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PLO8, 5card!? WSOP big 'O' cash game,(nut low, nut flush, wrap) PLO8, 5card!? WSOP big 'O' cash game,(nut low, nut flush, wrap)

06-16-2010 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by FlyingDutchman
Here I have a little scenario in mind.
Of course it doesn't always work, but often enough it does.

Flat call expecting the BB and EP limper to play fit or fold and the MP limper to come over the top to get good odds and to give the Maniac the chance to raise further.
If this works you can get all your chips in.

If it doesn't it's not a disaster.
You raise this instead you might push everybody out.
I don't think there's many hands that he will raise with here, maybe QQ or some weaker flush/str8 combos, you have most of the holdings that MP might raise with.

I am trying to make this pot as large as possible as quickly as possible.
PLO8, 5card!? WSOP big 'O' cash game,(nut low, nut flush, wrap) Quote
