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<img / Limit O8: Suprising EV calculations on this hand! <img / Limit O8: Suprising EV calculations on this hand!

02-10-2009 , 04:04 PM
Poker Stars $1/$2 Limit Omaha Hi/Lo - 10 players - View hand 33965
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: (1.5 SB) Hero is CO with 9 8 4 K
UTG calls, 7 folds, SB raises, BB calls, UTG 3-bets, SB calls, BB calls

Flop: (9 SB) 4 5 8 (3 players)
SB bets, BB folds, UTG calls

Turn: (5.5 BB) J (2 players)
SB bets, UTG calls

River: (7.5 BB) 2 (2 players)
SB checks, UTG bets, SB calls

Final Pot: 9.5 BB
SB shows 5 2 8 A (HI: two pair, Eights and Fives; LO: 8,5,4,2,A)
UTG shows A 3 5 2 (HI: a straight, Ace to Five; LO: 5,4,3,2,A)
UTG wins 4.625 BB
UTG wins 4.5 BB
(Rake: $0.75)

Both players played it basically standard, minus preflop raising. What's interesting is the EV on this hand, and its something we can take away for future calculations during hands. On the flop the EV is exactly .500 vs .500! I couldn't believe it! The guy has two pair and the nut low and its a pure coinflip! And on the turn the drawing hand picked up a flush draw as well, and the A258's EV was only .521. I wonder how the calculator reached this conclusion?

<img / Limit O8: Suprising EV calculations on this hand! Quote
02-10-2009 , 04:28 PM
UTG has better counterfeit protection on the low, 11 outs to a straight, and a backdoor flush draw.

I think it shows the power of draws in O8, as well as the importance of counterfeit protection.
<img / Limit O8: Suprising EV calculations on this hand! Quote
02-10-2009 , 04:36 PM
I also wouldnt call the play standard, i would be non-stop betting with the UTG hand, ar at least until the sb raised me enough to make me think he has A267. With A258 the SB cant go nuts due to the possible straight and the ability to be counterfitted.......but hey, thats just me

<img / Limit O8: Suprising EV calculations on this hand! Quote
02-10-2009 , 04:39 PM
Its standard for most $1/$2 players. But like you I woulda been going mental with both hands.
<img / Limit O8: Suprising EV calculations on this hand! Quote
02-10-2009 , 04:41 PM, who cares what i think anyway, im the biggest fish on stars, ask anyone.

<img / Limit O8: Suprising EV calculations on this hand! Quote
02-10-2009 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by LUCIUS VARENUS
And on the turn the drawing hand picked up a flush draw as well, and the A258's EV was only .521. I wonder how the calculator reached this conclusion?

After the turn, there are 36 cards remaining in the deck

A235 scoops the pot with 4 cards (Ah, As, 2h, 2s)
A235 gets 3/4 of the pot with 9 cards (6c, 6d, 6s, 6h, 7h, 9h, Th, Qh, Kh)
A235 gets 1/2 of the pot with 3 cards (3s, 3d, 3c)
A235 gets 1/4 of the pot with 20 remaining cards.

4/36 * 1.00 = 0.1111
9/36 * 0.75 = 0.1875
3/36 * 0.50 = 0.0417
20/36 * 0.25 = 0.1389

added up for total EV = 0.4792

leaving the A258 hand with an EV of 0.5208.
<img / Limit O8: Suprising EV calculations on this hand! Quote
02-10-2009 , 05:13 PM
The equity calculator I use (on the cardplayer website) has the A258 at 0.525.
<img / Limit O8: Suprising EV calculations on this hand! Quote
02-10-2009 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by ichbin
The equity calculator I use (on the cardplayer website) has the A258 at 0.525.
I think whatever calculator he used took into account removing his own starting cards (489K) from the drawing card pool, which probably made the EVs 50/50 after the flop.
<img / Limit O8: Suprising EV calculations on this hand! Quote
02-10-2009 , 05:24 PM
Good point. I also assume your calculation doesnt account for runnings 4s also, or something like that.

Thanks for the calculation though, interesting to see your working. With the net calculators and such, I never thought about this.
<img / Limit O8: Suprising EV calculations on this hand! Quote
02-10-2009 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by ichbin
Good point. I also assume your calculation doesnt account for runnings 4s also, or something like that.

Thanks for the calculation though, interesting to see your working. With the net calculators and such, I never thought about this.
My own calculation was done by hand... since I don't know what calculator he used to remove his own starting cards from the card pool, without also including them as a valid playing hand.

It was also only based on AFTER the turn card, when the OP was wondering how A258 only had an EV of 0.521. It was fairly easy to take into account the known cards and calculate the EVs for the remaining 36 cards. If I had to attempt to do the same after just the flop... there would be 37 cards that could hit the turn, and 36 that could hit the river, for a total of 1332 possible combinations of turn and river card... too much effort to hand calculate that! lol...
<img / Limit O8: Suprising EV calculations on this hand! Quote
02-10-2009 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by LUCIUS VARENUS
Flop: 4 5 8

Turn: J

SB shows 5 2 8 A (HI: two pair, Eights and Fives; LO: 8,5,4,2,A)

UTG shows A 3 5 2 (HI: a straight, Ace to Five; LO: 5,4,3,2,A)

Both players played it basically standard, minus preflop raising. What's interesting is the EV on this hand, and its something we can take away for future calculations during hands.

On the flop the EV is exactly .500 vs .500! I couldn't believe it! The guy has two pair and the nut low and its a pure coinflip!
Interesting, but not unbelievable. SB has two pairs plus a counterfeitable nut low. UTG has a nut low with counterfeit protection plus a straight draw plus a back-door flush draw. Turns out it's even. Interesting, but not unbelievable.

And on the turn the drawing hand picked up a flush draw as well,
and the A258's EV was only .521.

I wonder how the calculator reached this conclusion?
Looks like SB's (A258) EV goes up because two low pairs are more solid on the turn than on the flop, despite the extra draw picked up by UTG.

We could take all the known cards out of the deck and figure the possibilities after the flop and then after the turn. Not hard to do this, but very tedious and error prone.

<img / Limit O8: Suprising EV calculations on this hand! Quote
02-10-2009 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by What_is_7x6, who cares what i think anyway, im the biggest fish on stars, ask anyone.

You certainly are not a fish, because your style of play works very well in certain situations. However, based on my limited observations, you have not done particularly well at translating when your style does not work.
<img / Limit O8: Suprising EV calculations on this hand! Quote
