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Big O - AA2JT Big O - AA2JT

02-04-2020 , 10:40 AM
5/5 7 handed mississipi on the btn

I raise to 35 in SB with AAJT2

LJ (LAG station) calls, everyone else fold.
He has 420.

Flop (85)
Check, check

Turn: K
I bet 50, he calls

River (185)

1) what do you think about that flop check?
2) what would you do on the river?
Big O - AA2JT Quote
02-04-2020 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Asta0
5/5 7 handed mississipi on the btn

I raise to 35 in SB with AAJT2

LJ (LAG station) calls, everyone else fold.

He has 420.

Flop (85)


Check, check

Turn: K

I bet 50, he calls

River (185)


1) what do you think about that flop check?

2) what would you do on the river?

I would definitely bet flop. River doesn’t change anything so probably bet 120ish.
Big O - AA2JT Quote
02-04-2020 , 01:07 PM
Why would you choose to bet 120ish?
Big O - AA2JT Quote
02-04-2020 , 04:04 PM
think i play somewhat the same and then bet between half pot or pot OTR, depending on my river strategy at the time.

i don't wanna bet flop with this hand, and it's a nice enough hand to shift some strength into your check/call range OTF.
Big O - AA2JT Quote
02-04-2020 , 09:13 PM
I bet pot to try to fold out some weak 2 pairs or maybe get called by A3KXX
Big O - AA2JT Quote
02-04-2020 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Asta0
Why would you choose to bet 120ish?

I think you’re as likely to get a fold from a LAG (who hasn’t played AG) at 120 as you are at 180. But if you are certain he will call with worse then fine to bet pot.
Big O - AA2JT Quote
02-04-2020 , 10:35 PM
To those betting the riv, are you calling a shove?
Big O - AA2JT Quote
02-04-2020 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Your Mom
To those betting the riv, are you calling a shove?
Stacks are shallow and the guy is a maniac, you can't fold to a shove
But it's an unlikely outcome given the actions
Big O - AA2JT Quote
02-05-2020 , 01:09 AM
If I'd play the same I'd pot river. Against the described player I think I'd just bet half pot on the flop with range. Assuming "LAG station" means he doesn't like folding.
Big O - AA2JT Quote
02-05-2020 , 11:17 AM
I am triple barreling vs a maniac
Big O - AA2JT Quote
02-05-2020 , 04:55 PM
Flop bet is strongly preferred.

Bet river at least 1/2 psb.
Big O - AA2JT Quote
02-06-2020 , 06:58 PM
Back-door clubs, back-door straights, best over-pair with made nut-low against one opponent who flatted in position = bet that flop homey.

Slight chance that he has A2 with a hand that crushes your high (like 44/55/88 or a 67) but not sure what % of the time that will be.

Would definitely want to see where I'm at plus be building a pot for Fold Equity; if you had bet 50-60 on the flop there would've been about 200 on the turn and he'd only have like 350 left, so you'd be able to bet pot and get him to fold out better high-hands some of the time (and even if he called you'd have the back-door flush draw + AA in case he had 44/55/88).
Big O - AA2JT Quote
02-09-2020 , 11:04 AM
I'm pounding it the whole way against a LAG station who has not demonstrated any AG, and all station so far. I mean, think about that for a minute. An actual LAG who has a hand so strong that he has you beat both ways and he hasn't done a single aggressive move the entire hand so far? I don't think so.
Big O - AA2JT Quote
02-28-2020 , 07:17 AM
Bet flop (1/2 pot or so is fine), bet turn (picked up equity for high, and not folding to a raise), check/call riv.
Big O - AA2JT Quote
