Originally Posted by incrowd
You're looking through the wrong end of the telescope. Raising is the only play because if you call you are virtually turning your cards over for your opponents to see. You are making it easy for the other players to read exactly what you have, a counterfeited A2 with some high hopes. Raising makes your hand unreadable, but suggests AhAx3hXx.
Calling gives better pot odds to every weak hand you face, plus tells everybody what you have, which could lead to any two pair to checkraise. Calling puts half (sometimes all) the pot at risk.
This isn't close, raise.
My belief is that your line of thinking is wrong, here's why. This is 4/8 Limit Omaha hi/lo in a live setting. It is extremely unlikely that your opponents are highly skilled players. More than likely they are loose-passive calling stations who you can value-town all day. They aren't going to suddenly become gurus of O8 and put you on your exact hand based on your actions, very likely the majority of them are only thinking about how they can hit their hands.
For me this is an easy call spot. I want all those other players in, chasing weaker hands (gutshot straights, non-nut flushes, etc) because when we hit we'll get paid off in multiple spots.