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aa99 facing a raise from chip leader aa99 facing a raise from chip leader

11-11-2008 , 08:16 PM
Down to last 11 players - we r in the money.

Poker Stars $100+$9 Pot Limit Omaha Hi/Lo Tournament - t800/t1600 Blinds - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (CO): t23818
BTN: t9854
SB: t28276
BB: t6244
UTG: t85331
MP: t27984

Pre Flop: (t2400) Hero is CO with 9 A A 9
UTG raises to t4800, 1 fold, Hero????
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-11-2008 , 09:10 PM
Raise pot/call.

You're on the bubble here and I think he folds a lot of his opening range. You're flipping at worst if he calls and I think you have significant FE.
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-11-2008 , 09:17 PM
pokerstars needs to implement something that breaks your fold and call buttons so people don't ask such silly questions. AWWW RINNN! (just giving you a hard time pop).
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-11-2008 , 09:33 PM
It's not possible that hero is under the age of 30 since every "kid" would shove it in here in a heartbeat
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-11-2008 , 09:46 PM
lol why not? i mean, do you want to go to the final table with 23.8k, or do you want to go to the final table with 47.6k? i'd venture the money lost from laddering up a few spots at best when you lose this hand is far surpassed by the money won when coming to the final table with a good chance at the top spot.

really doubt the BB is going to call his last 6k with junk, he probably knows he's better off trying to whimper into the final table and be happy with 7th at best.
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-12-2008 , 11:34 AM
Is chip leader a push-happy moron?
That's what I thought.
Chip leader is incapable of folding A5xx or worse to a repop?
That's what I thought.
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-12-2008 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by JWorth
pokerstars needs to implement something that breaks your fold and call buttons so people don't ask such silly questions. AWWW RINNN! (just giving you a hard time pop).
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-12-2008 , 12:58 PM
That was the first time I encountered chip leader and from what I saw he is very aggro and likes to call a lot PLO hands.

Anyway, Im not on my laptop so heres how it went - I flatt called preflop - flop came qj8 with 2 spades, he checked I pot he took me all in and showed a2qj!!!!!!! I caught the flush on turn and board was a king so I scooped - I went to the final table as a chip leader and we were down to last 3 - I had 140k he had 100k and another guy 40k, the short stacked doubled up on me with ak107 and from that point I played poorly a hand against him and took third!!!!!
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-12-2008 , 01:37 PM
Congrats on a nice finish.

Since you flat-called, I have a follow-up question:

What were the flop-shapes you were prepared to fold to?
Assuming you don't have flop a flush draw, a nine, or an ace....
Are you folding any three low card flops?
Are you folding any two low card flops?
Are there other specific shapes that you could fold on?
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-12-2008 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by franknagaijr
Congrats on a nice finish.

Since you flat-called, I have a follow-up question:

What were the flop-shapes you were prepared to fold to?
Assuming you don't have flop a flush draw, a nine, or an ace....
Are you folding any three low card flops? YES with no hesitation at all

Are you folding any two low card flops? Depends if there is a flush draw or not and how many wheel cards and also it depends on his action since he is first to act.

Are there other specific shapes that you could fold on? 22, 33 and high card I wont be betting and if he bets the turn I will fold unless he bets the flop then im not
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-12-2008 , 06:03 PM
poppet, imo that is just way too exploitable to see a flop. you end up having 0 clue where you are and have to fold when you have too much ev way too often. get it all in preflop since that isn't a mistake and it is impossible to make a mistake. Whatever edge you think you may gain by flatting is given up due to the difficulty of the hand to play postflop when short stacked.
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-13-2008 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by JWorth
poppet, imo that is just way too exploitable to see a flop. you end up having 0 clue where you are and have to fold when you have too much ev way too often. get it all in preflop since that isn't a mistake and it is impossible to make a mistake. Whatever edge you think you may gain by flatting is given up due to the difficulty of the hand to play postflop when short stacked.
You are right - the first thought that came to my mind was fold preflop - I prefer to have a2xx and reraise back than that hand - Vilain's range is huge - he was raising and calling with a lot of PLO hands (kkj9 - qqj10 etc...) and whatever the flop is I have no clue what he has or where I am - the only reason I flat called is because I didnt wanna see 3 low cards on flop when Im all in and I can be freerolled - I should have either folded or reraised preflop.
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-13-2008 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by poppet29
You are right - the first thought that came to my mind was fold preflop - I prefer to have a2xx and reraise back than that hand - Vilain's range is huge - he was raising and calling with a lot of PLO hands (kkj9 - qqj10 etc...) and whatever the flop is I have no clue what he has or where I am - the only reason I flat called is because I didnt wanna see 3 low cards on flop when Im all in and I can be freerolled - I should have reraised preflop.
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-13-2008 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by JWorth
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-14-2008 , 01:39 AM
Wondered this myself. I folded AAxx (xx=any 2 high cards) a few times during the FTOPS tourney when I knew I probably should have pushed it.
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-14-2008 , 03:02 AM
I havn'r read any responses yet, but my feeling is this. You dont' have to play the hand. But if you do. You are going to commit for the hand. Setting up a kinda out of position stop and go. Where where opponant knows you are committed. Otherwise there is no reasons to play that hand. You are simply not going to know where you are at post flop, and risking 1/2 your stack. Here, pre-flop you can figure you're ahead.

The other argument says you have enough chips to pass on this marginal situation where you're up against a bigger stack.

Originally Posted by poppet29
Down to last 11 players - we r in the money.

Poker Stars $100+$9 Pot Limit Omaha Hi/Lo Tournament - t800/t1600 Blinds - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (CO): t23818
BTN: t9854
SB: t28276
BB: t6244
UTG: t85331
MP: t27984

Pre Flop: (t2400) Hero is CO with 9 A A 9
UTG raises to t4800, 1 fold, Hero????
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
11-14-2008 , 09:40 AM
I'm not sure why anyone thinks hero has fold equity. Hero has 23.8K, so with the blinds villain has to pay 19K to showdown a 50K pot. It's an easy call unless he has complete trash.
aa99 facing a raise from chip leader Quote
