Originally Posted by Angribob
yay running like absolute cack for a long time now. Over 6000 games b/e wooop:
Shocking. Good there are ev and chips graphs nowadays, guess your other graphs are going well. I will probably continue only single tabling, at least until I've learned the game properly, and don't have the resourses to put in that many hours (I'm still a bronze star, been chrome at times
). I started out in August last year, have produced only 1.6k games, let's say I've played 200 games a month. If I ran like you, and had the same ev, my even money streak would last for three years!
The variance is obviously even a bit worse than I expected. Will play for the ev, chips and bb graphs, real money is a nice bonus, if it comes. Not really a very big deal for me, beating the game "in reality" is the most important. Good to know also that if I start to "play like a demigod", I will most probably only run good
Anyway Angribob, my hope is you have cherry picked for running bad, so those streaks don't hit with that high probability...
Last edited by plaaynde; 05-07-2014 at 10:56 PM.