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PLO8 - help me play this hi-hand better PLO8 - help me play this hi-hand better

10-19-2009 , 01:08 PM
Villain appears decent, plays a reasonable amount of hands, and I haven't caught him doing anything stupid yet..

Full Tilt Pot-Limit Omaha, $0.25 BB (6 handed) - Full-Tilt Hand Converter from

SB ($25)
Hero (BB) ($18.91)
UTG ($24.49)
MP ($72.08)
CO ($24.50)
Button ($37.56)

Preflop: Hero is BB with 10, 4, K, Q
UTG calls $0.25, MP calls $0.25, CO calls $0.25, 1 fold, SB calls $0.15, Hero checks

Flop: ($1.25) Q, 9, 10 (5 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $1.25, 3 folds, SB raises to $5, Hero calls $3.75

Turn: ($11.25) 5 (2 players)
SB bets $11.25, Hero folds

Total pot: $11.25 | Rake: $0.56
PLO8 - help me play this hi-hand better Quote
10-19-2009 , 01:44 PM
easy fold to the reraise on the flop. he is not doing it with anything worse than a straight
PLO8 - help me play this hi-hand better Quote
10-19-2009 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by nyy214
easy fold to the reraise on the flop. he is not doing it with anything worse than a straight
I don't think its that black and white.. he can easily be semi-bluffing here. Why do you assume he has a str8?
PLO8 - help me play this hi-hand better Quote
10-19-2009 , 03:23 PM
semi bluffing with what? its a rainbow flop. theres nothing he can be semibluffing.
PLO8 - help me play this hi-hand better Quote
10-19-2009 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by NightSky

Unless he has something like KQJJ but its unlikely since he didn't raise preflop so no reason for him to go crazy like that with such a draw.
KJ is the nuts on this flop.
PLO8 - help me play this hi-hand better Quote
10-19-2009 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by wackjob
Villain appears decent, plays a reasonable amount of hands, and I haven't caught him doing anything stupid yet..
Wack - Your thread title says this is an Omaha-8 hand, but the hand history title implies it's an Omaha-high-only hand.

A couple of days ago I moved a thread of yours to an Omaha-high-only forum because of the hand history. It occurs to me that I might have done that incorrectly. At any rate, I'll leave this one here, try to give you good advice, and my apologies if I incorrectly moved that one from a couple of days ago.

Full Tilt Pot-Limit Omaha, $0.25 BB (6 handed) - Full-Tilt Hand Converter from

SB ($25)
Hero (BB) ($18.91)
UTG ($24.49)
MP ($72.08)
CO ($24.50)
Button ($37.56)

Preflop: Hero is BB with 10, 4, K, Q
UTG calls $0.25, MP calls $0.25, CO calls $0.25, 1 fold, SB calls $0.15, Hero checks

Flop: ($1.25) Q, 9, 10 (5 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $1.25,
Yikes! You have top two pairs but four opponents saw this flop and any one of them could have flopped a straight. With four opponents, it's slightly more likely than not that at least one of them has flopped a straight. And you have to expect a raise from anyone with the straight. If any of them does have the straight, you have to expect the one who raises will be the one with the straight.

Figure the chances of any one of the four of them having the nut straight rather than the chances of the one who raises. (That's a more realistic value).

In addition, there's about a ten per cent chance that one of them has flopped a set, in which case it's hard to say what will happen.

Nobody can deny your courage. (Actually the word that comes to mind is "brazen").

3 folds, SB raises to $5,
Looks like SB has flopped the nut straight. And if so, barring the board pairing, you'll be looking at another pot sized bet after the turn.

And then, unless the turn makes Hero a full house, Hero will have to fold.

The odds against Hero making a full house on the turn are about 10 to 1.

In order to have favorable odds to call Villain's $3.75 raise, you need to be able to collect ten times that from what is already in the pot plus what Villain will henceforth contribute.

There's already $1.25 + $1.25 + $5.00 = $7.50 in the pot and Villain has $19.75 left. The most you can possibly collect is $7.50 + $19.75 = $27.25.

If the board pairs on the turn and you manage to get Villain all-in, you'll be getting $27.25 to $3.75 or 27.25/3.75 to one, or about seven to one implied pot odds.

In other words there's no possible way you can get favorable odds to continue if SB has flopped the straight. (If the turn is a jack, you'll have a king high straight but Villain's may at that point be ace high). (If you figure you'll see this bet and the next one, your cost is $15.00 and all you can win is $27.25).

Unless you think Villain is bluff check/raising, you have to fold to the check/raise.

PLO8 - help me play this hi-hand better Quote
10-19-2009 , 04:40 PM
Why do you assume he has a str8?
Villians play is extremely strong because, it's so easy for you to have a straight here.

Fold to RR on flop IMO.
PLO8 - help me play this hi-hand better Quote
10-19-2009 , 04:51 PM
only hand you could realistically beat that r/r here is bottom set.... no?

and why is there a post missing? or ?
PLO8 - help me play this hi-hand better Quote
10-19-2009 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by callcc
and why is there a post missing? or ?
I don't know if someone who's not a mod for this forum (or an orange, red, or blue) sees the same things as I see.

When I scan the thread, I can see:
"This message has been deleted by NightSky."

Thus Night Sky deleted the post written by Night Sky, but not before Shaq quoted it. (See post #5).

Is that the "missing" post to which you're alluding? (Is that what you mean?)

PLO8 - help me play this hi-hand better Quote
