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bet sizing for pot limit bet sizing for pot limit

06-04-2015 , 11:44 PM
bet sizing for pot limit.

I am completely clueless with betsizing and how to bet in PL 08

can anyone help me out here? do i treat it like PLO?
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06-05-2015 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by the pleasure
bet sizing for pot limit.

I am completely clueless with betsizing and how to bet in PL 08

can anyone help me out here?
Excellent question.

And I agree proper bet sizing is a fundamental of PLO8.

However, since I don't think there's universal agreement as to how to bet size, I'm going to move your question into its own separate thread.

do i treat it like PLO?
I haven't played enough PLO to give you a good response.

Someone who has played a lot of PLO and also a lot of PLO8 should be able to give you a better answer.

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06-05-2015 , 12:27 AM
i've read by some that we should be potting it 80+% of the time when we are in a hand

if I have an extremely good raising hand in late position like A23K, AA23, AA3T, A45T

and I see 2-3 limpers ahead of me, shouldnt I pot it? even if im first to open an dealt those hands EP?

I assume once flop is out we are always betting 3/4 pot to pot. if we are playing a solid game, any hand we are betting, its good enough for a pot sized bet. ( bluffs arent taken into account)
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06-05-2015 , 06:13 AM
Depends. On the dryness of the board, amount of opponents in the pot, pre-flop action/ranges, etc...
bet sizing for pot limit Quote
06-05-2015 , 04:25 PM
what ^he said.

We never ALWAYS do something in poker unless your looking to become easy pickins.
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06-06-2015 , 09:37 AM
As mentioned you can treat it like plo with respect to board texture. 559 rainbow is still dry and your standard bet sizes and raises can and usually should be smaller and QT7 two-tone is still wet though vs some players it may hit their ranges somewhat less hard than in plo high, so you might be able to get away with smaller cbets especially on qt7 rainbow as compared to high. Something like 3h 4h qs is fairly wet in plo high but not necessarily a bad board to cbet light and you may have a high rate of success betting half pot, but in hilo it should be treated as extremely wet. Doesn't mean you necessarily need to bet pot but you are likely to get called so if you have a hand to do so and need to pot to get stacks in by the river then go for it.

As far as preflop goes you can treat it like plo in that it's pretty rare that 3-betting less than pot is going to accomplish more due to hand values running close together. With your example of limpers and the few hands you give, the first three can be autopots and you'll be fine but a45T is in a completely weaker/more speculative class of hands. There absolutely will be some spots where potting pre is best (the limpers have wide and stupid preflop ranges, a player will play ABC and fold to cbets often, you are shortish and players will often limp/fold pre) but there are also times when blindly potting a45t over some tighter early position raisers is just asking for trouble and you'd be better off treating it like a speculative plo high hand say like tt68. Also similar to plo high, if you see some limpers and have say a236 suited to the ace, you'd love to have it multiway but it can be awkward to play it heads-up vs some opponents so potting might not be the best option, but raising small is fine. A plo high equivalent might be as js 8c 8d or weak kk, though there isn't really the same class of hands in plo high that both want to raise small to build a multiway pot yet can more or less happily call if someone decides to 3-bet preflop, so in this sense maybe a236 is more like kqt9ds (though you'd probably be more inclined to just pot this preflop in high).

The long and rambly of it is, you might need to learn your hand values that are specific to plo8 better and keep in mind that ranges being more skewed towards a2 and lows will change the relative wetness of boards(k26 rb is dry in high but needs more protection in hilo) but otherwise yeah it's pretty similar to plo.
bet sizing for pot limit Quote
06-09-2015 , 09:08 PM
The way you win I'm PLO8 is with scoops for big chips. You can't scoop multi way if you pot preflop with premium starting hands. You can scoop with good flops that you have draws to nuts and they get stuck with seconds.
bet sizing for pot limit Quote
06-10-2015 , 06:31 AM
Such a complex question I am at a loss as to how to answer it. Pot control is everything in plo8.
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06-10-2015 , 07:38 AM
Like a lot of others have mentioned, it's a pretty broad question to ask, and there's so many different ways to answer. I'd say the best way to increase your understanding of bet sizing is to post some hands to analyse then take in the feedback. Bet sizing is definitely an art.
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06-12-2015 , 10:14 AM
Bet sizing in o8 is way more complicated in o8 because there are only 2 ways to win chips:

1 folding out chops
2 quartering

These two require completely different balancing becomes a lot more difficult

That being said...its not an easy game even with cards face up so whether u need to balance or not is an open question
bet sizing for pot limit Quote
06-12-2015 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by purple gorilla
because there are only 2 ways to win chips:

1 folding out chops
2 quartering
bet sizing for pot limit Quote
06-14-2015 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by niss
lol thinking the same thing...purple gorilla take a step back from the keyboard before posting in the 08 section
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