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Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt

07-28-2010 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Skleice
k....playing first NL08 session EVER and there are people just open shoving everywhere for like any stack size. And just now a guy shoved $50 into a $1 limped pot. Is this **** normal?
yes pretty much.. personally I hate that game
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
07-28-2010 , 08:20 PM
I just felt like playing something else for a change but this is some weird **** lol. I was very surprised to find that it's all pretty much FR as well. I think the combo of FR and NL makes this such a weird ass game.
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
07-29-2010 , 12:13 PM
Yeah, Skleice, it's really amazing...I took a few weeks off of NLO8 cash games, come back and it's even worse than before! I was just sitting down because I needed to clear 200 VPPs to hit a stellar reward.

Jeeesus- Well I almost always get the one month ban, get it back for a day, get it all in pre with AAwx and some idiot like exitforafilm calls with A39K rainbow, scoops, puts me on tilt, I berate someone, get a ban, rinse, repeat. About two weeks ago, I was doing well in MTTs, came home one night hammered as hell from a club here in Detroit, pissed that I, as usual, didn't have the balls to talk to the hot bartender with an ass as round, and nearly the size, as a basketball, so of course I decided to prove how much of a man I was by playing HU PLO. Ruh Roh... playing $.25/.$50 heads up I lost about $500 in less than 2 hours. Funny thing is, I looked at the hand history, and I was UUUUBER doomswitched. Guy takes me for well over $100 on a hand where I flopped top set and he 4 or 5 bets with just an open ender and hits. I laugh at him, make one sarcastic comment, think I called him a clueless donk (standard fare from me ) , he gets up, then calls the moderator on me to add insult to injury, boom 6 month chat ban. The thing is, I lost to so many people that night, and was so drunk I don't even remember who it was.

Oh to piggy back on the DonRio post...I never had a problem with the guy, used to respect his game, but he's sucked the last few months. About a month and a half ago, I had my chat turned on for a day or two haha, and lost to a guy when I flopped a set of aces, he flops a set of 9's and rivers quads (standard). I don't berate the guy, but was a little upset seeing as I was, well, I can't even begin to fathom how many BIs under EV from June. Donrio chimes in with stuff like "hey, the best hand won" etc. and was basically getting at "don't tap the tank", which I wasn't, just kinda cursing my bad luck. He again feels the need to play sheriff, and I tell him to just kinda mind his own business, nothing too outlandish, offensive, etc. A minute later I get a chat ban, obv. from him. I was gonna tell him off on here, but really, what would that do/prove? I've come to expect very little out of people from Ohio
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
07-29-2010 , 12:20 PM
What do people do about playing micro stacks HU? For example I've played a fair bit with Grimzor at PL25 when he always sits down with a fiver.
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
07-29-2010 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by GrimIsCool
What do people do about playing micro stacks HU? For example I've played a fair bit with Grimzor at PL25 when he always sits down with a fiver.
Battle of the Grim IMO.
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
07-29-2010 , 03:30 PM
I like playing Grimzor. He'll give a lot of action and certainly helps loosen up the table. I'm never a fan of buying in for $5, but I routinely witness him quickly spin it up.
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
07-29-2010 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by GrimIsCool
What do people do about playing micro stacks HU? For example I've played a fair bit with Grimzor at PL25 when he always sits down with a fiver.
Just get it in imo
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07-29-2010 , 07:02 PM
I don't play people that short buy
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
07-30-2010 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by GrimIsCool
What do people do about playing micro stacks HU? For example I've played a fair bit with Grimzor at PL25 when he always sits down with a fiver.
don't play people that short. i tried doing it and rake destroyed me...if you want to start tables just start the deep tables
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-04-2010 , 12:19 AM
I am glad that I am not in here. While I try not to berate anyone, I do it. It is just like my dog that keeps chasing the cat.

I see a lot of darkstar at the tables. Any time, any day. He does not top off his stack, which I find odd.
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-04-2010 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Grasshopp3r
I am glad that I am not in here. While I try not to berate anyone, I do it. It is just like my dog that keeps chasing the cat.

I see a lot of darkstar at the tables. Any time, any day. He does not top off his stack, which I find odd.
he plays ALOT..pretty sure he is a rakebackpro...probably breakeven player i think
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-06-2010 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by Grasshopp3r
I am glad that I am not in here. While I try not to berate anyone, I do it. It is just like my dog that keeps chasing the cat.

I see a lot of darkstar at the tables. Any time, any day. He does not top off his stack, which I find odd.
I have a ton of hands with him over 30k and my tracker has him down 6 bucks I truly think he is just clearing fpps playing verry lo vpip .The way he plays truly takes the fun out of it is like working in a factory pulling a lever 12 hours a day for minimum wage and he never buys in full and never plays higher then micro .
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-06-2010 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by 420grasshopper
I have a ton of hands with him over 30k and my tracker has him down 6 bucks I truly think he is just clearing fpps playing verry lo vpip .The way he plays truly takes the fun out of it is like working in a factory pulling a lever 12 hours a day for minimum wage and he never buys in full and never plays higher then micro .
supernova is like getting free money...who cares if your breakeven. You are basically guarenteed money.
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-06-2010 , 02:38 PM
After many years reading these forums I could no longer resist the temtation to jump in. Onwhoshanks has summed it up nicely. I am the first to admit that I am a slightly better then break even player , however the benifits of Supernova allow me to live a very comfortable life. I am working on my 3rd milestone bonus for the year and take full advantage of the Stars Conceirge program which more then covers every expense I have . Believe me grasshopper it is much better than answering to a boss or working in a factory.

The real good times have passed though. It was really nice when the U.S Buck didn't suck goat testies. # years ago as a Canadian I would receive $1400.00 for every $1000.00 that I withdrew. Now with the loonie at par with the greenback it has mad a dent on my haul. Nova allows even the average players to make some really good money.

Cheers !!!!!
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-06-2010 , 02:43 PM
wow thanks for posting. couple of questions. How many tables/hours did it take to reach supernova? And what does your typical day look like?
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-06-2010 , 03:35 PM
Yea dark nice to have you on these forums. I'd prolly ask same questions as shanklington
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-06-2010 , 04:56 PM
Am I only the only one that detest having Darkstar here? Flame away if you wish, but he brings no strategy to game, slows down tables, never starts games, is the BIGGEST nit of alllllllllllllll time, and buys in for half a stack ALWAYS. This forum was much better yesterday before Darkstar's presence.
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-06-2010 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by NooBster
Am I only the only one that detest having Darkstar here? Flame away if you wish, but he brings no strategy to game, slows down tables, never starts games, is the BIGGEST nit of alllllllllllllll time, and buys in for half a stack ALWAYS. This forum was much better yesterday before Darkstar's presence.
Maybe he has no OutOfThisWorldMad poker skills but he has many more important skills that many people lack like patience, ability to not tilt, great bankroll managment and other!
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-06-2010 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by darkstar_24
After many years reading these forums I could no longer resist the temtation to jump in. Onwhoshanks has summed it up nicely. I am the first to admit that I am a slightly better then break even player , however the benifits of Supernova allow me to live a very comfortable life. I am working on my 3rd milestone bonus for the year and take full advantage of the Stars Conceirge program which more then covers every expense I have . Believe me grasshopper it is much better than answering to a boss or working in a factory.

The real good times have passed though. It was really nice when the U.S Buck didn't suck goat testies. # years ago as a Canadian I would receive $1400.00 for every $1000.00 that I withdrew. Now with the loonie at par with the greenback it has mad a dent on my haul. Nova allows even the average players to make some really good money.

Cheers !!!!!
how much a year can a break-even player make from being a supernova? i know you make $100,000 being supernova elite but that's a whole new level...
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-06-2010 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by NooBster
Am I only the only one that detest having Darkstar here? Flame away if you wish, but he brings no strategy to game, slows down tables, never starts games, is the BIGGEST nit of alllllllllllllll time, and buys in for half a stack ALWAYS. This forum was much better yesterday before Darkstar's presence.
are you implying everyone wants to be like him? lol im just curious how he does it....chilll
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-06-2010 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by NooBster
Am I only the only one that detest having Darkstar here? Flame away if you wish, but he brings no strategy to game, slows down tables, never starts games, is the BIGGEST nit of alllllllllllllll time, and buys in for half a stack ALWAYS. This forum was much better yesterday before Darkstar's presence.
You put me in kind of an awkward spot.

You clearly have insulted Darkstar.

And now he's a forum poster and a 2+2 member.

My policy is to avoid getting involved unless the person insulted protests to me. (Usually that would be done by private message). And then, in general, I'll delete the posts that mention his name to which he objects. We'll see what happens.

Darkstar, if you're reading this, that's the policy.

as moderator
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-06-2010 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by OneWhoShanks
are you implying everyone wants to be like him? lol im just curious how he does it....chilll
There are numerous regs on 'Stars that have supernova status, multitable to their hearts content, and post here. I am a firm believer that your question on how to achieve Supernova status would be better answered by them. OneWhoShanks, I dig your style of play and I know what you're getting at, but there are a lot better people to ask than this individual. Buzz, I apologize for my outburst, I'm a passionate player.
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-06-2010 , 06:15 PM

Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1

Wow, he's taking over the forum
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-06-2010 , 07:52 PM
Thank you for the compliment, but i was simply just wondering how he did it at such low stakes. It's interesting, but i have no interest in being the "next" darkstar lol
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
08-07-2010 , 04:11 AM
Same Darkstar that played 1/2 NLO8 on FTP about 3yrs ago? Curious
wondering how he did it at such low stakes
Played a lot, LDO
I should probably move this to the monthly no-content thread. Maybe I'll do that when I get back from playing poker tonight.
I've been on this forum for years, & have never read that you went to play poker recently. Possible low/no content trip report?

Silent Purple denied myself & another player the ability to play HU on Stars tonight, IDK if this is his style or if he was simply being vindictive (can't think of a reason for him to be). Has he ever done this to anybody else? Honestly HU is not really my thing, but the other player was stuck a few Buy's & asked so I did aswell.
Let's Talk About Regs: Stars/Full Tilt Quote
