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Omaha 8 pl - AA47 deep stack Omaha 8 pl - AA47 deep stack

06-14-2016 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by amok
Turn is a good card for you so you need to continue.

If you want to avoid clashing with the other big stack, consider checking the flop.
This. I'd check back a ton here. As played, call.
Omaha 8 pl - AA47 deep stack Quote
06-14-2016 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by omybike
"exploitation procedures" wow haha.
Oh you came back. Did you look up what inelastic means in the economic sense?

Let me help

Inelastic - Economics. relatively unresponsive to changes, as demand when it fails to increase in proportion to a decrease in price.
Omaha 8 pl - AA47 deep stack Quote
06-14-2016 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by OmahaDonk
Oh you came back. Did you look up what inelastic means in the economic sense?

Let me help

Inelastic - Economics. relatively unresponsive to changes, as demand when it fails to increase in proportion to a decrease in price.
also the balls to put your money where your mouth is?
Omaha 8 pl - AA47 deep stack Quote
06-14-2016 , 09:09 PM
Yes. I would bet 700-1000 here. That backs up my claim.

We are playing a 59/6. I'm not playing against you.
Omaha 8 pl - AA47 deep stack Quote
06-14-2016 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by OmahaDonk
Yes. I would bet 700-1000 here. That backs up my claim.

We are playing a 59/6. I'm not playing against you.
understandable. you sounded like you known better what to do then me so i tough maybe can get some money out of it.

But you show how fissy life players think at least. they making up fantasize argument and when they confront with real arguments (that betsizing should depends on range of bad player and use the betsizing that wins the most vs range) they continue with fantasized arguments that can even be proven wrong easily with math and logic thinking .
And ofcourse like real life player no math where shown to back anything up.
Omaha 8 pl - AA47 deep stack Quote
06-14-2016 , 11:41 PM
Construct his calling range for 350
Construct his calling range for 1000
Calculate our equity and playability to estimate EV.
Confirm 1000 is better.
Post that you won't come back.
Get offended.
Come back and attack personally.
Omaha 8 pl - AA47 deep stack Quote
06-15-2016 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by OmahaDonk
Construct his calling range for 350
Construct his calling range for 1000
you have programs for that and not going to post that on public forum.

I can tell you there is a big different in % of that villian call range vs 350 bet and a 1000 bet. the different contains mostly hands that have very low equity vs hero hand and lot of reverse inplied odds.
You gotta think about hands that include very bad flush draws and bad backdoor low draws (sometimes with weak pair).

maybe you could be more humble and thank me for learning you something
Omaha 8 pl - AA47 deep stack Quote
06-15-2016 , 12:11 AM
Most villains with these stats aren't interested in folding flush draws. Pour it in while he still wants to
Omaha 8 pl - AA47 deep stack Quote
06-15-2016 , 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by OmahaDonk
Most villains with these stats aren't interested in folding flush draws. Pour it in while he still wants to
only preflop stats where giving. you just guessing. last 4 in toernement big stack vs bigstack out of position vs big bet is whole other situation then you had with life donks.
and yes i know better how those people play then you.
Omaha 8 pl - AA47 deep stack Quote
06-15-2016 , 01:13 PM
Wrong again - my villains in the live arena play much closer to this guy than yours. Two of these guy are often at my table.

Yes, I am extrapolating his game from 2 stats, but it's all we know and very relevant.
Omaha 8 pl - AA47 deep stack Quote
06-15-2016 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by OmahaDonk
Wrong again - my villains in the live arena play much closer to this guy than yours. Two of these guy are often at my table.

Yes, I am extrapolating his game from 2 stats, but it's all we know and very relevant.
I have ofcourse play way more vs this kind of players especially in mtt situation where there money jump involve.
that you let depend that much on 2 stats (without big sample) shows why you would not do good online
Omaha 8 pl - AA47 deep stack Quote
06-15-2016 , 06:37 PM
We finally agreed
Omaha 8 pl - AA47 deep stack Quote
