Originally Posted by Rush17
Mid-limit LO8 (7 handed game)
Tight player raises UTG, another tight players calls and I call OTB w/A477 suited.
Easy decision to continue for one bet... but a much tougher decision for two bets. The problem is we should fold unless the flop hits us squarely, but if the flop hits us marginally, there will be too much money in the pot to easily fold to a single flop bet.
Mainly I'd be playing this to flop a flush or a flush draw. Secondarily, maybe we'll make a winning low. And about one time in eight we'll see a flop with a seven.
Not quite good enough for Hero At least that flop takes out A3XY and 23XY for low... but there's still the strong possibility of A2XY. And we're still drawing for low. If we had a made low at this point, that would be one thing - but we're still
drawing for low.
I hate to fold to the inevitable bet, but I think that's the play.
Villain bets, call, call.
I think calling here, despite the seeming 8 to 1 odds, is a mistake. (They're
not 8 to 1 implied pot odds).
Turn: K (bet, call, call)
Now it's hard to get out... and looking ahead to the river, it will be hard to get out there too.
Tough decision. We have two pairs, kings over sevens. But either opponent could have trip kings or better, or just two pairs, kings over jacks, or the pre-flop raiser might have aces over kings. I don't like it, but having come this far, I'd be inclined to call.
I hesitated, actually tanked on this for about 30 seconds and called.
Some of the time you'll win here. I hope this was one of them.