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LO8, trying to learn this game, help! LO8, trying to learn this game, help!

01-24-2008 , 02:41 AM
I've just recently started playing limit O/8 and seem to be having some trouble. The main problem is that I don't know what to do in situations when I flop two pair. I have just been folding most of the time, occasionally getting involved when I flop top and bottom on a two high card board or top two on a two low card board. My problem is thus: These hands never seem to hold up and have cost me a lot, leading me to believe that I should just dump them, but somehow that seems way too weak tight. I know this is a very vague question, but when (if ever) do you guys get involved with these hands?

Basically what I am asking is what do the conditions have to be before these hands are playable (#of opponents in pot and board texture).

If this question is just too vague, I'll try to post some examples of hands that I have botched.
LO8, trying to learn this game, help! Quote
01-24-2008 , 09:17 PM
I am no limit expert, but I think these hands are more playable in a fairly tight game (where they have a better chance of holding up because few see the flop) or a very loose-passive one (where the implied odds exist for chasing a FH). In a middling sort of game, five to the flop and some random aggression, I think these hands are very tough to play because it's both hard to know when your current high is good, and you don't get implied odds for the FH.
LO8, trying to learn this game, help! Quote
01-24-2008 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by gmillera3
I've just recently started playing limit O/8 and seem to be having some trouble. The main problem is that I don't know what to do in situations when I flop two pair. I have just been folding most of the time, occasionally getting involved when I flop top and bottom on a two high card board or top two on a two low card board. My problem is thus: These hands never seem to hold up and have cost me a lot, leading me to believe that I should just dump them, but somehow that seems way too weak tight. I know this is a very vague question, but when (if ever) do you guys get involved with these hands?
You're right about the question being very vague. It depends specifically on the cards involved, but usually bottom two tends to get you into trouble if you don't have something better (like the nut flush draw, the nut flush, the nut low draw, or the nut low).

Top and bottom can be troublesome too. Depends.

Top two is good in a tight game and often wins unimproved. But there again, it depends on the top two. Top two when the flop is 543 and you don't also have a wheel or straight is not good. But top two when the flop is AQ9 is looking good to take the pot with a bet.
Basically what I am asking is what do the conditions have to be before these hands are playable (#of opponents in pot and board texture).
A reasonable question, but too many variables to answer.
If this question is just too vague, I'll try to post some examples of hands that I have botched.
I think that's what you have to do. And it's best to post each hand/flop separately.

LO8, trying to learn this game, help! Quote
