Originally Posted by cwagon
Your starting hand was awful and you will NEVER be 3-bet preflop by anything less than AAxx at that level.
I just limped in preflop, as was the trend on this table, so I could check out a lot of cheap flops.
Originally Posted by Heron
IMO limping preflop is permissible against loose opponents who do not much raising preflop and your turn play can't be too bad either with a set and sort of a low. The flop was severely misplayed though. Why didn't you simply call?
There was almost no raising preflop at all.
I was at the table for some time before this hand, and the villain showed down a lot of hands where he was really aggressive whenever he hit 2 pair+.
And in this case I felt that I could get him to call me down when I hit the flush.
I basically thought I was freerolling him, even with such a marginal holding as mine.