PLO8 -- playing AAxx oop on high-only boards
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,094
Fairly standard situation that comes up a lot and I'm curious to hear how others think about it. I'm in UTG+1 or in the CO or whatever, raise my AAxx to 3bb, someone who seems decent calls on the BTN (assume you don't have much for reads other than a guy with >100BBs who seems competent). For the same of simplicity, let's say I have the always wonderful AA23r. How are you playing the following flops?
1) Q55r
2) Q92
3) KJ8dd
4) AJThh
5) T94r
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 16
If he's a competent player, then with the exception of flops 1 and 4, he probably won't have connected. I would probably bet 2/3 of the pot on the flop and be inclined to do the same on the turn.
In flop 1, I'd still try leading out since a 5 in your hand is a reasonable scenario and the chances of him having one are relatively small. I'd be nervous taking this line, but would still do it a majority of the time.
On flop 4, I would check with the intention of raising if the button makes a weak stab. If he makes a healthy bet, I'd float it and re-evaluate on the turn.
These approaches may not work if your competent villain knows that *you're* competent as well. He may assume that you've also missed the flops you're leading out on and be more inclined to play back at you in position.
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 887
C-BET 2, 3, 4 and 5 undoubtedly. You'll take it down often enough and you're likely to still have the best hand.
Turn you reevaluate obviously.
1. I usually C-BET but against some players who constantly float or play tricky in position I might just check/c, or even check/fold (though the latter is pretty nitty)