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The challenge starts sunday The challenge starts sunday

02-08-2009 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by eddie29
It's a good friend for one and 2 to keep it honest I have to provide poker tracker stats and I can play any limit game of my choice. I cannot play on stars because of my rep there and I wouldn't want to as they have more ring games of my normal limit.
+71 today on 1-2 horse and 1-2 o8 6 max games the majority coming from a stud 8 hand where I rivered a straight flush 6-7-8-9-5 hearts and my opponent had a hidden full house... very very sick indeed
I do have some very good advice for all you low limit ring games guys.
If you raise you are only saving yourself money, meaning if you're limping you're not gonna be able to control the pot and you're also less likely to win it the more opponents you face.
I may not understand why so many people are limping but unless you have a-2-9-10 ns's I cannot understand why you are trying to play against more people than less.
If you have a two way hand and you are first to act and you're gonna call a raise regardless why not take the control why you have the opportunity?
Or am I not seeing something because I'm a relative newbie to these stakes?
i definitley agree with your point eddie but sometimes i like to limp to get the bad lows into the hand so if i do get both sides then i can quarter some people, i know this can hurt me as well by someone getting a bigger hand and finding myself getting quartered, but i will raise too sometimes just to change it up
02-09-2009 , 12:44 AM
Mixing up yourgame is great and rewarding but I was playing pots with 5 people in it all day.
What hand can I possibly fold if its half a bet and 5 people are in it? lol silly stuff.
02-09-2009 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by eddie29
Mixing up yourgame is great and rewarding but I was playing pots with 5 people in it all day.
What hand can I possibly fold if its half a bet and 5 people are in it? lol silly stuff.
see, thats exactly why i limp so small blind gets in and other people think they have odds to play mediocore cards to make mediocore hands/draws

look at the pm i just sent you, my small blind numbers are seeing flops 3 of 26!

by the way, i just folded akkj single suited to the ace in mp, would have won the hand but thats not the point

also, all this info is for limit not pot limit,

lastly, i see my self struggling sometimes with A45j single suited to the ace but i am confident i will be eventually folding more often in mp or utg
02-09-2009 , 02:28 AM
maybe Im crazy but what kind of hands are u waiting for exactly. And if winning the hand isn't important what is?
Im not sure but a45j single suited is a top 20 percentile hand in 6-8 player games.
Maybe I've been playing high too long but Im not sure I've folded a45j in the past year!
Whatever works for u sir
02-09-2009 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by eddie29
maybe Im crazy but what kind of hands are u waiting for exactly. And if winning the hand isn't important what is?
Im not sure but a45j single suited is a top 20 percentile hand in 6-8 player games.
Maybe I've been playing high too long but Im not sure I've folded a45j in the past year!
Whatever works for u sir
dont get me wrong, i will play those hands and the following hands shown below only if im in the cutoff or on the button AND there is no raise in front, sometimes i do play them in the small blind when there is no raise, if there is a raise i want at least 4 to 1 odds sometimes 5 to 1 when im on my a+ game, same as in big blind if someone has raised and i need to complete, got to have the right odds to play these marginal hands

1) JJ43 ds
2) A4TT ds
3) KK98 ds
4) TTJJ ds
5) 2345 ds
6) 2345 ss
7) A458 rainbow
8) A378 rainbow
9) A4Q9 ss
10) A568 ds
11) A478 double suited
12) AKT5 single suited
13) AJJQ rainbow
14) AA78 single suited
15) AAKK single suited
16) 234J double suited
17) KQ35 double suited
02-09-2009 , 10:13 AM
i have been and will be grinding my ass off lately, so just find tables where i'm at and start shipping it in, you run really well against me. also, i'm hella doomswitched in preflop races (AALx/A23x type things) so take one with me whenever you can.

didnt i ship you a somewhat spewish donation a couple days ago? i think i was pretty far on tilt from some donkament nonsense. you can probably get a couple more of those off me depending on when you hit me up.

just grind it out, your challenge doesnt seem all that difficult. hope that you don't run really bad. i'd probably start at .25/.50 and grind up to playing .5/1 after stacking up some buyins and getting the roll up to 800-1000.

30 days to make $1900 = ~$63/day, should be very achievable with solid play at .25/.50 and .5/1

02-09-2009 , 11:33 PM
.25 and .50 cent limit?!
Im hving very hard time today. plus 29 dollars in 5 hours and I was playing my a game. Idk how to keep people from chasing back door hands.
Biggest pot lost came on a 2-4-10 ns board I had 22-3-6 he had 10-j-q-a and board came j-j he capped the turn awesome.
02-09-2009 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by eddie29
.Idk how to keep people from chasing back door hands.
Now why would you want to do that???
02-10-2009 , 12:00 AM
.25 and .50 cent limit?!
Im hving very hard time today. plus 29 dollars in 5 hours and I was playing my A game. Idk how to keep people from chasing back door hands at 1-2. they seem to call all raises and will play 2-3 on a AA-9 flop.
Biggest pot lost came on a 2-4-10 ns board I had 22-3-6 he had 10-j-q-a and board came j-j he capped the turn awesome.
02-10-2009 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by eddie29
.25 and .50 cent limit?!
Im hving very hard time today. plus 29 dollars in 5 hours and I was playing my A game. Idk how to keep people from chasing back door hands at 1-2. they seem to call all raises and will play 2-3 on a AA-9 flop.
Biggest pot lost came on a 2-4-10 ns board I had 22-3-6 he had 10-j-q-a and board came j-j he capped the turn awesome.
Dude, take it easy on the ganja..... déjà vu LOL
02-10-2009 , 01:52 AM
I quit smoking ganja on the 1st of 09 it was my resolution but ty
02-10-2009 , 02:00 AM
lol just realized I replied to myself. ah who cares this thread is turning into a sh"" show anyway. Im destined to go broke to these limping playing every hand monkeys anyhow.
Dave u will have your 2k in 1 week, ill see u 5-10 guys tomorrow.
02-10-2009 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by eddie29
I quit smoking ganja on the 1st of 09 it was my resolution but ty
Just busting your balls... GL w/ the resolution!
02-10-2009 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by eddie29
.25 and .50 cent limit?!
Im hving very hard time today. plus 29 dollars in 5 hours and I was playing my A game. Idk how to keep people from chasing back door hands at 1-2. they seem to call all raises and will play 2-3 on a AA-9 flop.
Biggest pot lost came on a 2-4-10 ns board I had 22-3-6 he had 10-j-q-a and board came j-j he capped the turn awesome.
This is how you make your money! Would you rather they had these backdoor hands or instead a bigger set or whatever?
02-10-2009 , 07:04 PM
+154 playing 3-6 for 2 and hf hrs today. 1650 to go.
02-10-2009 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by LUCIUS VARENUS
This is how you make your money! Would you rather they had these backdoor hands or instead a bigger set or whatever?
What i meant is i dont know how to play against those who use reasonable logic and math and use it in every hand.
I check raised 2236 on a 2-5-10 and got capped on turn by a 10-j-q-a it sucked but yes I am gonna scoop the hand around 75% of the time so I shouldn't have even posted it.
Bad beat stories annoy everyone including me after reading that I was whining like a high school girl.
02-10-2009 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by eddie29
.25 and .50 cent limit?!
Im hving very hard time today. plus 29 dollars in 5 hours and I was playing my a game. Idk how to keep people from chasing back door hands.
Biggest pot lost came on a 2-4-10 ns board I had 22-3-6 he had 10-j-q-a and board came j-j he capped the turn awesome.

is this prop bet concerning only fl? i was assuming this was pl/nl challenge.
02-10-2009 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by terrible bluff
is this prop bet concerning only fl? i was assuming this was pl/nl challenge.
It can be anything limit any game. I can't play nl he hu i diudnt think of plo or nl 08 I've never played either so i dont think I'll start now tbh.
02-10-2009 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by eddie29
i diudnt think of plo or nl 08 I've never played either so i dont think I'll start now tbh.
02-10-2009 , 08:42 PM
Me? Playing 1/2 limit? I wish, I'm semi-busto!

(Not aggressive enough my ass...)
02-11-2009 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by eddie29
It can be anything limit any game. I can't play nl he hu i diudnt think of plo or nl 08 I've never played either so i dont think I'll start now tbh.
i was really just talking about plo8/nlo8

maybe you need to start smoking again
02-11-2009 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by terrible bluff
i was really just talking about plo8/nlo8

maybe you need to start smoking again
Nada on the smoke/
I was just saying it can be any LIMIT game I can't play nl hold em hu matches which is how I got my start online.
I've never played omaha 8 in a plo or nl format and wouldn't start to learn now although I'm very intrigued by all poker games so I imagine I'll be tipping my toes in that water soon enough.

These are all the stipulations

30 days (feb.8- march 9 at midnight)
At which point if I haven't won 2000 I will have to pay 2000
No nl or pot limit
No sit and go's or tournaments
No hu matches (unless done in a at least 6 max format)
No person to person transfers. This includes rakeback and bonuses
I must provide poker tracker printout of every dollar earned from all opponents
I must play every hand at full tilt under assigned screen name

This challenge was made when he said it was impossible to beat anything lower than 10-20 for more than 1000 a month because of the high rake and how good the players have become since party closed and the ub scandal.
I have regretted taking it all week and i do agree with him that the players at the smaller limits are much much better than when I started playing.
I'm currently up 254 dollars in 4 days (-19 this morning playing 2-4 6mac 3 tables for 3 hrs)
and have been overwhelmed by the amount of traffic in every hand and it's gonna take some serious adjusting to my game if i have any chance of winning.
I've also found that my main games on stars have been seen me playing badly so I m probably gonna have to play the challenge and my normal sessions in seperate parts of the day which was my biggest original fear.

Last edited by eddie29; 02-11-2009 at 04:19 PM.
02-13-2009 , 09:11 PM
I've found my groove in the 2-4 9 handed games and have won 312$ in the last 2 days.
I've given up on the 6 max games and definitly know what seperates good high limit short handed players than bad ones.
Just because marginal hands are more likely to win in short handed games. So they simply more hands & bingo it up.
Many players I've seen at 1-2 & 2-4 6 max have decided they'd rather play every hand from every position & price themselves in to see further streets.
To further my point I bought a percentage of a player who took a shot at 100-200 6 max on tues. night. I sweated the game for an hr while playing and I never saw a limp from the utg player and I only saw one 3 handed pot at showdown.
Its rare in the 10-20 9 handed to have 4 people showdown so why is it every 6 max 2-4 ends up in a 4 handed showdown?
Great players aren't hoping to get half. They want scoops, they could care less about getting involved in a pot and making 50 cents after rake.
Anyhow +545 in 6 full sessions which is way above expectation.
Ill now be playing 3-6 stud 8 as they have had more Full games of 8 handed action.

Last edited by eddie29; 02-13-2009 at 09:20 PM.
02-15-2009 , 05:24 PM
That's gonna be more of a rollercoaster than O8, especially with FT structure.

02-15-2009 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Omaha Chris
That's gonna be more of a rollercoaster than O8, especially with FT structure.

I only played for an hr b4 i realized that i couldnt multi-table very successfully.
I lost 34 bucks and went back to o8 8 and 9 handed games but running badly -198 in last 2 days so gonna have to play 3-6 soon and there isnt anything but 6 max games
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