Weed range my ass. A good friend, Jim owns Nuggetry in Santa Ana. My father was a factory worker who made millions in the marijuana business. I am very well educated with a focus on genetics.
There is a small chance that 1 or 2 people who post at 2+2 know as much as me concerning marijuana. Would love to find a way to test my comprehensive knowledge on this subject for money. I make huge batches of butane extracts and cannabutter as well, which adds to my consumption totals.
I noticed your stats are good, want to play some deep stack heads up? Love to watch your hand ranges and bet sizing crumble as you get to later streets and actually have more than one bet left in your stack. My PM box is completely empty.
Speaking of clowns on this site. I waited 5 days for a fool who wanted 6K$ on poker stars and kept pm'ing me but never showed. Have met multiple SNE who I never knew, who immediately started inquiring about stakes once they met me. Come on now, do you really think someone who has hustled since age 12, graduated at the top of their class in high school and college, and made millions gambling throughout his career is going to be worried about a bunch of short stacking clowns whose hand ranges completely go to hell when their stacks are deeper?
Last edited by peso2paydirt; 02-03-2014 at 02:51 PM.