endeavor worthwhile.

I will not be using anyone's hand histories for any other purpose except those described above. I am an American who plays at Bovada, and as such, I will not be attempting to exploit players or analyze individual leaks in any way, shape, or form.

Thank you and gracias.

Last edited by Buzz; 05-13-2014 at 02:11 AM. Reason: deleted link to poster's site
05-12-2014 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by OccamsXRaiser
I will not be posting the results of the project on 2+2 for the information freeloaders, but I suppose others can do what they may.
LOL, good luck getting people to help you for free with this attitude.
05-12-2014 , 05:41 PM
And why would you combine PLO8 and PLO hands?

I also think there's a book out there that has done something similar for O8. Bill Boston's I think?
05-12-2014 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by niss
And why would you combine PLO8 and PLO hands?

I also think there's a book out there that has done this (or something similar) for O8. Bill Boston's I think?
Yes that is the right book...I am about 3/4 done reading it now and they have charts on the estimated hand values of all combinations.
05-12-2014 , 05:47 PM
I would send you mine but:

1. The hand rankings would come out backwards
2. This is your first post on 2+2
3. How do I know you aren't a crafty German looking to build an enigma machine?
05-12-2014 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by niss
And why would you combine PLO8 and PLO hands?

I also think there's a book out there that has done something similar for O8. Bill Boston's I think?

Don't think he means to combine them in the same analyses. I would like to see how reality (HHs on pokerstars especially) compared to the theory (e.g propokertools).

To achieve this he would need not just a sample but pretty much ALL of the reg HHs, which he certainly won't get.

On the other hand, if a mod or reg with good standing (that excludes me then haha) were to try, that might prove very interesting indeed...........
05-12-2014 , 06:48 PM
i would think for a project of this sort to be successful it would require it having a catchy nickname to gain traction in the community.

let me suggest 'the mastermind project'

I will not be posting the results of the project on 2+2 for the information freeloaders, but I suppose others can do what they may.
05-12-2014 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by niss
LOL, good luck getting people to help you for free with this attitude.
Nice dig. If you had a 3rd grade reading level you would see that I mentioned anyone who helps with the project would get the results of the full chart.

And, obviously, it is 2 different charts - 1 for Hi Lo and 1 for Hi.

Bill Boston's book is strictly limit, I believe. But, I could be wrong. Also, it is not based on actual hands. It is based on a computer simulation, which may not necessarily be representative of actual online poker.

If you don't have the mental capacity to see how this project would be useful to you, and are unwilling to help, please go back to trolling other threads of less utility than mine. Thank you. Good day. Bye.
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