I think you better fold in this Spot. If you miss, you loose the whole pot, an A can help your opponent too and a K also doesn't helps you, you rarely win the half pot and often you loose. Only chance you can win the low pot ist to get a low card, than you will only win half the pot. You also have no counterfeit protector. it is really the worst case szenario to checkraise and you better never bluffcheckraise in PLO8 (even if you start playing this variant). At the low stakes i think the people are also more straightforward, think he can also got trips there with a low draw open or straightdraws, flushdraws.
It is good that you think about his ranges, but to decide with this is a bit to hard (false) at the beginning. i also don't know what your syntax mean
Where do you learned your basics about PLO8?