Originally Posted by Watchmaker
Because you can't. It isn't because "you aren't spending the time" to compile the list. It's because such a list (of gentiles in substantive positions of power in the American media) cannot be compiled once you get past Ted Turner- and even he had a few choice comments about Jewish influence in the Media when he tried to buy CBS. For you to suggest anything contrary is you being either willfully ignorant, or intentionally dishonest.
Ok. I wasn't going to spend the time to compile the list, but fortunately someone else already did. One thing that you should realize is that I am not trying to outnumber your list as it also includes run of the mill reporters, past owners of companies, and people who aren't even Jewish, like Rupert Murdoch.
Yes, Rupert has a Presbyterian grandfather minister on his father's side. Rupert claims that he is a Protestant. While there seems to be a vast campaign underway to portray his mother as Jewish, or at least part Jewish, just about the only place that you will find any mention of it is on Neo-Nazi sites or on your less than semitic-friendly sites like JewWatch.
One place I did just run into a mention of it though is on Wiki, but only in a caption to a picture of Rupert and his parents on a cruise. In it his mother was referred to as his "Jewish mother". I thought that was a strange caption as there was no other mention of "Jewish Mother" in the rest of the Wiki article. Then, I checked the Wiki for his mother. There she is said to have a Jewish upper-class mother and an Irish father. Then, the next sentence states that nothing is known about her Jewish father's background, but the author (or editer) is sure that he was a Jew from Ireland.
The most bizarre thing about the Wiki articles about Rupert and his mother was that by the time I had returned to the original Rupert Wiki (about 5 mins later), the Jewish descriptor of his mother in the picture's caption had been deleted. It was there. I know it was. I sat for a few minutes trying to figure out why it was there in the caption. I tried to see if a page search would fail to turn up "Jewish" which might have helped someone who wanted to hide their campaign to portray Rupert and his mother as Jewish. It was there. Then, I noticed the warning that this page may need cleanup to meet quality standards at the top of the page. So, I re-read his mother's page and, if you read it, it looks like it was written (or edited) by someone who wanted to portray Rupert's mother as Jewish.
This is from a run-of-the-mill genealogy site with no other agenda than the facts:
Sir Keith Arthur Murdoch. Born 12 August 1885. Died 4th October 1952. Married 1928 Elisabeth Joy Greene [Rupert's mother] (born 8th February 1909), dau of Rupert Greene. Numerous sites on the web say she was Jewish, but there is no evidence for this.
So, anyway Watchmaker, iraise44's list is based on most likely false Jews so it will be difficult to match when I don't even know what I should be trying to match. Also, he lists past owners like Katherine Graham past owner of the Washington Post. I am not going to spend the time to check the accuracy of the rest of the names on the list, and don't say that "it's not because you don't want to spend the time; it's because it's accurate".
Like I said before, I wasn't going to spend the same amount of time spent by whomever compiled that "Jewish Media Control" list, and I didn't. I am relying on the following two sources. I will add what got me started on this. That is that Jeffrey Immelt is the current Chairman and CEO of GE, parent company and in control of NBC. Sorry, Immelt is not Jewish. Also, Richard D. Parsons, is the current Chairman of the Board at Time-Warner, having given up the CEO position just last year. Richard Parsons is a black Republican. Sorry, he is not like Whoopi or Sammy Davis, he is not Jewish. Anyway, I already spent more time on this than it was really worth and more than I had planned, but Watchmaker, your statement was beyond childish.
Gentiles in High Places
Today, the myth may be as widespread as ever--and no one is refuting it. Every type of far-right propaganda luridly revives the spectre of the "Jewish media." In a pamphlet and Web-site entitled "Who Owns America?" the prolific neo-Nazi William Pierce, author of The Turner Diaries, tells us that the news and "entertainment media" are "Jew-controlled," which is why they push miscegenation, homosexuality and other race-polluting practices.
Meanwhile, the same spectre haunts the propaganda churned out by the Nation of Islam and other Afro-fascists--all of whom Pierce's readership would like to string up from the streetlamps. Every time Khalid Abdul Muhammad vents in public, he and his audience exult together in the fiction that the whole shebang is "Jew-controlled."
All such diatribe plays up your Eisners and your Sulzbergers--and plays down many other names: Jack Welch and Michael H. Jordan, CEOs, respectively, of G.E. (NBC) and Westinghouse (CBS); Rupert Murdoch (who owns 20th Century-Fox); John Malone, CEO of TCI, the nation's largest cable company; maverick globalist Ted Turner; and many more. Also tuned out are such goyische giants as Hearst Communications, Times Mirror, the Chicago Tribune's empire, Reader's Digest Inc.--and the Shintoist directorship of Sony (which owns Columbia Studios and Tri-Star Pictures).
The far-right media "critique" also ignores the role of major shareholders: buccaneers like Warren Buffett (Disney's largest investor); cyberlord Bill Gates (who owns a big piece of Dreamworks and MSNBC); Gordon Crawford, who manages the media holdings for the secretive Capital Group (which owns a chunk of every major player).
But more important, the far-right attack ignores the crucial point about today's media: Increasingly, their owners are publicly traded multinational corporations, chiefly answerable to banks, insurance companies and other institutional investors--and to advertisers, who are almost always the key source of revenue. Thus guided, corporate capitalism runs the show with no concern for any race or faith or for anything but profits.
And, then this which should be given a full read by following the link because there you will see how this "Jewish Media Control" propaganda is the same as that used by Hitler and Nazi-Germany to prepare their citizenry for the demented and demonic policies to follow.
7. Why do people say that ‘the Jews’ control the media? They don’t.
Final remarks
Now, this is strictly for fun, but let me point something out.
When we do find Jews among the powerful media controllers, they don’t defend the Jewish people at all. But we don’t find that many. What we find is a rather large number of powerful news media controllers who are Christian: Jack Welch, Catholic; the mighty godfather who really calls the shots at Vivendi (and at many other places), Claude Bébéar, another Catholic; and Steve Case, who’s also Catholic. Then we have Jeffrey Immelt, Presbyterian; and Rupert Murdoch, another Presbyterian. Richard D. Parsons is a Lutheran. All Christians!
It is a historical fact that the Christian gospels slander ‘the Jews’ with the false accusation that they killed God (see Part 1 of this series). It is a historical fact that Christians have long persecuted Jews in the West (see Part 1 of this series). And it is a fact documented in this series that the media is anti-Jewish (see Parts 2 through 5). Finally, we have seen that the US government acquiesces in the media attacks against Israel when it could easily counter them (see Part 6 of this series). And yet, somehow, the rumor is not about a Christian conspiracy to attack the Jewish people -- despite the fact that, as you now clearly see, ‘the Christians’ control the mass media.
Curious, isn’t it?
The whole thing reminds me of a saying from The Wizard of Oz: “Pay no attention to the man behind that curtain. . .!”
The modern "Protocols of Zion"
How the mass media now promotes the same lies that caused the death of more than 5 million Jews in WWII
Genocides don’t just happen. The killers must think they kill in self defense. Which is to say that the victims of an extermination must first be perceived as a mortal danger. For this, a propaganda campaign will be necessary. The propaganda that got between 5 and 6 million Jews exterminated in WWII went by the name Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion. This series documents that this propaganda is once again being energetically spread by the Western mass media, just as it was in the prelude to WWII.
The next Catastrophe looms...
Last edited by Feltstein; 07-10-2008 at 11:30 PM.