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how to play nut low with a marginal high hand how to play nut low with a marginal high hand

11-02-2009 , 03:38 AM
In a fixed limit game lets assume its a dry board and you have the nut low and 2 pair in a multi way pot. for example; A27K and the board is 378KQ rainbow (no flush or str8s possible) i am assuming we should be capping this on the turnif possible but what about the river if it is bet and called and we arer last to act should we raise or just call. I am assuming we should raise.

What factors do you look at? I mean what if there is a str8 or a flush possible. or what if you have the bottom 2 pair or the top 2 pair? Also on the flop with a pair and the nut low how should we play it? really aggro and jam it or just call and let others come for the ride? How does it change our strategy depending on if we have a backup low in case we get counterfeited? is it best to proceed cautiously if you have no backup?
how to play nut low with a marginal high hand Quote
11-02-2009 , 04:02 AM
IMO, this is way way way more than you need to be comfortable with at least half HU. 3 way it's a little more iffy but I'm still going to raise most of the time.
how to play nut low with a marginal high hand Quote
11-02-2009 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by gochiefs19
IMO, this is way way way more than you need to be comfortable with at least half HU. 3 way it's a little more iffy but I'm still going to raise most of the time.
Yeah Im always way too paranoid about getting quartered in multiway pots...
how to play nut low with a marginal high hand Quote
11-02-2009 , 11:08 PM
The reason I say that is because it's very hard for even the better players to lay down a nut low with a weak high so if you think you're up against another nut low, there are two cards remaining which will essentially be random. I'd even be comfortable reraising with bottom two and the nut low here.
how to play nut low with a marginal high hand Quote
