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PLO8 : Need opinion on this hand PLO8 : Need opinion on this hand

07-01-2008 , 12:58 AM
Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 Pot Limit Omaha Hi/Lo - 9 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

MP1: $33.40
MP2: $12.05
CO: $7.05
BTN: $13.70
SB: $15.05
BB: $13.80
UTG: $34.10
Hero (UTG+1): $25.95
UTG+2: $21.50

Pre Flop: Hero is UTG+1 with T 2 A 4
1 fold, Hero raises to $0.75, 3 folds, CO calls $0.75, BTN calls $0.75, SB calls $0.65, 1 fold

Flop: ($3.25) T 6 3 (4 players)
SB bets $1.75, Hero calls $1.75, CO calls $1.75, BTN folds

Turn: ($8.50) J (3 players)
SB bets $3.50, Hero raises to $18.60

I don't like how this play this hand I dunno why. Should I've raised the flop?
PLO8 : Need opinion on this hand Quote
07-01-2008 , 02:57 AM
I like a flop raise. If you knock out the third guy, you can often take a free card on the turn (if you want to).
The turn raise has almost no fold equity because both guys arent full stacked. As played I would just call the turn.
PLO8 : Need opinion on this hand Quote
07-01-2008 , 08:59 AM
what's villain's range for 1/2-pot betting into a pf raiser? if it includes a lot of bare nut low draws and/or janky low draws, then your line is fine. if it includes mostly non-nut made high hands (e.g., bottom set, 2pr, etc.) that villain will call your raise with, then i'd wait to make your hand before you get it all in.

the delayed raise, even against shorter stacks, has its place. the catch is that you have to do it in the right context against the right range of hands. the ranges that you'll see at 1000plo8, 200plo8, and 25plo8 are going to be pretty different.
PLO8 : Need opinion on this hand Quote
07-01-2008 , 09:30 AM
What is the intent of the turn raise? Are you trying to get both villains to fold, or are you just trying to get CO to fold in case he has a better high than your pair of tens?
Would be nice to have an idea of what SB's smallish bets mean. Some people bet proportional to the strength of their hands (bad idea, but plenty do it), in which case we would assume he has a middling two pair or something like that. But a lot of players also bet small like this to try to protect a draw, in which case SB looks more like the nut low draw or possibly even something like 245x (if he's bad).
Anyway, I think I usually just call here, so that there is some play left on the river. Thing is that *unless* you get called by just a naked low draw your equity is not that great (less than 50% against anyone who has two pair already), whereas I think there are a number of ways your opponents could make a big mistake on the river.
PLO8 : Need opinion on this hand Quote
07-01-2008 , 12:51 PM
Well on the flop you're only behind trips or 2p + same LD. I'd bump it up to $5 or so and see if SB has a hand or if he's betting light with the usual naked LD. I'd also try to get the pot high enough so that when I do hit my freeroll opportunities (low club, 5) we can get the majority of it in on the turn.

As played, you lose your equity edge on the turn, but I'm pretty sure he's giving you good enough pot odds so I'm looking to call at this point. I'd be shocked if the shorty folded to your raise. Very curious to see how this one played out.
PLO8 : Need opinion on this hand Quote
07-01-2008 , 01:52 PM
The problems with the turn raise are (a) you can't bluff the river, (b) you raise out a caller who might pay you off when your nut draw(s) hit, and (c) it's hard to put you on something other than a bluff/draw. What hand with JJxx calls the flop? What hand with TTxx, 66xx, or 33xx just calls that flop? T6xx? Raises on a Jack turn? If he has a hand and a brain, he should put you all in, assuming the 3rd player folds.
PLO8 : Need opinion on this hand Quote
07-01-2008 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by niss
(c) it's hard to put you on something other than a bluff/draw. What hand with JJxx calls the flop? What hand with TTxx, 66xx, or 33xx just calls that flop? T6xx? Raises on a Jack turn? If he has a hand and a brain, he should put you all in, assuming the 3rd player folds.
This is very true.
PLO8 : Need opinion on this hand Quote
07-01-2008 , 08:10 PM
hmmmmm. first off i raise flop

however as played, i love the play- "if he has half a brain he will put u allin " he is a 25 max player, they are not studs, they see pot and assume nuts. he wouldnt bet 3.5 with those draws if he had half a brain. so lets assume he dont.

second, there are so many outs, that ur misplay on flop makes this play easier. if u were goin to get ur moeny in on the flop- what is stopping u on the turn, when a guy bets less than half pot into u .

lets get as much money as possible in on this turn. i feel like people tend not to gamble as much for some reason, however, if u call this turn, and a c comes, u miss vlaue, because if he bets 3.5 into 8.5 with a set, he def aint callin on a scary card
PLO8 : Need opinion on this hand Quote
07-01-2008 , 08:12 PM
i think i like to gamble to much, but for some reason i like my play. maybe call is better and pot river on any hit draw- guys above have good points, but i still do a quick fist pump, and get it in,
PLO8 : Need opinion on this hand Quote
