Originally Posted by UnnaturalDisaster
PT apparently doesn't care too much about Omaha players. Its ridiculous they still have not fixed the O8 equity bug yet.
Originally Posted by plaaynde
**** them
Of course they have given the possibility to download the older version of PT4, just haven't checked?
Stars is providing an interesting all-in viewing system. **** PT4, at the moment.
Will publish this in the PT4 thread, for encouragement.
Yes, it's ridicicilous they haven't fixed a bug this big. PT4 is bad. 2+2: please take action. Think I will PM Mason.
Originally Posted by plaaynde
1) Mason is a friend of ours, but there is nothing he can do about the development process of PokerTracker 4. Good idea, but it won't work ;-)
2) Perhaps you were unaware that O8b support is not yet finalized for All-in Equity, and All-In Equity Adjusted winnings? This has been one of the more complex equity related tasks we have taken on, and since we merged with Holdem Manager to create a new combined company both developer teams have progressed - but even to this day both HM2 and PT4 are still working on perfecting O8b equity calculations, it is something that continues to elude us - yet we strive for perfection. Equity for cash games works (worked) correctly, the big-picture problem we have been working on for months is solving the tournament chip all-in equity, ICM, and Net Adjusted Winnings calculations.
3) Of course we care about Omaha players, but this is not the only issue that we are busy addressing - and its not as simple to fix as you think.
4) We are not encouraged by trolling posts telling us "PT sucks" because we did not fix a problem that affected you overnight. In fact it actually discourages developers, they are human beings too. Want to encourage us? Helps us... send us support tickets with examples so our developers can cover every possible situation. Telling other users that PT4, the application you personally use "is bad" doesn't help the situation at all, so probably best that you find a better way to communicate with us. BTW, this has been a regular topic in our support forums for the past month, our team has done a decent job disclosing all we know about the situation if you looked there.
Cliffs: ICM for O8B is really tough to get right, while improving ICM we accidentally created a bug that disabled the low end of equity calculations in PT4. This will be fixed shortly.
Originally Posted by streityboy
You do realise that it is a dynamic bit of software that is used across a lot of sites, games and formats? Multiply that by the plethora of different functions that they are trying to deliver effectively and you will realise that it is a microcosm of everything they have on their plate. It renders this issue very insignificant in the whole scheme of things and it won't be fixed in a good long while I suspect. If you consider that it is just to tell you how good or bad you are running then it is even more irrelevant.
Correct. The O8b equity bug is just a tiny microcosm of the issues that our developers are addressing on a daily basis. In fact we have already fixed the equity bug across all networks, but we are now performing regression testing with all the other components within PT4 to make sure that there are no problems found. So far, so good - but we have had very few users approach us with sample O8b tournaments for us to perform regression testing with - if anyone would like to submit a significant sample across multiple sites for us to use during testing then please create a support ticket and attach the tournament hand histories (and summaries if they exist). Include the link to this post so we have a reference - and thanks in advance for the extra help!
The only thing we disagree with is that Street by Street equity is not actually a measurement of Running good or bad, thats actually impossible to measure.
PS: Slightly off topic, but it might be interesting to know that the equity displayed by PokerTracker 4 is just of known cards, if there are other players with equity in the pot that folded we cannot account for this missing equity - which makes showdown equity by street helpful, but not 100% accurate. Still, its the best that the industry can provide at this time, until a future date when hand range modeling becomes more advanced (see University of Alberta's recent accomplishments with limit hold'em as an example).
Originally Posted by Brunolf
It's pretty easy to see what is happening. Low equity is not added to PLO Hi equity. Simple as that, they know with which update it happened. Shouldn't be hard for the person that worked on the calculation of equities for this update.
Its a much more complicated situation than you assume. You are right that low equity is not being calculated, this was a side effect of our attempt to "crack the code" and finally deliver ICM and Net Adjusted Winnings calculations that we can stand behind proudly by proclaiming their accuracy. The HUD equity display is a side effect of the bigger problem we have been struggling to solve for a LONG time, and it looks like we are finally close to getting accurate Net Adjusted Winnings figures for O8b.
On the bright side most online poker sites now provide street by street all-in equity thanks to PokerStars recent change, so there is a stopgap solution for most players until we are done working on the next release. Its not a perfect sollution, but its better than having no numbers at all.
Originally Posted by Brunolf
Because it shows wrong percentages in the HUD. I'm pretty good at guessing equities, but one of the things I use PT4 for is the quick look at the exact equities after a hand and thus evaluating some plays directly on the spot.
Furthermore, it worked before. So, I think it won't take that long to fix this.
See above. (1) Its not "exact" unless everyone who had equity in the pot gets to showdown. (2) It worked in the HUD before, but as a consequence it created problems with our all-in equity calculations. When we (nearly) solved the all-in equity problems, the side effect was disabling low equity calculations accidentally. But now this means we need to go back and revisit all of our prior work multiple versions back (this bug was introduced in 4.12.1). A very complicated task that takes time.
Originally Posted by streityboy
You really didn't read anything I said brun ?
Look I work for a company that does its own system testing. If something that previously worked in our "live" system goes wrong the evaluation to fix it is based upon the overall cost to the business and its users measured against other competing system failures that also need fixing, the cost of resources required in fixing the problem itself, aswell as other competing deadlines for delivering new functionality to the system that are contractual obligations. Our company then prioritises accordingly. I presume this is what PT and HM do - you can verify this through Google searches. I guarantee this is low priority and rightly so.
Even if it gets approval to fix the developers have to work out what went wrong, often develop new code, then put this forward to be tested in a test environment, then any further errors that have occured are raised and new code developed. Eventually when this process is complete the fix is then delivered in a release which often has to wait to go in with another raft of fixes.
Correct! Very accurate explanation of the development support update process.
I have no idea when this issue first happened but my guess is that this will take maybe 6 months or more from when it was identified. Quite happy to take over under bets on this.
We will take the under ;-) The problem was introduced December 8th. We hoped to have a fix out just before Christmas, but regression testing was required - and in turn additional fixes applied. I predict this will be included in our next release (either 4.13 or 4.12.2 - the version number remains to be determined), and that release may happen as soon as next week if all goes as planned - if not sooner. We are doing the best we can, but issues as complex as this takes time.
I hope this lengthy response helps clarify the situation. We do not normally respond to posts outside of our official 2+2 support thread found inside the Commercial Software forum, but this is a rare situation where some clarity was needed. If you have more questions or wish to respond to this post, please post it in the
official PokerTracker 4 thread on 2+2 rather than here so we can read it and give you an answer. Thanks!
- TT