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Bovada 5/10 PLO8 -- Play for Stacks on Flop..? Bovada 5/10 PLO8 -- Play for Stacks on Flop..?

12-07-2015 , 10:31 PM
Yo Bros,

Been trying to grind some of the higher O8 games online, with some wild swings.
I normally play the limit 10/20 and 30/60, but here is a PLO8 hand, at 5/10:

Its three handed with effective stacks of $600.00.

Hero is in BB with Ac Ks 2c 4c

V1, UTG limps, he just sat down and has $600.
V2, SB, raises to $45
Hero, BB, flat calls, stack is $600. And V1 also calls. Pot has $135.

Flop: Jc 10c 2h. This gives us the nut flush draw, a gut shot to broadway, bottom pair, and a bad door low draw.

V2 leads for $100. Hero calls (is this mistake -- should I be potting? I'm a limit player!) V1 goes all in.. V2 folds.. Is this easy call given our nut draw and implied equity or what..
Bovada 5/10 PLO8 -- Play for Stacks on Flop..? Quote
12-08-2015 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by reliveinthepast
Yo Bros,

Been trying to grind some of the higher O8 games online, with some wild swings.
I normally play the limit 10/20 and 30/60, but here is a PLO8 hand, at 5/10:

Its three handed with effective stacks of $600.00.

Hero is in BB with Ac Ks 2c 4c

V1, UTG limps, he just sat down and has $600.
V2, SB, raises to $45
Hero, BB, flat calls, stack is $600. And V1 also calls. Pot has $135.

Flop: Jc 10c 2h. This gives us the nut flush draw, a gut shot to broadway, bottom pair, and a bad door low draw.

V2 leads for $100. Hero calls (is this mistake -- should I be potting? I'm a limit player!) V1 goes all in.. V2 folds.. Is this easy call given our nut draw and implied equity or what..
You should have 11 scoop outs plus running low outs so as played seems like a clear call.

kind of like 3 betting this pre, our hand is pretty nutted and with UTG limp small blind less likely to have aces.

once we call raise and see the pot 3 ways like jamming over small blind lead, calling sucks bec. we will almost have to call off on the turn anyway, so might as well jam and maybe win the pot without showdown.
Bovada 5/10 PLO8 -- Play for Stacks on Flop..? Quote
12-08-2015 , 10:13 AM
Im usually Three betting this pre and leading that flop,

As played im c/r flop going with it.
Bovada 5/10 PLO8 -- Play for Stacks on Flop..? Quote
12-08-2015 , 11:32 AM
If my calculations are right, V2 raised $535 so not quite all-in but close enough. So pot is now $870 and you have to call $435, giving you 2:1.

Against JJ/TT/22/JT, you have 50% equity, so it's a pretty clear call. Even against just a set, you have 40% equity which is enough to call.
Bovada 5/10 PLO8 -- Play for Stacks on Flop..? Quote
12-08-2015 , 09:22 PM
In spots like this im getting it in. We have a ton of equity even against the top of villains range, not to mention backdoor low outs. 60bb deep im happy to get it in, although im probably potting it after the first villain bets.
Bovada 5/10 PLO8 -- Play for Stacks on Flop..? Quote
12-10-2015 , 03:05 PM
We are likely against sets and some wrappy-FDs ... even though villain has us blocked a ton we have at least 8 outs if he has a pair w/his combo draws.. this is a pretty good spot to just embrace the variance.. I think calling lead here is fine.. raising is fine as well as long as we don't fold... I don't think folding getting odds is really ever an option

I wish you said more about villain tendencies...

Originally Posted by pandick
Im usually Three betting this pre and leading that flop,

As played im c/r flop going with it.
you are really 3 betting SB-potting an UTG limp?

you can't c/r flop cause SB leads.. made same mistake myself reading the post :P

Last edited by StackJackin; 12-10-2015 at 03:12 PM. Reason: misread and thought bet folder was last to act
Bovada 5/10 PLO8 -- Play for Stacks on Flop..? Quote
12-18-2015 , 04:44 PM
Hero should put in a 3 bet preflop, V1 will usually muck as he could be calling $90 more dead money if SB decides to 4bet. From 3 bet i would lead pot.

But as played i would be calling, to much equity
Bovada 5/10 PLO8 -- Play for Stacks on Flop..? Quote
12-19-2015 , 11:39 PM
^ you cant lead pot he is first to act

also if SB 4 bets .. unless he is a maniac you are likely drawing to chop or worse up against hands like AAwxds... if V1 flats and SB 4 bets you are now all in HU and stacking off on almost every flop
Bovada 5/10 PLO8 -- Play for Stacks on Flop..? Quote
12-20-2015 , 09:32 PM
Calling is right. Worst case scenario we run into something like

ProPokerTools Omaha Hi/Lo Simulation
2,460 trials (Exhaustive)
board: jt2
Hand Pot equity Scoops Wins HiTies HiWins Lo Ties Lo
ac2c4cks37.38% 79879804320
jjqc3c62.62% 1,4191,662000

and calling will still be right or not too big of a mistake frequently
of course, our average equity is going to be much higher, if not guaranteed 50%
Bovada 5/10 PLO8 -- Play for Stacks on Flop..? Quote
12-21-2015 , 08:07 AM
3handed this is definitely a 3bet pre
really strange how he can bet 45 from sb if the btn limps in(i guess if he pots it its 40)

on flop your hand is best 3 way so i guess calling is best option
if turn is paired board you can still fold if you go 3way to the turn
Bovada 5/10 PLO8 -- Play for Stacks on Flop..? Quote
12-22-2015 , 11:09 AM
^BTN folded UTG limped in
Bovada 5/10 PLO8 -- Play for Stacks on Flop..? Quote
