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Are Ever Folding This Hand Preflop? Are Ever Folding This Hand Preflop?

06-27-2023 , 04:53 PM
I had AdKdKc3h (I have $49.55...I was in first position and I just limped because the table is really agro. The cutoff and button limp in. The small blind makes it .60. We are playing .05/.10.

BB calls. I call. CO calls. Button ( who is a super aggressive player) raises it to $1.10 (has $10.84 behind). SB makes it $5.10 (now he only has $3.88 behind) BB folds. I call. CO folds. Button calls.

Flop is 4s 9H 10D

SB shoves $3.88 Button shoves $6.84.....I call

The turn is 2d

and river is a 9c

SB shows AsAh8d3d

Button Shows KhJhJc2c

SB wins $28.14

and I win $5.92

The SB begins saying in the chat saying "So weird. I raised with the best hand to get people out. It didn't work....
I replied I am not folding preflop......SB says of course not- it's not like there isn't another hand to play and another and --when does this place close?

My thought is it is just standard play....but maybe I am wrong..perhaps I should have mucked before the flop....I really don't think the SB's hand was that good to be reraising like that...but maybe I am wrong....just wanted to get other's opinion on the hand. Thanks in advance. Oh and sorry I forgot how to make the heart, diamond, club, and spade symbols.

Last edited by Matt_PBA; 06-27-2023 at 05:05 PM.
Are Ever Folding This Hand Preflop? Quote
06-27-2023 , 07:22 PM
This hand can be folded pre-flop situationally but in aggro game its fine to stack off pre-flop.
Are Ever Folding This Hand Preflop? Quote
06-28-2023 , 06:15 AM
I don't see the point in just calling before the flop.

Just stick it in if you want to play for stacks (which you ended up doing later).

Info on SB's tendencies would be pretty crucial if you want to make an informed decision here. I think we can safely ignore BTN (it's just a cooler if a guy like this happens to have Aces) BUT this IS actually a fold when it gets back to you after the 4-bet if SB is pretty/super tight.

On a side note, you could have generated much better information way more cheaply if you had just made an open-raise.

Last edited by wilhelmraspe; 06-28-2023 at 06:23 AM.
Are Ever Folding This Hand Preflop? Quote
06-28-2023 , 07:32 AM
If you for limp this hand because the table is aggressive, you do it to limp-reraise. Limp-calling does not make much sense to me, though it's obviously a +ev spot for you anyway. Just stop limping and everything will be easier.
Are Ever Folding This Hand Preflop? Quote
06-28-2023 , 02:14 PM
As for your actual question, I would fold this hand to a 3-bet against nitty 3-bettors. Against a stronger player you just need to stack off.
Are Ever Folding This Hand Preflop? Quote
