Originally Posted by Onegin
Having lurked for a while, I feel I gotta throw in my two cents as well. A lot of the content/forums online are plagued by trolls. This forum has been a huge asset to me and I think that in part it is due to the Mods keeping it serious.
Also Hi guys.
Hi and welcome to the forum. And thank you.
My co-green-mods, Truthiness and Niss, are both excellent choices for mod, in my humble opinion, and we're really lucky to have them. All three of us have somewhat different personalities, and those are reflected in our decisions. All three of us are primarily Omaha-8 players and Omaha-8 forum posters, rather than forum cops. None of us are what you would think of as professional gamblers. We're all amateurs, but successful Omaha-8 players. Truthiness and Niss are both attorneys, excellent writers, and know their stuff about Omaha-8. I'm a retired college dean. I've been around the longest, but Truthiness and Niss have an equal say in the moderation of this forum.
I like this forum. It started out as the "Other Poker Games" forum, then that forum split into two forums (1)Omaha and (2) Other Poker Games.
Then the Omaha forum split into two forums, one for Omaha-8 and the other for Omaha-high. At that time, most of the Omaha-8 threads were about fixed-limit Omaha-8.
Gradually there have come to be more and more hand histories posted about pot-limit Omaha-8 and no-limit Omaha-8. And there still are fixed-limit Omaha-8 hand histories posted. My intention is to have the hand histories labeled as NL, PL, or FL, and when thread starters forget to do that, where I feel it is appropriate, I edit the thread titles to reflect the type of game. Obviously play is somewhat different (some would say completely different) depending on whether the game is no-limit, pot-limit, or fixed-limit.
Additionally play and considerations are different depending on the stakes involved. Micro stakes and not at all the same as playing with thousands of dollars in your stack. Even so, there are some general poker principles and some general Omaha-8 principles that apply to all three types of games and to different stakes for any type of game. Perhaps at some future time this forum will split again, into either
• (1) high stakes, (2) medium stakes, and (3) low and micro stakes, or
• (1) no-limit, (2) pot-limit, and (3) fixed-limit
We'll have a chance to decide that, as promised, at the end of this year. We may split at that time, depending on the poll and administrative approval, or we may decide to stay together for a while longer.
Regarding the question, "Is this forum over-moderated?" if there has been over-moderation, it's my fault. I'm stuck being me, and that involves always doing what I think is right, but that isn't always going to be what someone else thinks is right. And sometimes, in retrospect, I realize I was wrong in making some moderation decision. For what it's worth, it bothers me a great deal when I make some moderation decision and then realize it perhaps was not the best decision I could have made. It's fresh in my mind because it just recently happened.
You can liken it to a baseball umpire calling a close pitch a strike, and then realizing that maybe it was a ball. That's not really a good analogy because moderation decisions are not made with the same haste as umpire decisions, but something like that. On one day, after careful thought, one thing may seem correct to me, and then after several days, I can have doubts that it was.
Part of the problem is I cannot look into the future. I wonder, "Is that the end of it, or is it going to get worse?" If I think that's the end of it, I'll let it slide. No harm, no foul. But if I think it seems to be escalating and might get worse, then I'll move to stop it. And sometimes I simply make mistakes.
The more decisions any of us makes, the more likely we are to make a mistake. I think you have to bear with all three of us, Truthiness, Niss, and me. None of us get paid for moderating. We're all doing it because we like (or love) this forum. And none of us have an ulterior motive. We're all going to make decisions according to what we think is right - and everybody isn't going to agree with those decisions, any more than a batter and pitcher always agree on the correctness of an umpire's decisions.
Edit -
Originally Posted by Neuroxic77
I think it is a testament to how good the mods are by allowing this post to run. Not just to run, but to have the wisdom to refrain from posting.
I had not read your comment when I decided to respond. Perhaps it would have been better if I hadn't responded. - Buzz