I know it's not just about pre-flop equities; actually I wish I'd left that out of my comment because it's irrelevant.
I'm just asking for a ballpark figure -- how many flops are going to be good enough to shove with an advantage here? Of course the magnitude of the advantage varies -- if the flop is KK4 your opponent is drawing to 2 outs, etc. But 60-40 sounds like a good estimate.
As for position -- seems to me that you "outplay a weaker opponent" here by either shoving with an advantage or folding without one (maybe occasionally calling). He's apparently never folding AA** here, and AA** makes up 100% of his range, right? So what else are you going to do to outplay him?
A NLHE comparison would be this: Tons of bad players would call a reraise for 1/6 of the effective stack preflop with 55, figuring they can get the other 5/6 in really good if they like the flop. Of course they're ignorant because they're not going to get enough flops they like (i.e., with a 5 or even 467). On the other hand in HE a set would have a 90-10 edge versus an overpair; in the OP we got a flop we mostly like and are only 60-40.
I'm sure your analysis is correct and willing to accept that 1/6 eff. stack isn't too much, but I like to ask questions, and especially to question conventional wisdom, even though it mostly just gets me a better understanding of why that wisdom is conventional.