Originally Posted by AKsPRO
Hey guys. I'm wondering the question and I it would be nice if you could help me. http://twodimes.net/poker/?g=o&b=&d=...%0A3s+5s+6h+9h says me EV of 6s 4d 2d 8h === VS=== 5s 3s 9h 6h ===to be=== 0.404 on 0.596
and my PokerAnalyzer says 6s 4d 2d 8h has as much as 0.456 equity preflop.
Which is the true? And why?
The latter. You were accidentally simulating Omaha high in the twodimes sim. You'll never get a discrepancy as high as 4 or 5% when doing 500k sims vs the exhaustive, so if something's ever off by more than a couple tents of a percent assume you made an error somewhere.