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How did I win half this pot? How did I win half this pot?

08-13-2018 , 10:59 PM
I can't figure out how I halved this. He has the wheel? I have a pair of aces?

My hand: AcJcKs3h
His hand: 4h7sAd5d

The board:Ah2h7c5c3d
How did I win half this pot? Quote
08-14-2018 , 12:08 AM
villain must have had less than you at the start of hand. if that's not the case, then get off that site cause it's broken.
How did I win half this pot? Quote
08-14-2018 , 01:37 AM
if 4h7sAd5d only had a starting stack of 32, you(AcJcKs3h) had a starting stack of 80 and KhTh8d3c had a starting stack of 106

when all 3 hands showdown and by showdown both you(AcJcKs3h) and 4h7sAd5d are allin,

scoops both AcJcKs3h and KhTh8d3c for the main pot of 93
32*3= 96 - 3 rake = 93


KhTh8d3c for the side pot of 93
80-32=48, 48 *2 =96 -3 rake = 93

so that by coincidence it appears that you got half the pot, but in fact you got scooped in the main pot and scooped the sidepot.

my guess as to an explanation although the rake seems low
How did I win half this pot? Quote
08-15-2018 , 11:07 PM
Ok. thanks for your replies. That makes sense. I am learning this game, and it's really cool. I thought I was losing my mind for a bit.
How did I win half this pot? Quote
