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3-6 limit kill omaha 3-6 limit kill omaha

02-10-2011 , 01:08 PM
Do any of you have experience with this game at these stakes?

if you have plz go into further detail instead of yes or no
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-10-2011 , 01:12 PM
Before this thread gets moved I'll post what I've got. I've played a lot of 4/8 with a 1/2 kill (game changes to 6/12 when someone scoops a pot of $60 or more). If it's loose (5 or more to the flop everytime) this can be a very profitable, low variance, and boring nut peddling game. This is the same thing I just posted in the chat thread:

Limit O8 live is pretty easy. If it's the typical live game with 7 players to every flop the basic strategy is pretty much this:

1. Learn one of those lame point counting systems for preflop hands and use it.
2. Learn what the nuts is.
3. Fold anytime you don't have the nuts, or don't have a strong draw to the nuts.
4. ????
5. Profit.

You don't know the meaning of grind until you've tried to play tight in a loose O8 game for hours on end.
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-10-2011 , 05:16 PM
Thanks for your input man, that's kinda what I had in mind. This game only runs once a week plus there's no drop whatsoever. I figured a limit game could soothe my nerves after grinding nl all week
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-10-2011 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Grin -N- Bear IT
Do any of you have experience with this game at these stakes?

if you have plz go into further detail instead of yes or no
$3/$6/kill or $4/$8/kill are the standard brick and mortar casino Omaha-8 games. Some brick and mortar casinos have higher fixed-limit Omaha-8 tables or higher limit mixed game tables that include Omaha-8.

At any rate, $3/$6/kill or $4/$8/kill are the tables probably everyone who plays Omaha-8 in a brick and mortar casino and posts in this forum has played.

Sounds like Koss doesn't like it - but I enjoy the game.

I've thought a lot about why do the things I do. When I was younger I enjoyed sports. I wasn't very good, but I liked competing.

And I think I play poker simply because I enjoy the competition. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but there it is. And somehow I enjoy Omaha-8 better than other poker games.

I don't think I would enjoy the game if I played extremely tightly, waited for the nuts, and then jammed. As a participant, I always greatly preferred football to baseball. In baseball, unless you're the pitcher or catcher, mostly you stand around in the field with not much to do while the other team is batting. Then while your team is at bat, you mostly sit on the bench waiting your turn. I liked playing football more than playing baseball because whatever position I was playing, in some way I was in the action on every play.

Obviously you shouldn't be playing every Omaha-8 hand, and I can fold and still stay interested if I don't fold too much. But when I take it to the extreme, when I fold too many hands, the game doesn't hold my interest.

I think you can probably tolerate playing more selectively if you multi-table on-line. You can more easily fold to the action at one table when you're involved in the action at another. But you can't do that in a brick and mortar casino.

Exactly how much to loosen up depends on the particular array of opponents you face. (That's my opinion).

When I'm sitting out a hand, having folded, I still like to try to figure out how other players are playing. I like to try to put them on cards based on their actions. But for me, just up to a point. And then playing too tightly is simply a drag, not enjoyable.

To each his own.

If your primary interest is making money, then I don't think you'll be very successful playing $3/$6/kill Omaha-8 in a brick and mortar casino. But it has to be more relaxing than grinding or playing pot-limit.

3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-10-2011 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Grin -N- Bear IT
Do any of you have experience with this game at these stakes?

if you have plz go into further detail instead of yes or no
I think someone wrote a book about this game once.

How about specific questions if you want detail? I have no idea what you know or don't know, or what you're fishing for here.
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-10-2011 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by drawlin
I think someone wrote a book about this game once.

How about specific questions if you want detail? I have no idea what you know or don't know, or what you're fishing for here.
The thread got moved here by venice10, one of the moderators for the Live Low-stakes NL Hold 'Em forum. That explains the phrasing of OP's question. (That also explains the comment in the second post).

I didn't realize that when I responded initially. It was only when I edited to include a club (for fixed-limit) in the label that I noticed this thread started in a different forum.

3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-11-2011 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Buzz
Sounds like Koss doesn't like it - but I enjoy the game.
LOL. I like it as a change of pace, but I coudn't see making O8 my primary game. I bought a book on it about 5 years ago that seemed pretty basic, and had one of those point counting systems for preflop hands. I followed that early on, but really struggled to understand how different hands played preflop in certain situations. So in one of these live games where everyone sees the flop but me (not an uncommon occurence) I play pretty tight. Actually I was wondering if I should loosen up some in these cases. Does any suited ace become playable? How about any KK/QQ? It's pretty tilting to watch crap like KT67 scoop 13 pots in a row.

Maybe one of these days when my NLHE game is at the level I'd like to reach I'd get back into playing more Omaha.
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-11-2011 , 01:47 PM
Loosen up pre-flop.
Tighten up post-flop.
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-11-2011 , 05:12 PM
thanks everyone! What's an average win rate? This game isn't raked btw.

About me: I play 100nl and 200nl 6m HE online. I play live to relax/have fun/get out of the house and away from my monitor for a few hours.

I played live 4/8 FLHE a while ago at this club. it was a random pick up game there hasnt been one since. I found playing FL to be really relaxing/painless compared to NL.

I haven't been able to find a FL game since besides at the casino which is a couple hours away. Since this club spreads 3/6 kill limit omaha I figured i might give it a shot. I was wondering what you guys thought about a nlhe player transitioning to this game.
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-13-2011 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by Koss
You don't know the meaning of grind until you've tried to play tight in a loose O8 game for hours on end.
Soooo true.

Playing a small stakes, live LO8 game and trying to maintain patience and a standard, simple, winning style is close to the most boring thing ever. Bring your IPOD, IPAD, novel, whatever you can to numb the pain of the boredom trying to grind out a win at this game. The games are infinitely crushable and infinitely boring - unless you are willing to get all aggro_crazy and gambool it up.
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-13-2011 , 02:01 AM
lol at FLHE being relaxing and painless. I play 2/4 online and 8/16 live (the live is still kinda small stakes). Once you get to the point where you're good enough you'll be incorporating so many marginal hands in your play that the variance is killer, loose-aggressive play is closer to optimal. 200BB swings are totally standard in online FLHE these days, live I've talked to big winners that are like "o ya down 5 racks, whatever".

wackjob, you said 08 can be very profitable and crushed if you are willing to be disciplined. I know talk of achievable winrates is avoided a lot because the average player with rake is a loser obviously, but I'm gonna go ahead and ask in a, hopefully, sensible way.

The professional gold standard for a live limit hold'em player in big bets is 1BB/hr, onlines 1BB/100 is seen as good and 2BB is elite, probably best at your stakes. Many pros are quite happy cranking out somewhere between .75 and 1.25 at the midstakes live and online. So, what kinds of winrates are considered achievable for a good winning LO8 player?
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-13-2011 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by reaper6788
The professional gold standard for a live limit hold'em player in big bets is 1BB/hr, onlines 1BB/100 is seen as good and 2BB is elite, probably best at your stakes. Many pros are quite happy cranking out somewhere between .75 and 1.25 at the midstakes live and online. So, what kinds of winrates are considered achievable for a good winning LO8 player?
If you can beat any stakes 1/2 or higher LO8 online for 1BB(thats PTBB)/100, you are doing well. 2+ is just insane IMO. Why? At the low limits the rake is brutal and at the higher limits the games are definitely tougher and much more higher variance since the games seem much more full of aggro players and much less full of loose passive call stations. The games are beatable, at the mid and high stakes, but if you cannot exercise extremely good self control (tilt_control) you will likely get destroyed. I'd be very impressed with anyone beating the 8/16 or higher games on FTP for 2+BB/100 over a big sample (at least 100K+). I cannot speak to PS games much as I play their only infrequently, but I imagine the online games in general follow the same sort of patterns, regardless of the site.
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-13-2011 , 02:14 AM
what about live at the type of game we are discussing in this thread. like 3/6-8/16?
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-13-2011 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by reaper6788
what about live at the type of game we are discussing in this thread. like 3/6-8/16?
Crushable. 2-5 big blinds/100 - maybe more. Problem is, 100 hands can take 2-4 hours at a table like this. So, if you are making 1-2BB/hour I'd be quite happy. I've played in a couple 6/12 and 8/16 full kill games that are much juicier than the 3/6 game at the next table over. Only difference is your tolerance for variance at the bigger stakes. If your BR can handle it, the larger stakes games always seem to be a bigger goldmine than the smaller stakes. The larger stakes games always seem to contain more LAG types and even maniac types who blow through a rack of red chips in an hour or faster.
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-13-2011 , 12:26 PM
Game is 3/6 kill omaha. Asked the floor about details. said they had 2 tables last week. and the average age was he was semi serious. what can i expect?

edit: besides the unexpected of course
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-13-2011 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Grin -N- Bear IT
Game is 3/6 kill omaha. Asked the floor about details. said they had 2 tables last week. and the average age was he was semi serious. what can i expect?

edit: besides the unexpected of course
Sounds like a nitfest to me...

Expect to see a lot of checking
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-13-2011 , 02:18 PM
isn't that standard for live 08? I hear it's always old folks. When I was sitting at an 8/16 LHE table at my nearby casino I asked if the 1/2 PLO had gone at all cuz I hadn't seen anyone play it. A middle-aged guy next to me said "you're too young for omaha kid. I think they only let you buy-in with social security checks over there" thinking I was talking about 08. Dealer said "nah, pot-limit hi has a younger crowd actually. only gets going friday nights though".

I responded "hell I'm too young for limit hold'em too aren't I? Aren't I supposed to be at the NL kiddy tables with all the other children?" to which the whole table laughed and agreed. Then the second person I've ever seen playing live LHE close to my age sat down... cuz he was on an NL waitlist.
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-13-2011 , 04:53 PM
LOL, last time I played LHE there were 3 middle-aged married couples at the table and they got pissed at me for ruining their family game with my "raising."

Where I play the 4/8 LO8 games actually has about the typical demographics of a NLHE game. And everyone sees the flop almost every hand. It seems like a really juicy game, even for a LO8 novice like myself. But it's oh-so tilting to watch the junk they play win pot after pot when I can't touch a flop with a 20 foot pole.
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-15-2011 , 02:58 PM
I played live 4-8 Omaha Hi/lo with the 3-6 kill last night. First time I ever played in a real game. Messed around a bit during home games years ago.
It was fun. I don't know if you can get rich or not playing. It does attract an older demographic. I was the youngest there, but they guys were cool and helpful when I was just watching to refresh myself with the rules/play.

There was a good deal of raising and most people seeing flops. I made back all the money I lost in hold em that night on one hand that was like a $225 pot.

It's definitely a fun game and you can see more flops than in hold em.
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-15-2011 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by reaper6788
isn't that standard for live 08? I hear it's always old folks.
It varies, in general I guess it varies based on time of day. In the 4/8 half kill game at the Orleans during the day half the players are often over 70, but the 5/10 full kill at the Taj at night sometimes has drunks who've never played the game.
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
02-17-2011 , 08:20 AM

Lost $100

two full tables of 3/6 kill by 12:45PM. Average age was more like 55. I was definitely the youngest, the only other person remotely close to my age was 27.

My first two hours the table was nothing but kill (im not exaggerating). anything over $30 they considered it a kill pot so it was action action action. Guys had racks and racks of chips.

Avg pot size was about $70 (biggest was over $200) (I played for 5 hours)

3 guys seemed to know what they were doing. playing relatively tight, not raising nut low type hands, complaining about how they missed a bet, drawing people in etc.

Lots of chasing/raising/calling any amount with nut lowish draws. I don't think a few guys knew the concept of Hi/Low. They were playing quite a few high hand only starting hands in multiraised pots.. either that or they were playing favorite hands?

One guy was raising kills blind pre and flop and looking on the turn. Another guy was playing every stinkin hand. threw away about $400 in like an hour

Another guy would regularly cold call $18 pre..

So is this what I should expect in a normal game?

I feel like I could win a bit of money if I developed my game. again this is no rake too.
3-6 limit kill omaha Quote
