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Game type preference tally sheet. Game type preference tally sheet.

10-22-2010 , 01:37 PM
Please see post #4 in this thread for the updated version as of Saturday evening in Los Angeles CA.


Last edited by Buzz; 10-25-2010 at 02:02 AM.
Game type preference tally sheet. Quote
10-22-2010 , 02:16 PM
What meaneth the asterisk by the 'no' votes?
Game type preference tally sheet. Quote
10-22-2010 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Phat Mack
What meaneth the asterisk by the 'no' votes?
I meant to delete those before posting and then forgot.

Those are people who posted in writing in the other questionnaire thread a preference for no split but haven't yet responded in the current election poll.

The problem is obviously that there have been too many polls about the issue, and that is my fault.

But I really do want to go with the wishes of the majority and people have expressed different preferences for a split so that it simply wasn't very clear to me how to effect a split, should there be one. (I may not be expressing myself very well).

Game type preference tally sheet. Quote
10-25-2010 , 02:00 AM
The polls last week were preliminary to guide me on how to phrase a poll question for splitting the forum.

The current poll is the formal election poll as to whether to split the forum or not, and if so, how to split it.

Please vote in the current poll if you have not already done so.

I apologize for any confusion.

Here is my current master tally sheet as of 11:00 p.m. Saturday, October 23

--UCLA Deity          6M  
1MoreFish4U  FL         yes
AAlimper            no
abarber            yes
akaAlsoNLPLFLOL   T   FTno
AngribobNLPL    CGTHUSH6MFTno*
astrobel PLFLOLBM CGT    no*
aumorgan            yes
beermankirkNLPL  BMPGCGT     
BenG2813            yes
Berba!        HUSH6M yes
bfc            yes
Bigpooch PLFLOLBM CG      
Bill Haverchuck  FL          
bobbyqul PL        6M  
Buck FuddyNLPLFL    T SH6MFTno*
bumblebee99  FL   CG   6MFTno
bwslim69 PL OL PGCGT  6M no
caddymatty            no
carddown PL         FTno
checkmate36 PL    CG    FTyes*
chessterfish            no
ChrisNINLPL     T   FTno
cjs            no
CTO_XYEB            no
d3 fact0 PL    CGTHUSH6MFTno*
Dan.            no
darkside2007            yes
Dizzy FuzzNLPLFL   CGTHU 6MFTno*
donger  FL   CG     no*
earthwizardNLPLFL   CGT    no*
evilhamit            yes
Faccio           FT 
FiveBet            no
FN2339            yes
FoxdsComeUpNL FLOL  CG    FTyes
FrankieFlushNLPL     THUSH6MFTno*
FRGCardinal           FT 
Fuketsu  FL   CGT     
gerryq            no
GrandChamp21            yes
Grasshopp3rNLPL OL       FT 
GrimIsCool          6M ?
gryphon_gold            yes
guesswestNLPL     T    no*
gumaaa            no
hdbetsNLPLFL   CGT    no
ichbin            no
Il Becchino          6MFT 
IlliniFan97            yes
iPOKErU            yes
JD2003 PL    CG      
jestein            no
Jeztuck            no?
jjbish            no
jonthebook            no
K1n9K0n9            yes
Kaon PL OL  CG      
kingmack        HUSH6M  
Kittens            yes
knght311  FLOL         
Kwnagi PL OL  CG      
Letrix PL OL  CG      
Londonsystem            no
Lyrrad  FLOLBM CGT     
Manndl            no
MattS            no
Midas14            yes
MikeyObviously            yes
moneypunter            yes
MonomachusNLPL     T     
MrAdvantage            yes
Mr.JR            no
mustdobetterNLPL    CG   6MFTno
Nemesis1963            yes
niceguysFT            no
nielsrock           FTyes
nutter2690 PL    CG      
nyy214        HUSH6M  
Omaha Chris          6MFT 
omaha8shaun PL OL  CG   6MFTyes
OnyxNLPL    CGT     
orangepeelNLPL OLBMPGCGT    no
patreezyNL   BMPGCGT     
Pepgro8 PL    CGT    no
Perplex0r PL OLBM CG HUSH6M  
plaaynde  FL        FTno
pokerchef12 PL    CG      
Pokerlicious            yes
predator06            no
prodonkey        HU 6M  
ProtekYoNuts            no
punkass            no
Redbad  FLOL  CGT  6MFTno
riffrafff            yes
RigMeARiver            yes
rohjoh          6MFT 
RunnerRunnerFinNLPL  OL CG T    
saull23            yes
SexOnOmahaBeach            no
Shaqalicious            no
Sixer            yes
Skleice PL OL  CG  SH6M  
SpeedLimiterNLPL OL  CG   6MFT 
str8 or better           FT 
StrikeR300NLPL    CG HUSH6M  
SuitedBaby           FT 
suiteddeuces            yes
TeflonDawgNLPL    CGT  6MFT 
Truthiness24            no*
Villian1            yes
WallhallenNLPL    CGTHUSH6MFTno
wannabebetter PL    CG   6M  
whothedonk        HUSH6M  
_Koby_  FLOL  CG      
136 total respondents to here.

PL = interest in pot limit
NL = interest in no limit
FL = interest in fixed limit

OL = interest in on-line
BM = interest in brick and mortar
PG = interest in private game

CG = interest in cash game
T = interest in tournament

HU = interest in heads-up play
SH = interest in short handed play
6M = interest in six-max play
FT = interest in full table play

In the last column,
• "yes" means wants split at this time,
• "no" means does not favor a split at this time
• "no*" means expressed a preference to not split at this time in the survey but has not responded in the current poll.
• "yes*" means expressed a preference to not split in the survey but has not responded in the current poll.
• "?" means voted not to split but also voted to split in current poll.

If I've made a mistake or you want to change your mind, please advise us in this thread.

Game type preference tally sheet. Quote
10-25-2010 , 06:08 AM
31 votes to split the forum against 56 to stay the same. thats 35% in favor of a split, creepin' up on 50 percent. Im glad to see im not alone, and keep on fightin.

this is inevitable!
Game type preference tally sheet. Quote
10-25-2010 , 08:51 AM
Once again I'll mention, most of those for the split aren't real regs here, just lurkers and/or occasional posters. The vast majority of the true regs here are against the split.
Game type preference tally sheet. Quote
10-25-2010 , 11:17 AM
This forum is as good as it can be right now. It has a combination of split and no split. I have found myself searching and immediately finding the limit posts, marked with a , several pages back. Really has boosted up my motivation. At the same time, I can look for the threads not marked with any symbol, they are of common interest to us all.
Game type preference tally sheet. Quote
10-25-2010 , 11:38 AM
i didnt know about this seperation with the
Game type preference tally sheet. Quote
10-25-2010 , 11:57 AM
The markers are a really good idea. I thought about this myself, but Buzz was quicker. Maybe we can use the for general issues, e.g. anything related with tracking software.
Game type preference tally sheet. Quote
10-26-2010 , 02:33 PM
i saw some hanging chads on a couple of those
Game type preference tally sheet. Quote
10-26-2010 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by prodonkey
i saw some hanging chads on a couple of those

Are you from Florida?

hanging chad - a chad that is incompletely removed and hanging by one corner
chad - a small piece of paper that is supposed to be removed when a hole is punched in a card or paper tape

Game type preference tally sheet. Quote
