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Is NL08 just BINGO Is NL08 just BINGO

05-17-2014 , 01:20 AM
Hello Guys

I have played a fair bit of PL08 and although I cannot boast any great scores I understand the game enough to play fairly well and the important thing is that I enjoy the game.
Last night I played the SCOOP L NL08 and lasted about 10 mins
I found myself on a loose table where raises and reraises were flying in and every flop was 3 or 4 handed. I got a few hands early on that I would definitely have gone to the flop with in PL but was priced out

Then I got dealt AA23 double suited and got all in preflop
With 2 callers
AJ56 and AK44 (both had suited Aces)
I was dead on the JJK flop

I suppose my question is
Is all NL08 played so fast and furious or was I unlucky to find a loose table

It is possible I was too nitty with my preflop action early on and as is always the case I would have scooped a couple of the early pots but I really didn't have good enough cards to call the raise sizes.

Obviously the one and only hand I played I was a massive favourite to scoop pre but both players who called had better hands than had been winning pots so it is hard to blame them for calling

It just seemed a lot like Bingo
I play mostly holdem and 7 card stud but I really enjoy the challenge of PL08 and my game is really improving but whereas I find PL08 to be a great thinking game NL08 seemed to be just gambling

Thanks for listening and good luck at the tables
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-17-2014 , 02:33 AM
Yes, but then again all Omaha is bingo. Duhhh.
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-17-2014 , 02:41 AM
It's a bingo you can learn to beat.
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-17-2014 , 03:15 AM
NLO8 20BB CAP is bingo.
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-17-2014 , 07:06 AM
Most skillful and its not even close. NLO8 tournaments in particular are just fascinating in so many ways.

(tournies, not sure about cash)
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-17-2014 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by JP9562
Then I got dealt AA23 double suited and got all in preflop
With 2 callers
AJ56 and AK44 (both had suited Aces)
I myself am still trying to figure out how to play the good A,Axx hans preflop.

Considering it's early in tournament and you have 'the' premium hand, I think the optimum play here was to open 2.5BB - 4BB, call up to 25BB 3bet, reraise push to 25+BB 3bet. I don't mind if there are 3-4 callers with this type of hand. If heads-up, no problem. When you open push, even 27JJx might call you and bust you, however, if you open 2.5BB, 27JJx call, and flop is 77J, you could get away easily.
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-17-2014 , 11:11 AM
I actually opened for 4BB from UTG+1
MP 3 bet to 12BB
BTN 4bet to 20BB
I called 20BB
MP shoved
BTN called

I thought exactly the same as you call for 20BB then reassess on the flop but when 2 players go all in before me I have no choice

Thanks for your input and good luck at the tables
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-17-2014 , 11:15 AM
It's interesting how the person that finished 2nd (congrats btw!) in the High event and a person that played in a fish-filled Low event have such polarizing opinions.

I wonder if OP would have a different opinion if he had played the Medium or High event.
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-17-2014 , 11:23 AM
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-17-2014 , 11:24 AM
Haha no surprise to see Demonic16 saying, "totally skill man", after making a great score in the H NLO8. Congrats m8

To OP, I was in that game and the thing is, half the field literally didn't have a clue. I can understand why you think it's bingo because for the first 4 hours a lot of it WAS bingo.

My personal sob story was 3betting pre with A A 2 9 ds, finding a caller with 2 3 5 Q ds and getting sucked out. I'm a vindictive ******* and I railed that dude for 15 mins thereafter - he dropped his 65K stack in that time I'm happy to say lol.

Late on in that tourney the game is totally different - rather than 3 bet pre and lots of action, a min raise pre will take down the pot. From the start of the H $2100 game that's pretty much how it was and so while Demonic was playing a game of skill, us little fishies in the $27 game were playing bingo until deep ITM and the idiots had died out. The M 215 is somewhere in between, more pre action than the H but significantly less than in the L.

I love the NLO8 and PLO8 tourneys, especially playing with the better players relatively deep in the game. You get all sorts of tough calls, big folds, bluffs, steals, respect, derision and it's anything but bingo. Sure, over 1 or 2 games a bingo player might do well but longer term the only numbers the bingo players hit are added to my stack

GL JP9562 and don't give up on NLO8 just yet - check out the Omania tourneys, avoid getting fished in the first 2-3 hours, then enjoy the battle for the FT
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-17-2014 , 11:28 AM
@ london and JP - if your table is full of fish early on I STRONGLY favour shoving A A 2 3ds. IF you have good players around you, much better IMO to build the pot pre without getting over-aggro then quartering the villains on the board (when likely they are also playing A 2 3 X type hands, making you a dairy farm on mutual flops).
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-17-2014 , 02:49 PM
Constructing ranges in NLO8 is an art form and very complex poker. In a comp as deep as the 2k its extremely skillful. Uhhhhme played 40/8 on the final 2 tables and made everyone including me look silly. The antes also encourage some play whereas in plo8 the nittier guys can survive easier. I played 35/10 yday and was rarely all in pre before icm considerations. I won most of my flips though.
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-17-2014 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Demonic16
Constructing ranges in NLO8 is an art form and very complex poker. In a comp as deep as the 2k its extremely skillful. Uhhhhme played 40/8 on the final 2 tables and made everyone including me look silly.
When a high VPIP, low PFR and 3bet style works, it means there is very little skill in the preflop part of a game. Basically limp whatever hand looks good and reshove when you have AA.
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-17-2014 , 05:21 PM
Exactly. A postflop game. Preflop is always an important skill, its the most often played street.
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-17-2014 , 06:12 PM
Agreed and nice score yesterday. The guy you played hu, he used to play full ring NLO8 24/7 for years when it was still popular. I didnt see him the last few years, now he shows up from nowhere and just wins.
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-19-2014 , 12:20 AM
I loved the stars $5 dollar NLO8 rebuys. Was a regular in those tourneys, was finally developing a great sense of the game and then Black Friday.

I think position plays an important role, duh right. Also, shipping on the flop is only a good tool to isolate a player. You had to fade 120 possible hand combinations on the river with two players all in as well.

NL just gives more of an opportunity for the bluff, and to build pot sizes early.

Can you tell I like the game?
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-19-2014 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by JP9562
I actually opened for 4BB from UTG+1
MP 3 bet to 12BB
BTN 4bet to 20BB
I called 20BB

I thought exactly the same as you call for 20BB then reassess on the flop but when 2 players go all in before me I have no choice

Thanks for your input and good luck at the tables
This seems pretty bad, just shove and try to take the ~40bb (or at least get one fold). While I understand the desire to see a lot of flops cheap ... seeing a flop with a super premium and 60bb in the pot vs. two insane villains, isn't going to give a lot of opportunities to fold.

There are def. certain spots that feel way more bingo than any other form of poker (apart from maybe nlo, but I've never played that). Eg. Idiots shoving pre. and forcing you to take 45-55% or at the other end I was in a game yesterday where one guy was a typical any4 idiot, and at one point shoved for 100x the pot (~300bb) on the river (and I folded the wheel) ... where I'd never fold that in plo8 vs. him.
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-19-2014 , 01:08 PM
It's the best form of poker around at the moment. Played all three levels, sadly lost the key pots in the M-H but finaled the low to finish in profit. My hope is stars make it a super KO or progressive KO event next time around as well as straight up NLO/8 event.
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-19-2014 , 02:09 PM
PLO8 definitely requires more skill, however, to say NLO8 is just BINGO is incorrect. Both games can be beat and at a substantial win rate if played correctly.
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
05-19-2014 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Demonic16
Exactly. A postflop game. Preflop is always an important skill, its the most often played street.
+1....knowing your opponent, his range on the flop, and your overall hand strength can help a lot. NLO8 can be a shoving game pre...but there are also times where a flop and turn can make or break you depending on how you play it.

Originally Posted by LimpDitka
PLO8 definitely requires more skill, however, to say NLO8 is just BINGO is incorrect. Both games can be beat and at a substantial win rate if played correctly.
+1 as well....I watched some of the $2100 both PLO8 and NLO8 and let's just say that the games are NOT dead AND beatable
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
06-01-2014 , 08:19 AM
When it comes to the scoop events everyone will play the low buy in regardless of the variation, they'll play razz and badugi and not have a clue what's going on just for the fun of it and why not? so I don't think it's a good idea to compare normal No8 gameplay to that of a low buy in scoop event. I prefer PLO8 cash to the nl variation, but most O8 cash games are No Limit these days. I sat down in a 6 max $1-2 game and people were just open shoving for 50bb's, can get a bit annoying
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
06-01-2014 , 10:53 AM
u should love those lineups Tim.

They're probablly shoving much too wide, and if you bust them one time you might steam them up. It's fun.
Is NL08 just BINGO Quote
