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/ PLO8 turn spot after raise pre + cbet / PLO8 turn spot after raise pre + cbet

09-26-2010 , 02:42 PM
Poker Stars $2/$4 Pot Limit Omaha Hi/Lo - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (CO): $608.00
BTN: $194.00
SB: $229.45
BB: $246.25
UTG: $128.40
MP: $88.30

Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is CO with 9 J A 4
1 fold, MP calls $4, Hero raises to $12, BTN calls $12, 1 fold, BB calls $8, MP calls $8

Flop: ($50.00) J 2 Q (4 players)
BB checks, MP checks, Hero bets $31, BTN calls $31, BB calls $31, MP folds

Turn: ($143.00) 7 (3 players)
BB checks, Hero??

BB has $203 left and BTN has $151.

Open to comments for the rest of the hand also. BTN and BB are both competent regs.
/ PLO8 turn spot after raise pre + cbet Quote
09-26-2010 , 05:28 PM
wowser...tough hand...may i ask why u raise the hand? im assuming it was an attempt to try and isolate the MP limper, who you didnt mention as a competant reg, so i can assume u think is a bad player or have no info on? either way i think i probably check fold the turn but im not totally sure if i would. like i said before its a tough hand
/ PLO8 turn spot after raise pre + cbet Quote
09-26-2010 , 11:51 PM
I think you must c/f. Any competent villain can call this flop in position with numerous draws, made hands, etc - they can float a lot of hands here very profitably. If a villain called the flop with a 2P hand you are getting it in badly on the turn usually if you continue. I doubt you would have fold equity with two other players floating the flop - perhaps one guy will fold, unlikey for both to fold. If you are going to continue you better pot it and pray, but I think c/f is the best bet.
/ PLO8 turn spot after raise pre + cbet Quote
09-27-2010 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by omaha8shaun
may i ask why u raise the hand? im assuming it was an attempt to try and isolate the MP limper, who you didnt mention as a competant reg
Yeah I was isoing a 55/2 fish.
/ PLO8 turn spot after raise pre + cbet Quote
09-27-2010 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by ichbin
Poker Stars $2/$4 Pot Limit Omaha Hi/Lo - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (CO): $608.00
BTN: $194.00
SB: $229.45
BB: $246.25
UTG: $128.40
MP: $88.30

Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is CO with 9 J A 4
1 fold, MP calls $4, Hero raises to $12, BTN calls $12, 1 fold, BB calls $8, MP calls $8

Flop: ($50.00) J 2 Q (4 players)
BB checks, MP checks, Hero bets $31, BTN calls $31, BB calls $31, MP folds

Turn: ($143.00) 7 (3 players)
BB checks, Hero??
Hero has gotten into a very awkward position.

With BTN yet to act, if Hero checks, BTN will most likely bet. On that basis, Hero does better to bet himself ($143) than check/call. Hero's opponents are most likely playing draws here. When you play a draw, you like to get paid off when you make your draw. Thus you want maximum implied pot odds when you're drawing. By betting the maximum here, Hero gives his opponents the worst possible implied pot odds.

But a bet of $143, more or less represents (1) a set, (2) perhaps AA**, or (3) air.

And of these three possibilities, (#1), a set, is a hard sell.

If there were an ace on the board, Hero might be able to sell a set of aces, but a set of queens (or jacks or deuces or sevens)? I wouldn't buy it. But will BTN and BB? If you think they will, go ahead and bet it. If you think they won't, cut your losses by checking, more or less planning to fold if BTN makes the anticipated pot sized bet after Hero checks.

/ PLO8 turn spot after raise pre + cbet Quote
09-27-2010 , 09:16 AM
Seems like an easy jam to me ott, its unlikely the card helped anyone, your range is stronger and there is a lot of dead money to take down. Besides, the only way you are in really bad shape is if they both get it in

So yeah 130/call

edit - also I think flop is a check
/ PLO8 turn spot after raise pre + cbet Quote
09-27-2010 , 09:06 PM
i wish we could get a few more people to input on this hand because it seems to be a tough spot considering weve had people say check fold and people say shove
/ PLO8 turn spot after raise pre + cbet Quote
09-28-2010 , 01:14 AM
I like the raise pre if the btn is fairly tight. But if he is a reasonable player he should realize your range is wide and call wide here. That makes the attempt at an iso significantly less profitable.

On the flop I can see a check and I can see a bet. But what is your plan if you get called esp. in position as you did? If you even get in 2 streets of action on this board then you had better have good suck out skillz. If you bet and get called you've set yourself up to have a spr on the turn of 1-2 with enough equity to get it in cursing. If you check and get a bet and a call I think you can get away from this hand. If you check and it checks around you probably have a profitable delayed c-bet on a lot of turn cards. If you check and it is bet and folded to you then you have a decision but a smaller pot.

I think I'd check the flop with this one. Your iso failed. You picked up unwanted company. Don't feel like you need to c-bet.

But once you have c-bet I think you need to continue on the turn. Consider betting 1/2 pot as that puts some extra pressure on either of them because any action reopens the betting. This isn't super powerful in a shallow pot situation but you might get somebody to make a mistake whereas with a full pot bet I think they just play their hands right. This really gains some value if either of your opponents don't realize you are committed at that point and that makes them spazzy.
/ PLO8 turn spot after raise pre + cbet Quote
09-28-2010 , 06:05 AM
Get it in. 1 PSB left, there are better hand that can fold, the nut flush draw puts in a raise on the flop at least some of the time. You have a decent bd low draw that emerged, draws to trip jacks and better two pair. You don't want both opponents seeing the river, so stick it in and try to get it HU where your expectation is maximized.

Bet a tad more on flop to set yourself up for a nice turn shove.
/ PLO8 turn spot after raise pre + cbet Quote
09-28-2010 , 11:09 AM
i woulda potted flop
/ PLO8 turn spot after raise pre + cbet Quote
