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05-07-2014 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Angribob, you wished me good luck when we were heads up in the recent 3.50, at my new stake, thanks! I have some problems to respond in chat, have to inactivate my Enter hotkey for all-in first

So far it appears many players are even worse than at 1.50. "Rake" is only 5% per tournament, while it was 7% at 1.50. Let's see...
Yeah good luck plaaynde! There are some very good players who play $3.50 - some of the best in the game play this level. I guess the trick is to figure out who they are and adjust accordingly - pretty much everyone else is awful. Hope it goes well!

05-07-2014 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Angribob
yay running like absolute cack for a long time now. Over 6000 games b/e wooop:

Shocking. Good there are ev and chips graphs nowadays, guess your other graphs are going well. I will probably continue only single tabling, at least until I've learned the game properly, and don't have the resourses to put in that many hours (I'm still a bronze star, been chrome at times ). I started out in August last year, have produced only 1.6k games, let's say I've played 200 games a month. If I ran like you, and had the same ev, my even money streak would last for three years!

The variance is obviously even a bit worse than I expected. Will play for the ev, chips and bb graphs, real money is a nice bonus, if it comes. Not really a very big deal for me, beating the game "in reality" is the most important. Good to know also that if I start to "play like a demigod", I will most probably only run good

Anyway Angribob, my hope is you have cherry picked for running bad, so those streaks don't hit with that high probability...

Last edited by plaaynde; 05-07-2014 at 10:56 PM.
05-07-2014 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde

The variance is obviously even a bit worse than I expected.

Anyway Angribob, my hope is you have cherry picked for running bad, so those streaks don't hit with that high probability...
I had a similar graph for 150,000 hands - 2 differences though - 1. I didn't have any of that lovely bit at the start where winnings = expectations. 2. I still made about $10K.

Unfortunately if ur gonna play on-line, this seems to be the norm for good players. Just tragic EV graphs. Wish I lived in Vegas or London where I could find 101 live games running and stop the on-line biz but that ain't the case
05-07-2014 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by HighTillIDieT4L
I had a similar graph for 150,000 hands
Encouraging. Just looked at how many hands I play on average in each game, and it's almost exactly 20. So I could run bad for five years. And guess we haven't even started to talk about those REAL rock bottom possibilities yet.
05-08-2014 , 01:34 AM
Just for giving you folks some hope:

Up 20bi in some equally many games.
05-08-2014 , 01:17 PM
Worst thing with these streaks is you know they can't continue forever

At least I will have some money to pay with when the downswing hits...
05-10-2014 , 01:16 AM
Poker Stars $6.71+$0.29 No Limit Omaha Hi/Lo Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds + t2 - 6 players
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

BTN: t500 M = 11.90
Hero (SB): t500 M = 11.90
BB: t500 M = 11.90
UTG: t500 M = 11.90
MP: t500 M = 11.90
CO: t500 M = 11.90
Pre Flop: (t42) Hero is SB with J K T 9
1 fold, MP calls t20, CO says "streity....$7 careful man!", 1 fold, Hero says "hi", 2 folds, BB checks

Thanks for the warning streity! Apparently chat is registered only when the tournament has started. Decided to take my rungood money from the $3.50s and take a shot one level up. Looks players are considerably skillier. Kind of like it, if I only won. First impression in statistics:

Last edited by plaaynde; 05-10-2014 at 01:22 AM.
05-10-2014 , 07:13 AM
Im never folding that in the sb in a limped pot. Regs dont get better as you move up, you just have more of them in each game.
05-10-2014 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by flipya4dinna
Im never folding that in the sb in a limped pot.
You don't?

ProPokerTools Omaha Hi/Lo Simulation[/URL]
600,000 trials (Randomized)
Hand Pot equity Scoops Wins HiTies HiWins Lo Ties Lo
Jh Kh Td 9d40.89% 172,267314,2834,59700
a59.11% 281,120281,1204,597304,8860

ProPokerTools Omaha Hi/Lo Simulation[/URL]
600,000 trials (Randomized)
Hand Pot equity Scoops Wins HiTies HiWins Lo Ties Lo
Jh Kh Td 9d46.93% 205,938346,00112,30000
*53.07% 241,699241,69912,300268,9860

You think the flop hits often enough?
05-10-2014 , 08:51 AM
Nah.. The faster you will move up, the more swingy game regs will give you. There is somekind defition for it but I don't remember though.. It was breeze welcome or sth like that :P

You get 6:1 to call and you're investing only 2% of your stack so it's an easy call to a limp.

Last edited by Ziemni0k; 05-10-2014 at 09:06 AM.
05-10-2014 , 09:19 AM
Thanks, something to think about in the early rounds. Guess you have to play poker then. Have been concentrating on the all-in dynamics. Hating invest-fold.
05-10-2014 , 05:23 PM
Bye bye $7.00 hypers


05-11-2014 , 05:52 AM
Hello! I have a question. As far as this is true for hi lo?

Then look
Hand A2KQ rainbow is not included 5%, and this fold by ICM?
I watched as Bob plays, and push A3Q8 in this situation, a standard...i dont no its + or - on big distance?
Sorry for bad english.
05-11-2014 , 04:01 PM
^^ the 1st link I don't know what it means.

IF you are asking if you should play A 2 Q K rainbow and A 3 8 Q in hyper-turbo 6-max, yes to both. In hyper-turbo even 10% hands can play. Obviously at times it does depend on your stack and position - sometimes you should fold both hands but most of the time you should shove/call - shove > call.
05-11-2014 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by gook999
Hello! I have a question. As far as this is true for hi lo?

Then look
Hand A2KQ rainbow is not included 5%, and this fold by ICM?
I watched as Bob plays, and push A3Q8 in this situation, a standard...i dont no its + or - on big distance?
Sorry for bad english.
Personally I think ICM is close to BS in hyper O8. That's because you don't bust that easy when the pot is split, and because each tournament is that short, not like a bubble at the WSOP. Blinds keep going up with hyper speed, you can't sit there throwing away good equity hands.
05-12-2014 , 12:43 AM
Thanks for answers ^^
05-12-2014 , 01:04 AM
1st link is ICM calculator. In hold'em, we must push 5% of hands in this situation. Can it be applied to Hi lo or should we push more hands because the bank can be divided? How it is possible to count?
05-12-2014 , 07:51 AM
A holdem ICM calculator is beyond useless for o8. You realise that screen shot is just some random numbers somebody has put into a calculator (which is what it is). Not some GTO mathematical truth.
05-12-2014 , 10:04 AM
Ok...Independent Chip Model. Calculator considers the + or - EV push we do. But the model Independent and shows the percentage according to the size of our and others stacks or not?
05-12-2014 , 11:30 AM
All right. I understand why it does not work. Thank you and sorry for the stupid questions. ^^
05-15-2014 , 04:32 AM
Just opted in on SharkScope. Interesting reading. You of course also look at your own stats. I seem to have played very little tournaments before finding the hypers. Average ROI of 1.8%, guess it could be worse, but miles away from satisfactory.
05-16-2014 , 06:42 AM
hey, anyone notice bookie87 winning 100k this week? pretty sick concidering, but is probs the best player at 6 max atm
05-16-2014 , 07:48 AM
I actually just dropped by to say congratulations to bokkie if he's around here somewhere. What a week that is. Over $100,000. I'd imagine he's probably in Hawaii by now drinking rum out of a coconut shell.
05-16-2014 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by alexmck123
hey, anyone notice bookie87 winning 100k this week? pretty sick concidering, but is probs the best player at 6 max atm
No, he's the LUCKIEST player at 6-max atm. He's just on an insane heater like all those before him.
05-16-2014 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by HighTillIDieT4L
No, he's the LUCKIEST player at 6-max atm.
He could be both.
